
Betaseron injections

Common Questions and Answers about Betaseron injections


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Avatar f tn I started on betaseron (betaferon here in UK) 2 weeks ago, so have so far injected 7 times. On nearly all the injection sites I have a slightly raised red area, approx 1 1/2 - 2 centimetres in diameter, not at all itchy or bothersome in any way. Where I did the first 2 injections I now only have very small marks, more like tiny bruises. I suppose I am looking for someone to tell me it is ok to ignore this. I don't want to go to the doc or MS nurse and risk the drug being stopped.
1373769 tn?1278603610 Mine was the eigth day all eight previous injections blew up like peaches and itched. Benadryl cremme on the spots and oral antihisthistimines if you can take them. Two days later I was good as new. SS was no help. Never happened again.
1002640 tn?1280746685 Well, I have now done 5 injections of side effects so far (0.25mg dose right now) This has been a very stress free shot for me. When I was on copaxone I was so anxious over the possible reaction of chest pain etc..and then the immediate reaction of stinging pain and baseball size welts, this is a breeze. Hopefully it continues with ease and I can continue on this DMD. Just wish it would take my symptoms away, Id rather have a cure.
Avatar f tn I just called the neuro office and they told me the doc had ordered Betaseron, so I am going to look that one up as i am not sure if that is one drug or one of many, thanks Tyler
Avatar f tn Last night I injected betaseron in my right thigh . . . and I realized I never feel the shot in this leg (I'm not sure about the left?). I do feel a little puncture with all of the other injection sites. Is the thigh simply an easier injection, or do I have decreased nerve sensation?? If so, should I address this with the neuro or mark it up as one more MS thing?
Avatar m tn ve kicked around the CRABs here, a lot. Copaxone, Rebif, Avonex, and Betaseron are the primary four. Your doctor didn't offer Tysabri as your fifth, did he? I like the Decision Maker tool in the uk that walks you through the drugs and helps you figure what is important for you. You can access this at welcome to the world of drugs aand bills. I'm glad to hear you are getting treatment for your CIS. Congrats on that one.
Avatar f tn But anyhoo she gave me two medicine to read on betaseron and rebif. Both are injections I was told they have a new pill out that is very expensive and medcaid isn't paying at this time. I'm very uneasy abt the injections. Can anyone tell me if they've taken either one and their experience with it. I want another child in a few yrs and don't want this to stop me.
Avatar n tn Hi. After 2 relatively uneventful years of Betaseron injections, I had a shocking episode. When I injected into my thigh, I felt a strong jolt down my entire leg and it actually kicked out from under me as if my reflexes were being tested. I felt the pain most intensely as a kind of buzzing above my knee and could barely keep the injection in for the full dose. Now, three weeks later, that area is more sore each day and I have the feeling of "pins and needles" when I rub my leg.
1967803 tn?1325679473 Are you pinching up a hunk? I posted a link to an excellent visual for sub-q injections so you can take a look at that and see if it's what you are doing... Also, are you using an autoinjector? I inject straight up and find it less abrasive. Rebif has a super thin needle, the thinnest of them all possibly. The red silver dollar size mark is common and they fade away, but will come out after heat from sun, shower, etc. But, and should only feel them if you press on them.
Avatar n tn what MS shots copaxone, rebif, betaseron & avonex has the smallest percentage of blood fractions
Avatar f tn Started out on Avonex for 12 of those years. Had an attack a couple of years ago and my neurologist wanted me to start taking Betaseron. Have had a decent run with Betaseron except for low white blood counts. The last blood test they were so low that he pulled me off. I am on nothing at the moment. M\y doctor wanted to make sure the blood cell count came back up. It did come back up and he mentioned he wants to put me on copaxone. I don't know if I can do an injection every day.
572651 tn?1530999357 My classmate and friend, who is also the pharmacy tech where I pick up most of my prescriptions, blurted out an expletive when she saw how a one-month supply of Betaseron injections cost ($4600). Luckily my co-pay was $1 through Medicaid, which I'm eligible for so long as I remain a dirt poor student. As much as I want to be cynical about big pharmaceutical companies, I had a $10 co-pay through Bayer's Betaseron patient assistance program when I was without insurance.
1251333 tn?1445218215 3 months long enough to know if the Tecfidera is having any effect? Does anyone have any idea? Thankfully, I have a 3 month follow-up with a new neuro on Monday. Unfortunately, I have had and continue to develop increasing mobility issues with my right leg (which will be entirely new). My partner thinks the Techfidera isn't doing anything and wants me to go back on Betaseron............. :: sigh ::.
233622 tn?1279334905 You are "needle weary." I know it's tough. Was on Avonex three years and now on Copaxone a year and a half. Was on insulin for many years also, which meant a daily injection. (Am not on the insulin anymore) When I was on Avonex, my side effects never went away and only slightly diminished over time. Three years of it, was enough for me. I just couldn't take it anymore. At the time, I only had 7 lesions in my brain.
1002640 tn?1280746685 m also a nurse and am on betaseron. I work day shifts and administer the injections right before I go to bed so I sleep through the symptoms. I've had flu-like symptoms a handful of times and it was at night. I once gave my injection during the day and experienced chills and muscle aches, so I took some ibuprofen and it helped. Hope this helps!
333672 tn?1273792789 t remember the details. Does anyone happen to know why all the disease-modifying meds are injections and it apparently isn't so easy to make them into pills? Thanks!
233622 tn?1279334905 I have been off of Betaseron for about 2 weeks now and my eyes are back to being very uncomfortable. Before I started Avonex eye pressure and pain was a huge problem. Now it is is starting again.
233622 tn?1279334905 m not on betaseron, but am glad to hear you are making a change to see if you can find a combination to slow your MS. Getting the new MRI done on the stronger machine is so important for your baseline... it will give your new neuro a good view as to where you are coming from. And you're right, it might show where you have new damage that is causing your changes.
7463086 tn?1391008763 It is the lone injectable that is not an interferon and so acts differently to modify the disease. (Avonex, Rebif, Betaseron = interferons. Copaxone is Glatiramer Acetate.) I'll be honest, another reason I gave it a miss was the possibility of welts and lipoatrophy. What can I say? I'm vain! However I do think the latter is significantly lessened with vigilant injection site rotation.
233622 tn?1279334905 If you have been running a fever related to your infection and/or the Betaseron injections, that increased body heat is probably contributing to the itch. Sometimes cool compresses are the simplest and most effective remedy. I'm thinking you might also benefit if you are able to rotate your injection sites regularly. Sorry if I'm missing something obvious here.
Avatar f tn Copaxone is the weakest and he did not recommend it for me. Betaseron, Rebif and Avonex are essentially the same drug, Intefereon beta, administered in different doses. My Neuro is a big believer in Neutralizing antibodies. Avonex NAB rate is around 5% Rebif around 10-15% Betaseron 25-30% NABs can bind to the active side of the interferon molecule rendering it useless. So naturally (if you believe in NABs) you would likely pick the one with the lowest NABs.
4907540 tn?1361976855 Hi Guys a quick question to ask if that's ok. Recent diagnosis of RRMS and my neurologist wants me to have DMD injections.. i'm thinking Capaxon as it has less side effects and doesn't have human or animal products in it etc But would like to hear what injections people choose and what side effects they have.
Avatar f tn ve been on Betaferon (I think it is called Betaseron in the US) for a little over a month now. I have all of the classic flu like symptoms that I anticipated, as well as some really nasty looking red spots at the injection sites. Sometimes they bruise and form knots under the skin. Anyway, my Neuro said that is all normal and should subside within the next 2 months. However, I was speaking with my sister in law who is an RN.
Avatar m tn Hi again, I didn't go on steroids for my increase in symptoms. One of my problems that lasted for about 5 months was burning on my back which was accompanied by bad sensations in the middle of my spine and bigtime pressure. Made it hard to sit or lay, and standing still. Going to the bathroom was an issue too (for example, pushing was hard not to mention adding the pressure of a push). I'd have to keep on moving and thought it would never let up.