
Bumps on fingers

Common Questions and Answers about Bumps on fingers


Avatar f tn ve noticed these small bumps on my left two fingers....what are they? i tried researching different skin diseases, but so far none of them match what i have on my skin. I tried popping them with a needle and it just bled a little, but they still look like they're there. Can somebody please tell me what they are?
Avatar n tn t get irratated unless I mess with i put antibacterial onitment but there are still there Id ont have any on my palms or on soles just on the two index fingers and they dont seem to spread no where else.
Avatar m tn i have these red, painful bumps on my middle and index fingers on both hands. it started on my right hand and spread to my left hand. the bumps are red, kinda sore. the ones on my middle finger are clustered. what could it be? i read somewhere you can get herpes on your hand. is that a possible answer?
777206 tn?1235689514 I would have asked the doctor but I have no money. On the middle and ring fingers on BOTH hands i have bumps near the bottom palm side. Now I wouldn't worry normally for something like this but it's peeling a little and the bumps are in the same exact spots on the different hands. They are tiny and clear, like poison ivy though there is no real itching and I've had poison ivy so often that I would recognize that easily.
Avatar m tn Hello, The small itchy bumps on your fingers can be due to contact dermatitis or dyshidrotic eczema. For the itchy bumps, take antihistaminics like Benadryl(causes drowsiness) and Claritin and apply some calamine lotion on the rashes as it helps in soothing the skin.You can also apply mild steroid cream on the rash.If the symptoms persists then oral steroids may be needed which are available on prescription. Also keep the area well moisturized with good moisturiers.
Avatar n tn I have exactly what you say. Little reddish bumps on the sides of my fingers then on my joints of my fingers. They are really red but they give off a little pinkish tint that you can tell that they are there. It never itches but if you push on them it feels like little needles. They can get so badly around my joints that it hurts to bend my finger, open any bottle of any sort, grip a pencil, etc... we looked everything up but cant figure out what it is. It will go away then come back.
Avatar n tn Hello, Without examination,confirming a diagnosis is tough but it looks like granuloma annulare(bumps appearing on the hands) but other possibilities that should be kept in mind are myxoid cyst(growth usually occurring on the finger) , contact dermatitis and dyshidrotic eczema. I sincerely advise you to consult a dermatologist and get these bumps examined to rule out the above possibilities one by one and form a confirmatory diagnosis.Treatment is different for all. I hope that helps.
1060719 tn?1254505235 i have these bumps on my two fingers they are itchy and have a clear liquid discarge i use a steriod cream they still come back,a doc said it was ecsema i tried everything i was hopeing someone can help me out with a solution??
Avatar n tn There are bumps on the bottom of both of my pointer fingers. They are clear to white. They don't itch or hurt but you can feel them to touch.
Avatar m tn Hello. I have had these bumps on my arms and feet and fingers for a few years. They do not itch. They do not hurt. They do not weep. I am concerned because it is my understanding that clusters of bumps like this are caused by a virus, and these bumps started to show themselves after I became sexually active (I always wore a condom). I do not have insurance, so I will not go see a doctor, but I hope posting my concern along with pictures here will help out.
Avatar n tn 5 months ago my boyfriend had pink bumps on the back of his hand, on the wrist area, it spread to his wrist and fingers. He says they rarely itch and he's received medicine for fungal infection, scabies, and received cortisone cream, and none of them have had any effect. I've been with him for over 2 years and haven't had any similar bumps... Here are some photos of his fingers and wrist: https://dl.dropbox.
Avatar n tn It appears to be filled with clear fluid, like a blister. Its painful when I press on it. I had these a few months ago on the same finger and also on my right thumb and left index finger, but when they went away I thought that was it, but now they're coming back. Any ideas what these are?
4801019 tn?1359345412 I have a question about these bumps on my wrist, thete also on some of my fingers as well, they itch every now & then. I need help. This discussion is related to Itchy rash, genitals, behind ear, web fingers, around eyes.... This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Dermatology/Itchy-rash--genitals--behind-ear--web-fingers--around-eyes/show/674719">Itchy rash, genitals, behind ear, web fingers, around eyes...</a>.
Avatar f tn A few weeks ago, he started getting the SAME rash on his hands (water blisters on sides of fingers and in webbing of fingers). We both started working new jobs so at first I thought perhaps my boyfriend was experiencing contact dermatitis. He has been experiencing intense itching (I have also) it seems to be worse at night. I itch on my arms and hands, he itches in his genital region and stomach as well as hands.
Avatar m tn I have this tiny bumps on my left index finger on the side and on my middle finger on the knuckle area i picked them and this is what it looks like (check websites) im concerned of what this is and i also want to know how to get rid of them This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/1037672'> lump of finger</a>.
Avatar n tn Since then, that area has cleared up, but there have been single bumps that appear in a random sort of pattern - 1 bump on my left ring finger at the base in between the fingers, 3 bumps separated by 1/2 inch on the back of my right hand in a triangle pattern, 1 single bump on the back of my right index finger, 2 small bumps on the underside of my right pinkie finger....etc. I currently have about 15-20 random bumps between my right & left hand. They are NOT itchy.
Avatar f tn I have 4 red bumps on my fingers - 2 on each index and middle fingers, where the finger bends. I'm a smoker and I smoke with these fingers so I wonder if it has something to do with that. The bumps are not sore or itchy. They're small and red. Any suggestions?
Avatar m tn The area between my fingers and near my nails is very dry and crusty, sometimes giving off a transparent liquid. There are small bumps on my fingers as well, and there's a constant urge to itch. Its been there for the past 3 days. The first day, I tried applying Clotrimazole cream, and on the second, I tried Terbinafine, but neither worked even a little bit. I was hoping you could tell me if there's any cream that I can buy over the counter that'll help my condition.
Avatar n tn Tuesday I had one on my right wrist, wednesday the bump on my right middle finger turned into a cluster of tiny bumps, and on thursday I started getting itchy on my neck, stomach, waistline, there were a few more bumps on my right and left hands and then the right index finger started, I then popped the bumps on my forearm, right index and left middle and they oozed a clear liquid. Now friday I notice I have 4 on my right ring finger. They kind of itch, but nothing severe. Any ideas?
Avatar f tn Can fungus be the cause of having small blisters on 2 of my fingers? Can this be cured? If so, how?
Avatar n tn t affecting me regularly. However, over the past several weeks, it looks like the bumps are spreading to other fingers on both of my hands. Do you know what this could be? Is there any treatment that I can get for it?
Avatar n tn Is it possible to get herpes on your palms or fingers only? I get small red bumps/ clear blisters randomly on my palms and fingers. I thought it may be pompholyx, but they do not itch. They do not break open. They appear they will go away in 2-3 days or some may take 3-4 weeks. They are about the size of a pen point and usually appear on one or both hands during an out break. They can then go away for months at a time.
Avatar m tn My hands look completely normal but when they get wet for a long period of time (doing dishes, going swimming, or taking a shower), thick, tender bumps form on my hands. The bumps cover my entire palm and are on both hands, I actually think they may be on my fingers too, but if so, they are very small. The bumps vary in size. The bumps stay on my palms and slowly fade away as my hands dry out (This takes about 20 minutes at the most).
Avatar m tn The swelling receded after about a week, then some time after that red bumps with swelling around them appeared on the fingers. The bumps receded after a few days, leaving behind dry skin, but as soon as one batch receded, another appeared. This cycle repeated for a few weeks and was then followed by a period of no bumps for a few months, although some residual thickening remained at spots where the bumps had been.