Boniva trach tube

Common Questions and Answers about Boniva trach tube


Avatar f tn Hello, My father had a massive brain hemorrhage four months ago due to hypertension. Surgery was performed on his left brain to remove the massive hematoma. A trach tube was inserted to help him breath. My father weaned off the ventilator in about three weeks after the surgery and he was shifted to a room from the ICU.
Avatar m tn The patient has a trach tube in place. The Doctor is concerned that she may be having central apneas. She is hypercapnic and is on BiPap at night using a home ventalator. My concern is how to do a npsg and montior the air comming from the trach. Also how accurate can the reading be? He would like this to be a split night and i am not sure how to do set up BIPAP using our machine. Would you try a full face mask over the trach?
Avatar f tn My brother had a neck surgery last year, requiring a tracheotomy for over ten months. The trach tube was removed, and he was told due that, due to his age and diabetes and how long he had the trach, it might take a month or more for the stoma to heal over. Four months later, it shows no signs of closing. It is like the earring hole in your ears, basically permanent, as far as I can see. What can be done? Can it be debrided or facilitated surgically somehow?
Avatar n tn i have a trach and find i need to humidify a lot i have a nebulizer and use saline it keeps trach tube clear ,its not good to use suction a lot best to keep inner tube clean and humidifiy.
Avatar f tn App 10 days ago ( a week after trach removal) I began o experience brathing problems and immediately went to my ENT here in my home town. He could not see below the voacl chords without re-trach and going in to view y windpipe. I immediately went to Atlanta (Emory) where the equipment was available to view below the chords without a trach. At that time the only findings were - granulation which was normal and to be expected) and swelling of tissue around the vocal chords.
1580703 tn?1651904887 For tracheostomy, the tube size and type is determined by the doctor depending on the reason for the trach tube as well as the size, age and medical needs of the patient. In patients of average habitus, a 6 Shiley Cuffed Tracheostomy tube (SCT) is appropriate. If your O2 sats are good, then the dizziness may be due to other causes like inner ear problems. Please check with your doctor. Regards.
Avatar f tn hi i have had a trachi since october 2007,iwas left with scar tissue after being in intensive care with pnumonia they used a tube to big for me,so had to have trach put in to bypass scar tissue, it would be nice to talk to some one else with a trachi.
Avatar n tn Because you are planning to decannulate, are the doctors decreasing her tube size? Less tube in the trachea means less space and an easier time of breathing with the cap on. What size is your wife's tube?
Avatar f tn He was very active and independent before he suffered a TBI a year ago. A trach was installed and he was put on full vent support for three months, then he was on partial vent support for 5 months. During this period, his oxygen saturation was in mid to high 90’s. At the end of February, 2011, he was off the ventilator completely for more than two weeks, breathing with just his open trach to room air without any type of HMEs (Heat and Moisture Exchange devises).
168348 tn?1379357075 Surgery went well. I'm very sore and my neck feels like it's in a vice grip, but otherwise okay. It's really hard to swallow (they put a trach tube down my throat to help me breath). Of course, I feel really, really tired, probably from the anesthesia, but otherwise hanging in there!
Avatar n tn After a couple of months post surgery she was able to breath and eat on her own and the doctor decide that it was time to remove her feeding tube and close the incision in her neck. Three days after the surgery (to close the incision) she started having difficulty breathing. Her doctor had to do an emergency tracheotomy because there was an inflammation (not cancerous) in her throat. It’s been 6 months and the inflammation is still there.
Avatar f tn Had routine knee repair surgery and the anesthesiologist came out and told me I would have a sore throat for awhile because she couldn't find a tube small enough to put in my trach, so she had to force the one she had down it. The next day, I got pneumonia, but worse than that, I got the most severe pain in my esophagus I have ever had in my entire life!
Avatar n tn I have a girl 24 years old, shaken baby syndrome, in a vegetative state with tracheostomy, G/tube for drainage only, J/tube for feedings. On 02 2L and cool mist at night. She is blind. Have a pulse oximeter, sometimes sats drop to high 70's because of the copious secretions in the trach. Sometimes has some sort of seizure activity during sleep and trach fills up quickly. Some nights very restless. Of course she requires much suctioning.
Avatar n tn My brother who was in a vegetative state, had a feeding tube and trach began to vomit which looked like coffee grounds???
551683 tn?1220656108 After I was 2 years old, I was off a trach tube and was pretty much normal from then on out. At 8 years old, I had the stoma from the trach tube closed, and have been otherwise normal. I have exercise enduced asthma and a reduced airway from all the ventilators, etc. I used an inhaler when I was 14-16, but stopped since I didn't feel like using it. Basically when I exercise I wheeze, and that's the extent of my medical problems.
Avatar f tn Is boniva a possible cause of papilloma virus on the eyelid going into the conjunctiva? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/643900'>uveitis of the eye caused by Boniva</a>.
Avatar f tn Bisphosphonates like Boniva have been associated rarely with uveitis. You would experience ocular pain, blurred vision, light sensitivity, loss of vision and possibly glaucoma if you had uveitis. Your ophthalmologist would be able to tell you right away if you had any uveitis and the Boniva could be discontinued if that were the case.
Avatar f tn I have had a trach since Aug of 07. I do not have cannula or tube, just a hole (stoma). At first I was really angry, but decided that since I had no choice that I would do the best I could with it. If I want to talk I just use my thumb to cover the opening, a lot of interesting noises while learning. I only run into trouble when I have both hands full. It is amazing how often this happens, but most of the people who know me have learned to live with my slow response time.
Avatar f tn I noted that for the last several months whenever I took Boniva I had significant swelling under both eyes. Thus, when this past Sunday, 5/23 I developed the papilloma on my left lower eyelid (center) which at first seemed to have a point on top & next day became more elongated I thought Boniva. I would appreciate any feedback as to cause & what possible treatment. It, not very large & seems to be same size this first week.
Avatar f tn Sorry to hear your situation. In my opinion, I doubt he will get better than what he is doing now. He has had a brainstem stroke, and I am surprised he survived that. I am not saying there can't be some "miraculous recovery" but I HIGHLY doubt that. Being that the clot is still in the brain there is a high possibility he could have another. Secondly, think about him; what would his wishes be? Would he want to be kept alive with a "trach and feeding tube?
Avatar m tn They did a tracheostomy as she was going to need multiple procedures and they could not keep intubating her. They also did a G tube to replace the NG tube. A lot of tissue died from the fasciatomy so we are not sure how much function that arm will end up having. She was transfered to a LTAC hospital. They did not like the way the arm looked and did 2 more debriding procedures.
Avatar n tn He has repeatedly requested the Trach be removed. His cancer is now stable but the Drs. have refused to remove the trach due to a questionable possibility of a paralyzed or weakened vocal chord and their belief that eventually the trach would benefit him with suction somewhere down the road. He is able to speak, eat comfort foods. Please inform how I can have my husband's wishes followed.
460830 tn?1347219306 I know my immune system is low because I had tongue cancer surgery this past May, with a nasal feeding tube initially put in after surgery, and a trach also. The next week I had a PEG tube put in because of difficulty swallowing and got it out Oct. 4.
Avatar f tn Generally patients can live with an endotracheal tube for two weeks before going to a decision as to whether to get a trach. The hospitals like to pressure families to get a trach to remove the patient from the critical care unit as soon as possible. You have my sympathies. Don't give up hope, but the outlook is not good for most patients in such a situation.
Avatar f tn Now we take her to house with Oxygen cylinder support 24 hours, feeding by tube, unconscious, open her eyes but don’t recognize. Cannot talk, she is under treatment of a neuro medicine you have any idea, experience, or suggestions for me. God bless you all, is there any hope for us?
212161 tn?1599427282 does anyone take Boniva and how bad were the side effects