
Avelox and alcohol interaction

Common Questions and Answers about Avelox and alcohol interaction


Avatar n tn Potential side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, headache, and nervousness. Because the combination of chlordiazepoxide and alcohol (ethanol) may impair your judgment and/or reflexes, it may be dangerous to drive or to perform tasks which require you to be alert after taking these together. It would be advisable to avoid consuming alcohol while you are taking chlordiazepoxide.
Avatar m tn My fasting blood sugar now is 75 to 80 and before bed around 90 to 100 due to exercising everyday and taking the medication and strict diet. I will have blood work in April and hopefully my doctor will let me stay off the med for good.
Avatar n tn For many years I have pains that pop up for no reason in joints and muscles and last for usually three to six months and then vanish. I get rashes and tiny red spots on my shins and then clear up. The rashes last about the same three to six months. I had these pains in both my shoulders at once, which almost never happens, so I thought it was my rotator cuffs going due to the work that I do.
Avatar f tn Avelox... I went yesterday and saw a lung specialist, he calmed me down and told me that i only have a little pneumonia in my lower left side it's nothing to be worried about. It's the bronchitis that's causing a lot of pain in my chest and back that I did not have prior to the antibiotics.
Avatar f tn Alcohol and antidepressants should not be mixed. I'm sure you already know this. Many of these meds go through the liver and so does alcohol. Are you feeling alright? Have you been feeling sick?
Avatar m tn I am suffering from depression and anxiety. I recently saw my psychiatrist, and he prescribed Effexor (37.5mg a week until I get to 150mg) to treat these conditions. I have been smoking marijuana regularly (daily) for about 5 years now, and it helps me with my lower back pain that I get from an injury that left me with 4 herniated discs, on top of helping with my depression. Obviously it is not helping enough with the depression to be enough, which is why I went to see my psychiatrist.
Avatar n tn My Doctor just gave me Cymbalta and I currently take .05 mg Lorazapam. Can I take both?
Avatar f tn I started having cravings again and broke down and paid for a re fill. That first pill worked fast and really helped with any cravings. I will take it as needed for however long and try to always have some on hand.
Avatar n tn Furthermore, the mixture of both antibiotics and alcohol can also have some additional negative effects on the body. Alcohol and the Effectiveness of Antibiotics Alcohol does not effect the effectiveness of the majority of antibiotics. However, antibiotics within the tetracycline group, including doxycycline, are hindered by alcohol. If alcohol is consumed while taking a tetraycycline antibiotic, the antibiotic may prove to be less effective at treating the bacteria or virus.
Avatar n tn I am currently taking 4 1mg xanax's a day, 80 mg of celexa, 150 mg of welbutrin sr, 30 mg of abilify, and 1 mg of requip. I would like to be able to go out with my friends and be able to have a few drinks for my birthday but I'm scared of the interaction with all this medication and alcohol. What could possibly be the side effects of mixing all of these.
Avatar f tn html Do ensure that you maintain adequate fluid intake (about 2000 ml) while on these drugs and avoid alcohol as alcohol interacts adversely with Septra. Do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn t abated, provider considered trich, and mycoplasm as possible culprits). I was also put on avelox 400 mg for 10 days as well. Currently I have 6 days remaining on the doxycycline and 9 days remaining on the avelox. I have not engaged in any sexual activity whatsoever since my diagnosis however I still have a very mild clear mucus discharge primarily in the morning; the penile itching and dysuria has abated.
Avatar m tn I have had a round of Avelox a few weeks ago and recently Omnicef 600mg/day for 10 days and still have discharge. Question, wouldn't these antibiotics be affective against NGU, Chlamydia or Gonnorrhea? Thanks for the help.
1373852 tn?1307843048 t end up with avelox but took leavaquin that is a kin of avelox and six days later ended up having respiratory failure and in the hospital for 3 months one of which I was in icu on a ventilator.Since then I have had widespread muscular pain and multiple tendonitis as well as other issues so I don't agree that these antibiotics don't have side effects maybe you should read up more about the new black box warnings.
Avatar f tn I will however agree with you that the days after having fun and drinking copious amounts of alcohol can leave you feeling down and anxious. I suffer with anxiety, so when I drink, i'm miserable for typically a few days afterwards. So while drinking may seem like fun while you're enjoying your night, just remember how you're going to feel the following day. I also think depending on how much you drink, you definitely will experience negative reactions.
Avatar f tn How dangerous is it really drinking alcohol and depakote.
Avatar m tn After trying Doxy, Azithromycin, and Flagyl, the only antibiotic that finally worked was Avelox. The question now is what I should treat my partner with. I know from my experience that my NGU was passed sexually, and she needs to get treated before we can have sex again. The problem, is that she said she is allergic to Avelox. Another problem, is that since it is NGU, we cannot test to confirm if the bacteria is cured, and she is also asymptomatic.
Avatar m tn My Psychiatrist has advised me to stay away from alcohol forever.All suggestions and discussions on matter are welcome as many of us actually like alcohol but cannot take it for the chance of precipitating a manic episode.
Avatar m tn If the tendonitis is due to Avelox then yes, it can be treated as usual. The pain and inflammation will subside once the medication leaves the body completely. This may take a week. This is treated with NSAIDs, rest and orthotics or specially designed foot wear to ease the pressure off the tendon. Take care!
216046 tn?1193943404 g benzodiazepines, alcohol ( yes alcohol) , pregabalins and also to be cautious of those that causes sedative effects like most antipsychotics, sleeping tabs e.g zopiclone, zolpiderm etc, lastly check out methadone interactions with other drugs , e.g citalopram , quetiapine etc with methadone may cause prolonged QTc which is dangerous and may be fatal.
Avatar m tn Is it okay to drink alcahol when suffering cll,I am currently not taking any medication.
Avatar m tn s main interaction is with the glutamate system. Chronic alcohol exposure is hypothesized to alter the normal balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition. A glutamate receptor modulator, Campral is believed to act on the biochemical systems that are involved in alcohol dependence. Campral interacts with neurotransmitter systems and is hypothesized to restore the normal balance.