
Can you take cefdinir with milk

Common Questions and Answers about Can you take cefdinir with milk


Avatar f tn Hi all, wondering if you have come across information indicating that flagyl can treat babesia at the same time it's treating Lyme. I understand it's also a antiparasitic, so not sure if that counts. If anyone knows or has heard their LLMD mention this please let me know. I just took my first dose of Flagyl, keeping my fingers crossed that I see some fantastic results!
1265027 tn?1284839951 it may take a while for the reaction to go away. as long as it's getting better don't worry too much about it.
Avatar f tn m trying to get back on my diet and need fast things to eat in the morning so I can take back up my walking again with the nice fall weather coming in. Thanks!!!!!!!
Avatar f tn Testing for Syphilis was one of the test would it not affect it?
Avatar f tn I could find no reports to suggest (what is called) cross-reactivity between Bactrim and Cefdinir. That does, however, not rule out this possibility. You were wise to stop taking the drug and contact your physician. You ask is this an allergic reaction or a symptom. The sensations and numbness you describe would fall under the heading of symptoms. The symptoms could be caused by an adverse reaction to the medication that could be either allergic or non-allergic with inflammation.
Avatar f tn I was wondering two things. is the vertigo/dizziness normal with these infections and how long until I can expect some relief from this medication?
Avatar f tn my doctor told me to take a stool softener with my prenatal, it has helped me tremendously though this whole pregnancy
Avatar f tn About a year ago I developed what I thought was the flu. I went to the dr. Who gave me antibiotics. It went away for a few days but then came back. My symptoms were running nose, nasal drainage down my throat filling my lungs with gunk, and subsequent cough. After 3 more trips to my family Dr. and three more, and different antibiotics, I demanded something was wrong and I'm not taking any more antibiotics. I went to see an ENT and he said it was my deviated septum causing the problems.
Avatar m tn Just make sure you follow everything your doc tells you and you should be fine! If you are worried give them a call and ask them about it.
Avatar m tn Loss interest in sex ,mood changes,i already have indigestion problems which im takeing meds for but nothing to produce breast milk , and i have low aniema .Can someone please help me. BREAST MILK NOT PREGNANT,HEADACHES EVERYDAY,EYE SIGHT MESSED UP ,TWO PERIODS THIS MONTH.
Avatar f tn Not all antiboitics can alter the effects of bc pills. Which kind were you on? They say to use another form of protection while taking the other meds, so I think your ok after a few days of being off the antiboitics.
Avatar m tn hey wanted to share with the group a visit with my new LLMD in NYC who is well known for this as well as other hard to diagnose/treated illnesses. the consultation was north of $1000 so y'all get it for free ;) i'm on the following regime for 1 month and have a follow up to see how i'm doing. the supplements enhance the effectiveness of the antibiotics and the 2nd antibiotic (cefdinir) is to go after the lyme.
Avatar f tn We understand, did you try the hot bath? Also you could try warm milk. Just trying to look out for you don't want you to suffer unduly.
1580434 tn?1378596528 ) i miss my milk. so thinking i can thicken it just a little with something. maybe soak crackers in in or something. have to go check out what i might have. you know that was cool - I didn't know they had online chat. anyway thanks again Lisa I just am not thinking straight at all maybe.
Avatar f tn cause if your baby doesnt take the bottle and you have already drank too much then you SOL and you will have a grumpy hungry baby on your hands... my daughter took both a bottle and nursed from the time she was born and did really well but she also weaned herself at 5.
Avatar f tn You can probably have them bill you. But you'll have to make sure they have the meds at the clinic so you don't need to buy them at a pharmacy.
Avatar f tn For heart burn I'm 21 weeks can I drink a little bit of baking soda or take a rantidine?????
9167524 tn?1403620215 Check with your hospital. There are like, milk banks, you can order from. They are processed and tested, instead of privately... you don't know what your getting.
7174950 tn?1406661109 You can keep it in the fridge for up to 3 days unfrozen you cAn keep it in the freezer that's attached to your fridge for 3 months and you can keep it in the deep freezer from 6 months to a year.
Avatar f tn oh sorry sould i give her pills to gain weight
Avatar f tn I cant have milk at all because as soon as im done you can find me throwing up :/ i love milk as well but since about 2 or 3 weeks ago milk hasn't been my best friend and it really *****:/