
Baby speech development milestones

Common Questions and Answers about Baby speech development milestones


503141 tn?1210297892 And what can I expect with other developmental milestones, walking, speech things like that? I know that his cleft problems will affect his speech, too. I just want to know the best way I can help him. Sorry, our app. with the neurologist is not until July. Thank you so much!!!
Avatar n tn born ar 29 cm do you think it is a permanent development problems, will she get to the milestones, even later than other child will do please give me your feedback on the possibilities and
470885 tn?1326329037 , too). He ended up being delayed in his speech, though and, after speech therapy, is just now catching up to his peers. Does anyone know what is "normal" in terms of when a baby should be starting to talk??
Avatar n tn My son is 26 months old and has been diagonised with speech development delay but now I am wondering if there is more to be concerned about. He was also slow/delayed at reaching gross motor milestones of sitting, crawling and walking. He flaps his armes when excited or agitated, and is compulsivily clean. He can be extremely affectionate one minute but then start hitting, biting and/or pulling hair.
Avatar n tn I don't believe speech therapy is necessary for him, he may just be a quieter type of child who takes in alot from his environment, which isn't such a bad thing. For now, just do as you would normally and keep communicating with him. Encourage him to communicate with others aswell, which i'm sure you already do. I myself was a real quiet kid and wouldn't speak to anyone and was extremely shy, i just wanted to do my own thing and was happy to do so.
168006 tn?1241012961 Hello Ladies, Since many of you are praying people, I wanted to ask you all to pray for Luke today. I am taking him to a speech pathologist this afternoon for an evaluation. It is difficult to explain everything behind it, but essentially, Luke says only about four to six words at nearly 22 months old. This would not be particularly scary, since I hear late talkers are actually pretty common, but the docs seem most concerned that he used to say about 20 words at 12 months.
Avatar f tn Hm. Let me ask you if he met his milestones in development on time? Does he communicate in other ways with you, gesturing and pointing? I'm not sure what is going on, but I do think you keep your eye on this. You've raised other children--- so you know what to expect. Not every child is the same, of course. But you have a general idea. If these things continue, a developmental pediatrician or occupational therapist may be ideal for an evaluation.
1123420 tn?1350561158 some babies develop physically VERY fast and slower when it comes to speech or emotional development, some babies are early speakers/cooers but take longer to sit up and roll over. some babies develop both things faster, some slower....and it's just a guideline. so when they say "a baby should learn to roll over at about 2 months", they really mean any time from 6wks-12wks is normal.
4981292 tn?1381256805 ) This is, as Danika said, so a mom who is looking at where her baby should be in development milestones will not freak out that her preemie isn't hitting 10-week milestones. A premature baby will hit their milestones at the same time as if he or she had been born on their full-term birth date.
Avatar f tn Maybe you could try either printing some material from the Internet on normal speech development of children at given ages, or get a book at the library on toddler development and see if milestones are given, and show them. Do you think he doesn't hear, or is it simply that he is not seeming to comprehend language? If you think it might be his hearing, also see what you can find of symptoms of hearing issues in small children.
Avatar n tn My son is 4 yrs old.He was born only three weeks early and was healthy.Met all milestones pretty much on time except talking.He did not talk until 3 yrs old.He has severe speech apraxia and takes speech 3 times a week.We have seen some small improvment.I also know he does not have conversations like a 4 yr old does.He doesnt ever talk about past or future,doesnt talk about ideas or really anything except in the moment type of stuff.
Avatar f tn My son is 11 mths old, since the begining his milestones are fast. He started crawling, sitting on his own and standing himself taking support of furniture or a person when he completed 7 months. now my problem is he can not sit at one place, doesn't enjoy playing with toys for more than 2 min. Always want to stand up with some support and climb up to bed, sofa or any thing possible. Handling him is very tiring. He doesn't sit for eating even though he is hungry.
1222635 tn?1366396286 I skipped crawling when I was a baby. I started walking on my own at 7 mo. and was running at 8. I don't have, nor have I ever had, any learning disabilities or any sort of developmental problems. I am very athletic. My neice is 8 mo. old. and she just recently began to scoot, not crawl, but has been pulling herself up for quite sometime. She is just more determined to walk than other babies.
Avatar f tn You said it clearly she is a very happy, playful, and loving baby who is meeting all of her milestones, by that description she would be very unlikely to be developmentally delayed. A stim is a repetetive action and or behavior that is pleasurable, often to the point that the child will only engage in the behavior that they find most pleasurable. eg rocking motion, flapping hand in front of their eyes etc. Just a basic explanation of a stim.
Avatar n tn My question is: Can head traumas that are supposedly "minor" cause loss of speech, or a speech disorder? Can it cause "petit mal" staring seizures? This haunts me. . . I have stone floors in my house and my son (due to playing with his older sister) has fallen (apparently) backwards twice off the couch (18 inches) and hit his head on the floor - hard.
Avatar f tn s doctor will focus not only on her motor development, but on the development of all her other skills, such as hand, language, and social skills. In preparation for her next checkup, make a list of what all of her motor and language skills were at 12 months and how they have progressed over the past few months. This will be valuable information to help both you and your doctor decide whether you should worry, or if your baby is just on her own normal developmental timetable.
Avatar n tn my tsh level is 35. i am feeding my ten months old baby. baby also had delayed milestones. any severe problem is possible in my infant in future?
Avatar m tn Usually the first professional to assess any child is the Speech and Language Therapist because most of these children have difficulties with speech and social interaction. If her speech is poor then that could be an avenue you could bring up because all children need sufficient communication and language skills for nursery and school otherwise they won't be able to communicate or understand what is being asked of them.
143123 tn?1274300825 If the pediatrician is worried about autism, he should refer your sister to a child development specialist. The earlier you start intervation for speech and social skills the better in the long run for the success of the child. Good luck.
Avatar n tn m not sure where your from so its probably called something different but there should be programs where you are that helps with children speech development they came to your house they will observe your child and then set up appointments depending on how much and what kind of help she needs they come to your home for the appointments so the child is comfortable there is usually no charge depending on your insurance and they will be able to tell you if she needs testing for autism and where you
Avatar f tn He has been seen by a child development doctor. He has had one session of speech therapy, another in a couple of weeks. He has got an appointment with an occupational therapist next week. I received a copy of the letter addressed to my doctor with a report from when I saw the Child development doctor that said he has mild Hypotonia??? My question is does anyone have a child like mine who has or had similar development delays and what was the outcome.