
Bumps on lips not herpes

Common Questions and Answers about Bumps on lips not herpes


Avatar m tn I have to make an appointment that will be in a week and by that time the sore has popped and began to heal. The ones on my lips are very infrequent probably the last one was in february and the ones on my lips were last Sunday and were pretty much gone by wednesday.
Avatar m tn Thanks! Well the people on the herpes board told me that it's not herpes based on what I've told them, and they don't really hurt or anything. So it's not worth going to a clinic to have it checked out unless those present then?
Avatar n tn hi I'm having little white bumps on both sides of my lips. they are little clusters near the ends of my lips and they are identical. is this normal? is this herpes? i had a recent test for chlamydia and ghonorrea and they both came back normal. I hope that i am just freaking out. the bumps are in the same spot but on opposite sides of lips. any idea of what this could be?ive also been under a lot of stress and anxiety lately so i hope I'm to just freaking myself out more and more.
Avatar m tn sometime I feel like they are bumps, the thing is its not a classic case of herpes with blisters or cold sores, and does herpes last this long?
Avatar m tn sounds more like pearly papules they occur on both the penis and lips and yes I mean lips on your face...but if youre concerned then you should see your health care provider given the fact we cant actually diagnose you.
Avatar f tn My lips have been chapped, and I don’t drink a lot of water, and I recently got checked for herpes select 2 not one. The reason my lips have been chapped because my lip gloss has like a sharp then on it, and I keep forgetting and it hurts my lip. Idk, I’m not freaking out because I know what a cold sore looks like, and supposedly feels like “looked up symptoms” but I have put Vaseline on there. People are telling me, it’s a real bad case of chapped lips.
Avatar n tn The bumps on my lips are not painful, nor do they itch, however the ones in the corners are sensitive. This happened once before about a month ago. Everything went away in about a week. I also have an itchy rash under my chin and on my neck. I'm not sure if they're related to the bumps, but they showed up at the same time. Any insight into what might be going on? Thank you.
Avatar f tn t really care too much. Later that night we took some drinks, and the next day I got some small bumps on my lips, almost unnoticeable but I could feel them there, at first it didn't bother me much unless I thought that I could have gotten the worst, so I asked someone to buy me a cream against herpes virus. I have not been kissing anyone, gone to any restaurant or drink from anything else then home. These bumps disappeared about some days after while using the cream a day or two.
Avatar m tn Still, your description here does not suggest herpes as the cause of the white bumps on your lips. None of your other symptoms sounds like herpes either. I continue to believe your symptoms are not related to the sexual exposure you describe, only a coincidence. And cysts on the cervix are definitely not an STD problem; no STD causes such a thing. (Most likely she just has Nabothian cysts, which are normal in many women).
Avatar f tn i had white bumps on my lips and it was itchy my lip got swollen and the i went to the hospital they gave me this pill called clindamycin and i couldnt eat anything cause if i did i would throw it up and then 1-2 weeks it was gone no more swelling or bumps or puss just me and my normal self i havent had it in over a year so i have to say try clindamycin i hope it works for you good luck
Avatar m tn Theres some bumps on my top lip,bottom, but not on the corners of my mouth. They kinda look like pimples. My girlfriend and i had protected sex, but sometimes we would have oral sex.. What do herpes do? Are they harmful? How contagious are they? Are they only contagious when there's breakouts? It's hard to find these questions on the internet. It'd be great if i could get some help! Thanks.
Avatar m tn Can cold sores not go through all the stages. Cause I have small bumps that appear on my top lip and itch sometimes but they never hurt or anything but they just dry up I guess you can say it does have a scab over it, it just goes away leaving dry skin.
Avatar f tn i now get little red spots and bumps in the vagina lips. i have had sex before unprotected as im on the contreceptive pill but not sure if its herpes or not. i went to the sex clinic about 4 weeks ago and i was tested for all std's, and all came back satisfactory, but a herpes test is different apparently. i may go back for one. i would tlk to your doctor and see what they recommend.
Avatar f tn You would be developing lesions by now. The odds of contracting hsv from what you describe is incredibly low.
Avatar f tn There is little more to say at this point. You had a zero chance event and have had no relevant symptoms and a doctor does not suspect herpes. You're all good. No need to be miserable on account of herpes, whether you do not have it, suspect you have it, or actually have it, it just isn't a big a deal to be depressed over.
Avatar f tn I have painful bumps on both sides of my vaginal lips just inside where the hair stops also one on my butt cheek close to my anus it burns when I pee and a couple days ago they were itchy. What could this be?
Avatar f tn Fordyce granules are sebaceous glands causing small white or yellow papules that often occur on the lips. These are very common, they are not infectious, and they are harmless. Depending on how long you’ve had the bumps and other symptoms associated with it, there are some other possible explanations. For example, an allergic reaction can present as a contact dermatitis causing small bumps on the lips. Certain fruits or toothpastes most often cause this – it happens to me when I get mangoes!
Avatar f tn I went to the Doctor this morning worried i might have herpes on my mouth, but he said the blisters are due to me licking my lips too much. They are little white bumps on the corners of my mouth and now spreading to the upper lip, you can not really see them but I can feel them with my tongue. The doctor told me to use chap stick but i want to know if it is really possible to get little blisters like this from licking your lips too much, there is a burning sensation too on them.
Avatar f tn m worried in patches then everywhere small bumps along borderline of lips. Its nothing like pictures of cold sore herpes. It feels as if my lips are extremely dry even looks like it too with the white bumps/ marks for example it looks like fordyce bumps that wipe away though. And oral thrush in mouth. Does herpes do this? I recently tried aquaphore.. and that's when it alll started. My lips were burning and going crazy swelling.
Avatar n tn I also have burning mouth syndrome And have gotten small canker sores but no sores like the herpes pictures that I have seen on the internet. I have gotten little red bumps around the tip of my tongue. What are some of the sores typically associated with herpes inside the mouth? This discussion is related to <a href=''>burning tongue and small white bumps</a>.
Avatar m tn I have had a few small bumps for a long time now on my lips, that are whitish like very tiny pimples, that you could really only see if you stretched the skin. About 5 days ago, I noticed a quite few more start coming in but they're under the skin and lip -skin colored, and appear to be a little more raised up than before but still under the skin. They are hard to notice unless you're really looking for them in the mirror. Immediately I feared the worst - like herpes.
Avatar f tn Hello, I have been with My husband for about 6 yrs now he always get cold soars on his lips now about two months ago I notice I had a small bump or more like an opened soar on the crease of My leg near My labia it never went away but just recently it became very itchy I also have pimple like bumps in the area above the clitoris. I'm very concerned I'm afraid going to the Dr can anyone help..
Avatar f tn I have been having this problem for years... First it was just bumps on my vagina lips but recently it is now bumps with fluid in it on my vagina lips. The fluid was once puss now its blood I am starting to get worried once again. In the past I have went to the doctor and each one said that its just from sweat but that doesnt make me feel comfortable with that answer. Can anyone help that would be great...
Avatar f tn Triple antibiotic cream is not formulated for our sensitive genital skin so it shouldn't be used unless told to by a provider for a bacterial skin infection on the genital area. Many people have serious reactions to it and certainly you wouldn't want to make an already irritated genital area worse. anything you are putting on your genital area that breaks the skin down and causes burns, isn't a good idea. we don't recommend anything for herpes that causes those skin issues.
Avatar f tn I just have one or two red bumps on my lips. They dont line my lips they are just singular. They dont hurt really and cant feel them with mouth when I like my lips. I do wear chap stick about once or twice a day, if that. The bumps are really small and not noticable unless you're right up on my face.