
Atripla and memory loss

Common Questions and Answers about Atripla and memory loss


Avatar n tn I called my doctor and told him this information and he encouraged me to keep taking Atripla for the full 30 days, just to be safe.He said that if a healthcare worker comes into contact with spilled blood and they don't know the status of the person whose blood it is, they will take this pill for 30 days. That said, I don't want to be on this medication if I don't have to be.
Avatar m tn Atripla is not a good choice then.
1012649 tn?1256229718 Ya, I thought the same, even the nurse said the same thing, but he wanted to see if I became resistant to anyone of the ingredients in atripla...but today I went back to the clinic and my viral load is back to being undectable,and this was before I started to use sustiva and truvada, so it was only just a BLIP!!! The doc did say he will put be back on Atripla...buthave to finish these tabs first.
Avatar m tn result of ARN PCR test was indectable and doctor ask me to stop Atripla that i used during 11 days 3)DAY OF ACCIDENT+28 HIV COMBO Ag/Ac Négatifs (<0.05) with technique chimiluminescence sur ADVIA CENTAUR CP 4) DAY OF ACCIDENT+35 HIV COMBO Ag/Ac Négatifs (<0.05) avec technique chimiluminescence sur ADVIA CENTAUR CP 5) DAY OF ACCIDENT+40: test HIV negative My question is it enough tests or should i check again? did Atripla can delay the seroconversion since i took it during 11 days.
Avatar m tn 01 Dec 2012 i went to doctor and he took my elisa test which was negative and he suggested me to take trustiva ( atripla ) for next 3 months and do my elisa again. then i went to other doctor and he said how the first doctor can put u on trustiva ( atripla ) as ur result elisa test is negative.... so i have stopped trustiva ( atripla ) after 4 ays of consumption ( 4 tablets ) ... have i done right by stopping trustiva ( atripla ) .... Pls give me ur valuable advice and suggestions..
Avatar f tn I switched a couple years ago to Complera for a brief period that gave me severe depression and worse anxiety so had to stop it too and go back to Atripla. Now I am on beta blockers for the tachycardia, Xanax to help sleep, and Cialis because of the effect the beta blockers have on libido. And I still feel lousy. My labs are good but shouldn't I just switch meds could all this be due to the Atripla?
Avatar m tn I started her with a drug called ATRIPLA about 50 hours after exposure. What are her chances of getting infected for HIV and how effective is Atripla in Preventing it?? What is the success rate of ATRIPLA??
Avatar n tn I took that to a specialist who saw the test, looked me over and gave me Atripla to start to be safe. She also sent me off for more tests, elisa and others. I also now took a PCR DNA thats not back yet. I went to a free clinic that gave me a rapid test that came up negative. I am wondering if four days now of Atripla could cause that to be negative? I am wondering if Atripla after four days will make my DNA PCR test invalid?
Avatar m tn Also what about my risk for having contracted HSV2 and what should I do in terms of testing for that? Could the Atripla confound that testing? Thank you very much.
Avatar n tn I went 30 hrs after my exposure to the hospital and they gave me PEP (1 combivir and 2 kaletra twice per day) coming back to my country after 3 days i forgot the pills that i bought in switzerland and the doctor here suggested i take 1 atripla pill instead every night !!! do you think this is feasible ( what is your assessment to the situation?!
571167 tn?1223214465 I've been on methadone for 6 months. And I loose everything. Keys credit cards anything I set down. Forget to do things. Sometimes I drop my mom off and drive home, forgetting to stop at the methadone clinic. The clinic says "I haven't heard of that". I'm on 80mg. Has anyone else experienced this as fast. I am really worried, my dad died 4 years ago. From glioblastoma, which is the worst type of brain cancer and one of the symptoms is short term memory loss.
Avatar n tn My question is could the buildup of medications etc cause him to now have memory loss, language skills loss and tremors in his right hand. He walked in to the hospital on crutches and now is dependent on a wheelchair.
Avatar n tn hi, i am 33 also and a mother of 2 daughters 6yrs and 2yrs and have a terrible memory. i forget things on a daily basis. like my husband asks me to post something and i either forget to bring it with me or i put it in the car , drive to wherever and come back home still with it!! i meet people say from former work place or school, and i have no idea who they are. i dont remember much from childhood, and if reminded i only vaugly (sp?) remember.
Avatar n tn Johns Hopkins researchers who have been at the forefront of this field reviewed the evidence on short-term and long-term mental changes after bypass surgery. They found that short-term confusion, memory loss, and poorer problem solving and information processing are common after bypass surgery, but are usually temporary and reversible. Most people return to their pre-bypass level of function between 3 and 12 weeks after surgery.
Avatar f tn But this forgetfulness is too much stressful for me and affecting my work and peace of mind. Even my parents are complaining and blaming me all the time for this. Could this be depression? I have a very demanding and insecure job in NGO sector, which involves on an average 15 days travel per month in different countries. I have a difficult life, with broken marriage and parents with extreme fragile health. I try my best to take care of them and I live with them.
Avatar n tn I am on effexor and am experiencing memory loss. I have been on it for years at 225 mg I am a practicing bulimic, recovered alcoholic, ex smoker and exercise regularly. I am 61 and eat right in the morning and day, but the evenings are always shot. my question is does antidepressive medicine cause memory loss?
Avatar f tn Vicki gave you some good advice about speaking with our Dr. The memory loss and confusion is very understandable taking ativan and going through wd. actually the ativan should be tapered. it is notorious for memory loss complete wipe out. usually through drinking with them but if you are dehydrated and coming off opiates it is very probable. Congratulations on getting clean and learning about your addiction and the meds that feed it. Take good care of yourself.
Avatar n tn I am willing to lose some of my memory fro the past in order to better enjoy and plan my future. I consider most memory loss as a cognitive thing and it is definitely a physiological and psychological thing. Bipolar plays a part but it would take me all night to explain why but a lot of it is nature vs nurture.
Avatar n tn Some patients may have problems in mixing up words for objects or can have trouble understanding or taking part in a conversation. Prevention in what concerns memory loss is whatsoever limited. Sudden memory loss cannot be prevented but patients who experience the symptoms of memory loss due to aging may keep their brain cells healthy and active with different exercises and dietary supplements.
Avatar n tn I am a year and half post tx and I am experiencing memory loss, processing information (use to have a wonderful sense of direction) and just not myself. I have a very hectic job and I feel there are times I cannot keep up--and yes my confidence has diminished...anyone out there feel the same way...???
Avatar m tn She does have some memory, like she knows who me and my sister are and what she does for work. Another symptom is that she says her body is soar, like she lifted a bunch of weights. We are looking for any type of input/advise. Her doctors have been doing every test and scan. However, they are not coming up with any answers. Please help us, we don't know what else to do. She cannot be left alone because she starts to freak out not know what she is suppose to be doing.
Avatar m tn Hi I am 35 year old non drug using male, who also drinks very little. Last year i had a bout of itch hands which was followed by mental confussion and lines appearing wavey rather than stright. Was Hospitalized and had ct and mri done, plus all the usual blood tests. Found nothing after 6 weeks everything went back to normal, except my eyes which have 20/20 vision but i see white noise in the dark ceiling at night.
Avatar m tn A lot of simple things that really bug me,for example ill get into an elvator and wait and wait and i realize i never even pushed my floor button,i seem to leave my home without my wallet alot...i left my keys in my mail box just the other day,it was embarassing...even after a bike ride i forget to fasten my bike lock and it ends up falling on the street...sometimes ill go buy something and just walk off without paying for the stuff...i dont even realize i never paid..
Avatar m tn Hello, I was diagnosed with syringomyelia and severe and mod stenosis. I've been doing rather well considering that they told me I would be in a wheel chair by now. Anyway I wondered if anyone else with this diagnosis has had problems with memory? My Nurse practitioner said it's normal then my wife looked it up and couldn't find anything on it. The memory loss that is. Nor could I. Any one know or have information on this topic?