
Can you mix cefdinir with milk

Common Questions and Answers about Can you mix cefdinir with milk


Avatar f tn Hi all, wondering if you have come across information indicating that flagyl can treat babesia at the same time it's treating Lyme. I understand it's also a antiparasitic, so not sure if that counts. If anyone knows or has heard their LLMD mention this please let me know. I just took my first dose of Flagyl, keeping my fingers crossed that I see some fantastic results!
Avatar f tn If he is having his full quota of baby milk and still is hungry, then it will be fine for you to introduce baby rice. You can use some of the baby milk to mix into a small amount (try a small teaspoonful first) of the baby rice and give him little bits of it from a baby spoon. There are lots of baby packet foods and jar foods for 4 month old babies that you can slowly introduce to his taste buds. Be guided by your baby because all babies vary.
Avatar f tn Testing for Syphilis was one of the test would it not affect it?
Avatar f tn if you mix it and helps induce labor with the negative pH and positive pH that the juice and the milk has
Avatar f tn I could find no reports to suggest (what is called) cross-reactivity between Bactrim and Cefdinir. That does, however, not rule out this possibility. You were wise to stop taking the drug and contact your physician. You ask is this an allergic reaction or a symptom. The sensations and numbness you describe would fall under the heading of symptoms. The symptoms could be caused by an adverse reaction to the medication that could be either allergic or non-allergic with inflammation.
Avatar f tn i LOVE claussen pickles, i could eat those all day long, but other than that i also crave choc milk and for some reason eggs all the time lol
Avatar n tn If that does not work and she likes soy milk, then give her soy milk (has the same amount of calcium as in regular milk). Hoped this helped you.
Avatar f tn You can do it in the michrowave but it comes out like a little omelet , I agree with the above ,not too wonderful.Heres the English version I used to make when I lived there, few eggs, whipped up, a little piece of butter/marge then add a little milk, salt and pepper, I add cayenne for flavor, bung into a pan, and stir ,the milk seems to make them creamy/sloppy .....its okay but I prefer American eggs ...
Avatar f tn I was wondering two things. is the vertigo/dizziness normal with these infections and how long until I can expect some relief from this medication?
1265027 tn?1284839951 As your son has been given Cefdinir which is a Cephalosporin (Third Generation) and can cause such allergic reaction (cross reactivity). The allergic reaction keeps on worsening unless the offending drug is discontinued. Hence, the line of management would be- - Discontinue the Cefdinir (as already done) - This will subside the reaction within a week.
Avatar f tn You really mix together milk and orange juice and drink it, or is it one then the other at seperate times? I've never heard of this...I'm really interested, Keep us posted!
Avatar f tn has anyone ever tried the oj and milk to bring on labor??? Does it work? Do you mix it or can you drink it back to back??
Avatar f tn t take bottle milk n in day time he takes milk with droper .......
Avatar f tn I am going through the same thing and read about the chocolate milk too. I made a big glass with lots of the mix and it fixed my problem..
Avatar f tn Do not mix it with formula. Your baby's tummy can only hold up to about and ounce or two of milk. You will only produce what the baby needs to eat. As long as he is wetting diapers he's fine. If you start to mix in formula you will stop producing milk or won't produce more than a couple of ounces per breast.
Avatar f tn Sprite mixed with cranberry juice
368461 tn?1291515587 You are not suppose to mix it with the formula in fact once you start the milk it just suppose to be that with no formula because it will mess up her stomach,
11183374 tn?1416514458 Ive never heard of this OJ and Milk is it just a cup of fresh OJ and a cup of milk and dtink them do you mix them ir drink them separately ??
1950518 tn?1333219865 If you want to pump and save it is really easy, you just keep it is a continer (you can buy them at a baby store, or you can get special bags to keep it in) and put that is the refrigerator if you are going to use it in the next couple of days, or freeze it if you start getting too much in the fridge. If it was in the fridge I would take it out 20 minutes prior to a feeding, let it get room temperature and then put it is warm (not boiling) water so it got warm.
Avatar n tn Start with ¾ breast milk and ¼ Pedisure or Milk, go to half and half, then ¼ breast milk and ¾ Pedisure or Milk, and finally to all Pedisure or Milk. You can do each mix every 3-4 days as long as she is accepting the mixture. She will get used to the Pedisure or Milk taste gradually. Suggest trying other dairy sources, such as yogurt and cheese, too once she accepts milk and or Pediasure. Hoped this helped you.