
Atripla and herbal remedies

Common Questions and Answers about Atripla and herbal remedies


Avatar n tn i have just been reading about the herbal medicines Emphotab and Hismatax . Has anyone had any personal usage of these and if so were they effective? Are they readily available in this country?
Avatar m tn Atripla is not a good choice then.
Avatar n tn m really sorry because I know a bit about Herbal medicine, but Western system....and know nothing about Chinese Herbal medicines. I suggest you post back on the Expert Forum for Dr Cheng. I am sure she will get back to you.
1012649 tn?1256229718 Ya, I thought the same, even the nurse said the same thing, but he wanted to see if I became resistant to anyone of the ingredients in atripla...but today I went back to the clinic and my viral load is back to being undectable,and this was before I started to use sustiva and truvada, so it was only just a BLIP!!! The doc did say he will put be back on Atripla...buthave to finish these tabs first.
1226682 tn?1399937724 There are many people who use herbal remedies for their anxiety with good results. But you must be very careful when mixing herbal preperations with pharmaceuticals. Some interactions can be lethal. I would recommend speaking with a naturopathic doctor before adding anything to your current meds. You might want to check out our Complementary Medicine Forum. The folks there are extremely knowledgable about all things herbal and the interactions I spoke of. Look for Laura or Paxiled..............
154668 tn?1290115995 Americans spend an astonishing $3 billion annually on chiropractors and about $1.5 billion on homeopathy, not to mention billions more for herbal remedies. Government is complicit: Most states mandate health-insurance coverage for chiropractic visits, and many states direct insurers to cover the cost of acupuncture -- another remedy with far fewer benefits than are commonly claimed for it. Why is there so much blind faith? Mr. Singh and Dr.
Avatar m tn result of ARN PCR test was indectable and doctor ask me to stop Atripla that i used during 11 days 3)DAY OF ACCIDENT+28 HIV COMBO Ag/Ac Négatifs (<0.05) with technique chimiluminescence sur ADVIA CENTAUR CP 4) DAY OF ACCIDENT+35 HIV COMBO Ag/Ac Négatifs (<0.05) avec technique chimiluminescence sur ADVIA CENTAUR CP 5) DAY OF ACCIDENT+40: test HIV negative My question is it enough tests or should i check again? did Atripla can delay the seroconversion since i took it during 11 days.
1663025 tn?1302831604 Do you know of any home remedies for treating a six month old male child with hives and swollen glands from the pollen
377521 tn?1203473172 Additionally, some imported Chinese herbal remedies have been found to be adulterated with illegal, outdated Rx meds to give them an occasional “punch”. I can’t recall the substance, but I remember a report where a potentially dangerous antibiotic that had been pulled from the shelves was introduced to an otherwise basically harmless but ineffective Chinese herb. This will yield an “effect” to boost sales, regardless of the fact that the drug could cause harm. Be careful in this regard.
Avatar m tn 01 Dec 2012 i went to doctor and he took my elisa test which was negative and he suggested me to take trustiva ( atripla ) for next 3 months and do my elisa again. then i went to other doctor and he said how the first doctor can put u on trustiva ( atripla ) as ur result elisa test is negative.... so i have stopped trustiva ( atripla ) after 4 ays of consumption ( 4 tablets ) ... have i done right by stopping trustiva ( atripla ) .... Pls give me ur valuable advice and suggestions..
Avatar f tn I switched a couple years ago to Complera for a brief period that gave me severe depression and worse anxiety so had to stop it too and go back to Atripla. Now I am on beta blockers for the tachycardia, Xanax to help sleep, and Cialis because of the effect the beta blockers have on libido. And I still feel lousy. My labs are good but shouldn't I just switch meds could all this be due to the Atripla?
Avatar f tn I would stay away from any type of herbal remedies. There is no regulating, or monitoring of herbs, and when mixed with some medications, can be very dangerous. People hear Herb or Natural and assume they're safe, and they're not.
Avatar m tn It deals with stress by using two plants that supposedly balance your hormones. It has some research behind it, but is sold mostly as a stress reliever to aid in weight loss. It claims no effectiveness on depression. The question would be, how severe is your anxiety? For more complete info on how to use natural remedies, as greenlydia said, try the complementary medicine forum.
Avatar m tn I started her with a drug called ATRIPLA about 50 hours after exposure. What are her chances of getting infected for HIV and how effective is Atripla in Preventing it?? What is the success rate of ATRIPLA??
Avatar n tn I took that to a specialist who saw the test, looked me over and gave me Atripla to start to be safe. She also sent me off for more tests, elisa and others. I also now took a PCR DNA thats not back yet. I went to a free clinic that gave me a rapid test that came up negative. I am wondering if four days now of Atripla could cause that to be negative? I am wondering if Atripla after four days will make my DNA PCR test invalid?
Avatar m tn Today, people in the U.S. are consuming Kratom, as they do other herbal supplements and traditional remedies. For more information: &lt;a href=&quot;https://goldenmonkkratom.
Avatar m tn s natural healing mechanisms to target the cause of the problem, as opposed to merely tackling the symptoms. It would be wrong to present herbal hair loss remedies as a miracle solution for all sufferers - there is however growing evidence to support the view that some herbal remedies offer real hope to many people. Let's examine the case for some of the more popular remedies to determine if they're worth trying.
Avatar m tn Also what about my risk for having contracted HSV2 and what should I do in terms of testing for that? Could the Atripla confound that testing? Thank you very much.
Avatar f tn Hi I suffer from health anxiety from time to time, I have it under control mostly but now and again it will flare up! Does anyone have any herbal remedies etc that work for them when they are in the middle of an attack?