
Break up your text

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Avatar m tn I have tried a few times not to talk to her and each time i end up failing and messaging her. BUt everytime I do i just end up crying and in more pain. So you are right I do need to just leave her be. Thank you.
Avatar f tn I have the hardest time when i try and fall asleep. How did all of you get through your break up/ heart breaks in a positive way?
Avatar m tn it was perfect from both sides however due to deadlines I havent been round to much for a month but there over next week. then she just said pretty much sick of the texting, its just become forced, even when were out in public its not great cuz we dont have enough alone time whereas i didnt think any of the above.. then by text was given the "break" messge..
6548496 tn?1384490023 how do you deal with a break up with your boyfriend? Me and my boyfriend just broke up because he cheated on me once again i need some advice somebody help~~~!!!!!!!!!
Avatar m tn Those you are closest to----------- like your parents, maybe one friend, and eventually your spouse----- those top relationships sit on the top. And it moves down from there. When you go through something traumatic, you have less energy to deal with those on the lower steps or tiers. After only two months, you can't expect to be at the top yet.
376148 tn?1309899577 he called me about an hour ago and i was like why are you calling me and hes like see what your up to...i was like oh do you miss me and he said no not really ...but him phoning just to see what im up to got to be a ood sign right!!! I means he must be thinking about me right! Oh are so confusing!! lol...i Am nervous that im pregnant and i think this might be the month! We have been trying fr ten months now and nothing but im late and i have been throwing up sence we got into a fight..
Avatar m tn it definetly helps to let yourself cry, i would also suggest talking to a counselor or a close friend so you can share your feelings of grief out rather than bottling it up. give yourself the kindness of time to feel this way, to mourn and feel the grief. things will change, and will be brighter.
Avatar n tn I tried to trick him into telling me but all he.
Avatar n tn I hear what you are saying----------- but the thing is you ARE feeling lots of stress over this. What I'd really do is ask him what he wants to do. Tell him that you are fine keeping them (obviously) but don't want any hard feelings about it. If he would like to remove them then this is fine as well. Give him the option. You'll feel better in the long run, I promise you. Even if you get the old rims back, you won't have it hanging over your head.
5082295 tn?1371250911 My boyfriend & I had some problems & I was tired of my needs (emotionally, physically etc) plus he became some1 who never even bothered to show me much attention. As far as come home from work..go to bed..get up eat that's it. So we've been apart going on 2 months. He continues to text & call saying he sees what he needs to change etc. I told him last week Plse don't text or call I would when I was ready.
Avatar f tn Haha with our first I was texting my friend but it was sensitive so I swiped left or something and accidentally sent it to him it said "5 weeks...but don't tell anyone I haven't even told him yet!" i thought i had sent it to my friend because her next text to me was like "about 5 or 6 weeks?" aaaaand he called me on his break and said so do you have something to tell me??? I was like no? He was like check our texts and call me back....
Avatar f tn So I woke up to my husbands phone blinking because he had a missed text message. Well instead of 1 missed text it was 3 different text messages from 3 different girls. Clearly this is causing me some stress right now and I am only 35 weeks. I just don't want to see my baby come to early because my husband is a pig.
Avatar f tn re like a deer caught in the headlights. I think the way someone breaks up with you has an impact as well. If they break up via text or email or phone, there is no closure. If they break up with you for someone else, the feelings of jealousy and betrayal are there. Everyone has been hurt one way or another. Even the jerk that broke up with you in a text message, he's been hurt some time. Maybe that will help you sleep better.
996699 tn?1447229881 stupid me idk y i didnt think but i sent him a text sayn i think you need to think bout if your really ready to be in a relationship because i dont think you are and i think maybe we shld take a break..... 20 min later he texts back saying you mite be right....maybe we shld take a break then... i calld him it went to vm i text him sayn answer ur fone i wana talk to u no answer agan i said ok then ignore my calls ku. way later he text me sayn just got home my phone died...
Avatar f tn Hi there, So, you are having a baby with him, is that right? Are you both teenagers? Lots of big things coming your way very soon. Are you living with his parents too or are you are with yours and he's with his? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to understand. Do you have any support from your own family? On the surface, I think it is smart to expect certain things out of the father of our children.
Avatar f tn So yesterday I had such an amazing day with my bf all was well. except when I came home to my mother going crazy threatening me she's gonna put this man in jail. I told him what happened he was a lil upset of course but everything was still fine. We decided we was gonna meet each other today to. So in the morning he texts me good morning like usual I text him back. Then I didn't hear from him all day.
Avatar f tn Get physically active and fill up your time with things that can make you happy. Do things that are different from the things you did with him. Make some new friends from a different group of people. Change your life in a positive direction and don't give yourself much time alone- even much time to think!! All you can do is distract yourself-- but the funny thing, is that the longer you do this, the better it works. And one day, you will wake up and find that your heart aches less.
1710121 tn?1326476935 re very emotional right now and going through a lot, and often we make rash choices. You NEED to see a doctor though. Not only for your daughter, but for your two sons as well. Depression is a hard thing to live with--I have for close to 12 years now--and you CAN get through it. Please just give it time before you make any choices. As always, I'm always there if you need to talk to someone about anything. Don't be shy or embarrassed either.
1897345 tn?1374265855 Maybe he just doesnt wipe at all, tell him to wipe up instead of wiping down like from his sac to the top of his crack, that's the best way to clean your crack. Lol sounds funny but also tell him to do it more than once until he sees there isn't any on the toilet paper. Dont make fun of him when you talk to him just sit hum down in his room or something a.
Avatar n tn I'm sorry ;( my situation always goes more like: I get really frustrated and tell him I don't want to be with him or I want to have a little time off from each other and his reply is usually NO lol he won't let me break up with him hahaha, and he's always like no we're gonna make this work.
Avatar f tn Maybe you could get back in contact with your ex if your fiancé writes back to his ex. It's up to you, but that's what I would do. Perhaps he'd get the point. Don't write back to his ex. She's not worth your time, and she's not your problem. She's your fiancé's problem, and he should handle that by consulting with and respecting your opinion about it, which clearly he is not.
Avatar f tn Its time to let go. Don't call it giving up. You put your health and your baby's health at risk worrying about a man who can't even handle everyday responsibilities like getting a job. If you know you deserve better, what are you waiting for? Potential is nothing if there isn't any effort made to be better. Move on! He isn't ready to be a man, he rather run from his responsibilities. Your focus should be your health of you and your child.
Avatar n tn No, genital herpes is an issue when you are giving birth to a baby so knowing your status prior to your partner trying to become pregnant and their status when they are pregnant is important. Really, herpes isn't near the big deal that you seem to be making it out to be.