
Avelox for staph

Common Questions and Answers about Avelox for staph


Avatar m tn Avelox and Omnicef are usually for for respiratory infections, and might cure ngu or chlamydia, but probably not gonorrhea. Have you been seen for your discharge and burning?
Avatar m tn In the US, Synercid might be approved by the FDA only for staph and strep, but once a drug is on the market and approved for any particular purpose, it can be prescribed for anything at the prescribing provider's discretion. (The only exceptions are for narcotics and other drugs with addiction/abuse potential.) Few docs would agree to it for an infection for which it has never even been studied, like M gen, and whether your insurance would cover it is a another matter.
Avatar f tn I became very bad the last few days and seen a infectious disease doc which swears it is not a staph though the lab has it cleary on the papers. She put me back on avelox and then told me to see a psyc for my nerves cause she thinks that is part of it. Yellow drainage from my nose and in my biles...doesn't your lymph nodes drain into your abdominal area? Whatever this has tore of my nasal cavity to wear there is no hairs and it looks like someone dug the inside out.
1373852 tn?1307843048 side effects are you talking about? Avelox is a great antibiotic for resp. infections. I have taken it many times and I am a nurse. It is expensive though. Do you smoke? If so, the phlegm is probably building b/c your cilia cannot clear your airway any longer.
Avatar m tn I have been prescribed a dose pack of Prednisone for 6 days and plan on going to the Orthopaedic doctor for consult. I have only been walking and trying to take it easy. Just normal house stuff. No heavy lifting or exercising until I get a recommendation. Have you seen this type of tendonitis onset before?
Avatar n tn I have had a problem for years with swelling in my feet and ankles. Traveling, warm weather make it worse. I have noticed a pattern which I was reminded of recently, and that is whenever I take a round of antibiotics, it relieves the swelling for a while. I finished a 10 day course on Avelox about a week and a half ago, and so far have had no swelling. Does anybody have any idea why this happens?
Avatar f tn Ciprofloxacin, Avelox, Levaquin, norefloxacin, etc) cause, instead of choosing to diagnose each symptom individually?
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with pneumonia 4 days ago when I went in for pain in my heart area and shortness in breath.. I'm on antibiotics, still can't cough anything out but today I started feeling pain in my lower back area where kidneys are. I urinate every 10, 15 minutes and the color in clear.. My mouth is dry all the time which I think is a side effect from the antibiotics. Could have the pneumonia caused issues in my kidneys or bladder???
660680 tn?1225215237 A few days after the exposure I statrted taking an antibiotic, Avelox, for a sinus issue. Over the weekend I statrted to itch but with no visible signs of a rash. The question I have is this an early sign of HIV infection? Were my blood tests too close to exposure and therefore worthless? Is the "itch" a possible adverse reaction to the Avelox. I stopped taking the antibiotic today. Just overly concerned and need some reassurance that I have not contracted HIV.
Avatar n tn For many years I have pains that pop up for no reason in joints and muscles and last for usually three to six months and then vanish. I get rashes and tiny red spots on my shins and then clear up. The rashes last about the same three to six months. I had these pains in both my shoulders at once, which almost never happens, so I thought it was my rotator cuffs going due to the work that I do.
Avatar f tn treated with doxycycline by end of june for 1 wk. started on avelox end of july for 1 wk. then given levaquin for a wk. by last wk doc said she didn't think was infection cause levaquin shoudl have killed anything, even though I was still having gobs of green phlegm coming down the back of my throat and out of my lungs. she sent me to the asthma and allergy clinic where i was tested for 27 diff allergies all negative for.
Avatar n tn t abated, provider considered trich, and mycoplasm as possible culprits). I was also put on avelox 400 mg for 10 days as well. Currently I have 6 days remaining on the doxycycline and 9 days remaining on the avelox. I have not engaged in any sexual activity whatsoever since my diagnosis however I still have a very mild clear mucus discharge primarily in the morning; the penile itching and dysuria has abated.
Avatar f tn I have staph infection a little above my pelvis but on my stomach. I was 3 days late for my period when j went to the doctors and they prescribed me antibiotics. I took a pregnancy test and it showed up negative but I am now 5 days late. Could this be from the staph infection??
Avatar f tn Hi, Recurrent boils or furunculosis are skin abscesses that may be caused by the Staph bacteria. In between outbreaks of boils, the bacteria responsible (staph) is still present on your body and thus may lead to recurrence. Talk to your doctor of a possibility of a chronic staph carrier so that proper prophylaxis may be done. Physicians have tried eradicating the staph by simply applying an antibiotic to the nose each month, and this approach sometimes is successful.
Avatar f tn Went to urgent care and they changed the antibiotic to Avelox and also gave me steroids. I was reading about Avelox and it mentioned serious heart rhythm side effects - a rare heart called prolongation of QT interval. I am scared to death to take this. I did disclose to the doctor that I suffer from SVT but she didn't mention side effects or warnings. My question is.....has anyone had any reactions to this antibiotic?
Avatar f tn If you have taken any of these drugs, do you remember if you took them before or after you developed cardiac symptoms. I am wondering if my cardiac symptoms are due to taking Avelox for a sinus infection. If you do need an antibioitic make sure that your doctor does not prescribe any of these drugs. They are associated with a number of devastating reactions.
Avatar m tn But after getting over the inital shock, I will deal with it. You can too. If you have it frozen off it may not come back. Now as for the Staph infection or possibly MRSA. that is more serious really. Did they give you antibiotics for it? Try to not scratch it and keep your hands away as much as possible until it is gone as it can spread. Keep underwear, clothes and towels washed and separate.
Avatar m tn I just got over an uncomplicated case. See the doc. Tell him what you need and be persistant. If you have had staph for 10 years I feel bad, I had it for a month. It sucks.
Avatar f tn Hello, It can be due to folliculitis caused by staph, acne, pityrosporum folliculitis caused by fungal infection and sebaceous cysts. Treatment for all are different. It can vary from antibiotics for staph and bacterial infection , antifungals for pityrosporum folliculitis to excision for sebaceous cysts. You should get it evaluated from a dermatologist to confirm the diagnosis.