Avelox and tendon damage

Common Questions and Answers about Avelox and tendon damage


Avatar f tn Took Cipro and the sinus pain was not improved so that was follwed by a course of Avelox where I ended up in the ER by day 7 on it [couldn't walk on my own needed IV fluids]. Off it for a week now and still really tired, various nerve pain, joint pain, muscle fatigue...seems to cycle, weak and dizzy, some blurred vision but it's all better than it had been just seems it should be gone since the meds are out of my system.
Avatar m tn If the tendonitis is due to Avelox then yes, it can be treated as usual. The pain and inflammation will subside once the medication leaves the body completely. This may take a week. This is treated with NSAIDs, rest and orthotics or specially designed foot wear to ease the pressure off the tendon. Take care!
1994720 tn?1352742233 Thank you for your response. I have already seen a rheumatologist and neurologist about the strange tendon and nerve pain I've had ever since my surgery and subsequent sepsis incident. I never had these before and they are stumped. I have also read that high b12 and folate can actually mean I am not metabolizing/absorbing it well, hence they are ending up in my bloodstream at high levels.
Avatar n tn Then directly after I started to drip blood out of my penis, and there is still a slow drip, and when I do pee it hurts and pushes out what seems to be a thicker blood. and then the blood and urine mix. This just happened today, and I was hoping not to have to go to the hospital, but wanted to know a professional opinion before I go to a hospital. Could this heal itself??? Again this is something that just happened today.
Avatar f tn I took the antibiotic Cipro (which causes tendon pain and ruptures) and now have a bunch of problems with both ankles. I have achilles tendon pain, and I also have pain and swelling on the inside of my ankle and arch of foot. It hurts to move my toes back, and I can't stand on my toes at all (can't even get off the ground). I also have no balance and sway. If I walk one foot in front of the other (like a drunk driving test), I fall.
Avatar n tn I was on it for two years for crazy infections bc I was unknowingly living in a home with mold. Yes it caused tendon swelling and pain but I’m glad to be alive without pneumonia MMRSA and MMR!
Avatar f tn I had VERY weird hallucinations last night. I woke up out of a dead sleep, thinking my cat, who was stuck to my headboard (don't ask me how), was falling on me...I (thought) I tipped it back up, reached for the bedside lamp, which kept moving out of my reach, silly light, I finally got it on, cat was sleeping just fine on pillow, headboard was where it belonged. Everytime I closed my eyes I saw different cartoons and movies. Yes, I'm totally serious.
Avatar m tn I have had a good amount of tendon pain mostly in left achilles and in tendons on top and bottom of arch of foot as well as some heel and knee pain. Again, like I said primarily left side. The achilles pain has subsided some, most of the pain and discomfort now is in the foot. I have taken quinolones a few times in the past (Cipro) with either no pain or some pain that subsided quickly at or shortly after end of course (same with left leg/foot, I think).
Avatar m tn I had a x-ray and analysis by three doctors last year and they said there is no damage shown on the x-ray (like chipped or broken bone). Seems more like a tendon/muscle problem since part of the hand is slightly puffy. The problem only starts when lifting. A doctor in abroad said stretched something but would like to get analysis treatment at home (London.
Avatar n tn For many years I have pains that pop up for no reason in joints and muscles and last for usually three to six months and then vanish. I get rashes and tiny red spots on my shins and then clear up. The rashes last about the same three to six months. I had these pains in both my shoulders at once, which almost never happens, so I thought it was my rotator cuffs going due to the work that I do.
Avatar f tn Avelox... I went yesterday and saw a lung specialist, he calmed me down and told me that i only have a little pneumonia in my lower left side it's nothing to be worried about. It's the bronchitis that's causing a lot of pain in my chest and back that I did not have prior to the antibiotics.
Avatar m tn I was tod there was no Flexor or tendon damage. I was put on an antibiotic for 10 days. There was no glass left in the finger and the cut area did not get inflamed. It healed rather quickly. The swelling remained. I called the doctor after a week and was told that perhaps it needed more time for the swelling to go down. She said give it another week to 10 days. Two weeks later, still swollen and difficult to bend. I still had tenderness but not extreme discomfort.
Avatar n tn I had pneumonia after contracting the flu in July. Was treated with Avelox and, when symptoms came back, Azithromycin. I still have a cough, which seems, at times, to improve and then recur. The cough is not severe, though there is a sensation of irritation, of needing to expel something in my chest, left side. I have wheezing upon forceful exhalation. A chest x-ray on 7/19/09 showed "Prominent interstitial markings left midlung anteriorly.
Avatar m tn i have damaged a ligament in my ankle at least a month ago. It every now and again can hurt but the problem is that i have to keep up my fitness as i am joining the navy very soon. and my job role will be a diver.
Avatar n tn t abated, provider considered trich, and mycoplasm as possible culprits). I was also put on avelox 400 mg for 10 days as well. Currently I have 6 days remaining on the doxycycline and 9 days remaining on the avelox. I have not engaged in any sexual activity whatsoever since my diagnosis however I still have a very mild clear mucus discharge primarily in the morning; the penile itching and dysuria has abated.
771853 tn?1235326955 I have flexor tendon and median nerve damage in my left hand do to a severe injury to my wrist, I want to know if you have any advise for me that may help me out. this happened about 3 months ago and I can't feel half my ring finger, all my middle and index fingers and half my thumb, also I cant move my index finger. I have gone to a surgeon and was told I need to have surgery done. the thing is I am having a hard time getting coverage for the surgery, My question to you is...
Avatar m tn I have had a round of Avelox a few weeks ago and recently Omnicef 600mg/day for 10 days and still have discharge. Question, wouldn't these antibiotics be affective against NGU, Chlamydia or Gonnorrhea? Thanks for the help.
1373852 tn?1307843048 t end up with avelox but took leavaquin that is a kin of avelox and six days later ended up having respiratory failure and in the hospital for 3 months one of which I was in icu on a ventilator.Since then I have had widespread muscular pain and multiple tendonitis as well as other issues so I don't agree that these antibiotics don't have side effects maybe you should read up more about the new black box warnings.
Avatar m tn After trying Doxy, Azithromycin, and Flagyl, the only antibiotic that finally worked was Avelox. The question now is what I should treat my partner with. I know from my experience that my NGU was passed sexually, and she needs to get treated before we can have sex again. The problem, is that she said she is allergic to Avelox. Another problem, is that since it is NGU, we cannot test to confirm if the bacteria is cured, and she is also asymptomatic.
Avatar f tn I have burning feet and tingling legs, feet and hands. My neurologist says i have ideopathic neuropathy and nerve damage ( i have had two spinal fusions) as well as radiculopathy. He suggested I might have diabetes but the blood work showed Vit d deficiency. Can this cause neuropathy? I also have stiff joints and have had calcific tendonitis this year. Is this all connected? Thanks for your help.
Avatar f tn I love to play soccer, and when I play, I get pretty tough. I have really bad ankles, and about 3 days ago, my foot started hurting really bad, then it would go away and come back. I've done some research and I think I've ripped my Achilles Tendon, my sister [in medical field] believes I did, but my parents don't believe me. It hurts from right about my toes, to about 3 inches past my foot. I don't know what to do, I've tried to keep it elevated and stay off it.
Avatar f tn The pain and swelling are horrible and I can not move nor feel my ring finger still. Is this normal for tendon damage being repaired? If I would of known this would be so painful I never would of gone through with surgery.
Avatar f tn A few of these may not be evident on the x-ray and a clinical evaluation and detailed imaging studies may be needed. It would be best to discuss this with your orthopedician. Hope this helps. Take care!
Avatar f tn I felt no pain after and it actually feels better. I called Dr and talked to the nurse and she said spasms were common and shouldn't do any damage. I just don't like the fact that it feels different and I felt something pop or shift durring the spasm.
Avatar m tn s procedure), debridement of the posterior tibial tendon (left intact) and a transfer of the FDL tendon to a hole in the navicular bone (the FDL was sutured to itself through the hole and sutured to the posterior tibial muscle. For the first two weeks I was in a splint (the bottom of the foot was heavily wrapped with a hard plaster splint which went all the way up to below the knee.