
Avelox nerve damage

Common Questions and Answers about Avelox nerve damage


Avatar f tn Ciprofloxacin, Avelox, Levaquin, norefloxacin, etc) cause, instead of choosing to diagnose each symptom individually?
Avatar n tn They changed me to another antiobiotic, and sent me off to an ENT who did an EMI of my head. He said that the problem with my tongue appeard to be nerve damage because the left side of my tongue was unresponsive when I tried to move it. What could cause this? I did have a very bad migrane the day before I began to notice symptoms, could it be realted to that?
Avatar f tn I found a post that said that medications from the fluoroquinolone antibiotics (such as Cipro, Levaquin, Tequin, Avelox or Floxin) can cause these symptoms...I took Cipro and Levaquinn about 7 years ago, for a few short days each and my doctor switched the medication saying I was allergic. Now I am wondering if all my symptoms that have gone undiagnosed could be a side effect of those medications. Anyone else able to tie the two together? If so, what can you do to make it better?
Avatar f tn What is the cause of the nerve damage? Complex B 12 vitamins help with nerve support and can speed up the nerves healing but nothing will help if whatever is damaging them is not fixed.
Avatar f tn hi my cat has nerve damage in his jaw how long can he go with only eating a tiny bit of food an water he was on a drip for 2 days but now is off the drip an home with me
Avatar f tn This is a common complaint that is often attributed to nerves regenerating over time. Unfortunately, due to invasive surgery, tissue and nerve damage and especially if you had radiation therapy the discomfort could last for a long period of time. If your pain is constant I think you should be seen in a Pain Center, because there are definitely treatments for it.
Avatar f tn Nerve damage, or nerve pain? Two totally different things... Sciatic nerve pain is very common in pregnancy, but is generally self-limiting. I certainly suffer from sciatica during pregnancy. Nerve damage is permanent and becomes chronic. But it sounds to me like you are describing ligament pain, resulting from the stretching of abdominal ligaments.
Avatar m tn One of the symtpoms of anxiety is numbness and tingling. I recommend finding a good counselor who specializes in treating anxiety-- it's better than meds!
Avatar n tn When did the sneeze occur? I have a similar issue. If you've had the nerve damage for 20 years, whatever nerve damage exists is probably permanent. I've been told that nerves heal at a rate of about 1/2 inch per month, so for the sciatic nerve, you are looking at up to 2 years for recovery. After that, what you have is what you have. Now, that assumes that your problem is entirely resulting from the nerve damage. I don't know what type of strengthening you've tried.
Avatar n tn Much will depend on contributing factors, the location of the nerve damage, the severity of the damage and the cause of the damage. Some treatments available, again based on location and cause are steroid injections, various medications, nerve blocks, a rhizotomy (Radiofrequency ablation) and more. If you can be more specific we may have more suggestions for you. If you are suffering from nerve damage my heart goes out to you.
Avatar f tn nerve conduction was fine in lower legs/shin but i had reduced conduction (no bell curve at all) in upper legs/thigh. what does this mean? do i have nerve damage? and from what? what does this mean? could i have reduced conduction if my sciatic nerve is irritated? doctor also did the voodoo test. i heard static in my lower legs when i applied my muscles. i didn't hear any static in my upper legs. thanks.
664365 tn?1225157789 ve seen since have said this appears to be a classic case of nerve damage. I have had one nerve block that gave some relief for a couple of days, and have tried Lyrica (which I couldn't tolerate) and now Cymbalta, which is giving me some side effects at 30 mg a day. I have been taking Meprozine 50/25 mg and Zanaflex 12 mg morning and night just to get through each day. I also use topical Lidocaine ointment on the area around the surgery site.
664710 tn?1226929596 Hello everyone. Sometimes I feel like I ask the same questions in different ways in an attempt to better understand what's going on with this MS. Here's my question. Does nerve damage occur ONLY when there are lesions in the brain or spinal cord or is nerve damage part of the package with MS regardless? I hope everyone is as well as they can be!
Avatar n tn Hello, I am desperate for help. I recently had a dental implant on my top right, next to a root canaled tooth which had been done 20 years ago. The dentist told me to have a veneer on this tooth since it was quite yellow. After the implant crown and veneer was put in, I started to feel numbness on my top and bottom lips. I have had this numbness for nearly 3 months now.
Avatar n tn Is there treament for lingual nerve damage that was bumped during the extraction of a wisdom tooth? The surgeon said the tooth was deeper than he thought and had to finish the extraction but bumped the nerve in doing so. It's been 4 years.
Avatar n tn Yesterday i start taking B12 vitamin and doing massage in the area (i have read somewhere that maybe helps).Anybody knows a way to heal the nerve damage?(sorry for my english,i am Greek).Thank you.
Avatar f tn The retina is not a nerve, therefore you cannot have nerve damage in the retina, per se. You need a better understanding of your problem including a more medically accurate description of what is wrong.
Avatar m tn It is almost like a numb like feeling maybe a slight tingling. ...but it comes and goes. Could I have caused nerve damage to the area? and if so would the pain come and go as it seems to be doing on a daily basis. Sometimes it appears to get red and others it just looks like the rest of my skin. I also noticed on both corners of my mouth I have what appears to be angular chelitis.... this has been present for about 10 weeks.