
Asacol in pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Asacol in pregnancy


Avatar f tn ve stared fish oil and quercetin (natural anti-inflammatories), but should I accept the Asacol in an attempt to quell the autoantibody activity in my system and prevent a worse disease? I feel like a ticking time-bomb!
420686 tn?1219632592 With medicine (ASACOL) all my symptons went away in about 4 months.. Then I got pregant with my son in 2005 and I had a great pregnancy.. no problems, no symptons of Crohns. The day I gave birth to him, my Crohns came back with a vengance. All my symptons came back and they were worse than before. This time, my medicine (ASACOL) didnt work and had to go with something stronger. (ENDACORT) which worked for awhile..
Avatar m tn Asacol has dairy in it! I was prescribed it for the past two and half months i asked my doctor twice if it contained dairy of which i had elimitated out of my diet over a year ago my symptoms continued to worsen over the last two months gastro raised my dose from three 800 tabs once a day to double the amount! I am happy to say i only tried it for two days and gave up bc of the side effects! Two days after being off asacol bleeding cramping headache everything stopped... .
Avatar f tn A related discussion, <a href="/posts/Gastroenterology/Asacol-800/show/1876778">Asacol 800</a> was started.
Avatar n tn I have noticed that my asacol is not breaking down and is being passed in my stool! Is their a reason for this? What can/should I do?
Avatar m tn I wouldn't take the asacol. It actually caused my UC to flare up every time I took it. I thought it was a coincidence the first few times. However there's no doubt that Asacol exacerbates my condition. I have also developed joint problems which I think may be because of all the asacol I've taken in my life. I wouldn't recommend it. Ask your doctor about Lialda or better yet improve your diet. I'm not talking about just eating right.
Avatar f tn ve stared fish oil and quercetin (natural anti-inflammatories), but should I accept the Asacol in an attempt to quell the autoantibody activity in my system and prevent a worse disease? I feel like a ticking time-bomb!
Avatar m tn t listen I continued to take 10 mg there are so many other ways around 6mp look for a specialist in your area .. trust I found a good one and she switch up my medss and now I'm doing great ..
89592 tn?1391274422 my gastro prescribed asacol...800 mg 2 tabs twice daily. I looked at the drug pamphlet and I see that it can affect liver enzymes. I dont need that since I already have mildly abnormal values. I called my gastro to tell him my concern and he said it would not hurt me. I am supposed to be on them indefinitely. I also take 5 mg prednisone for my r/a. Just wondering how this will affect the liver. I know I am not on the higher side of the doses given but still...
Avatar f tn another doctor later told me that they have the same active ingredient mesalamine, but pentasa reaches a different part of your track... i think asacol stays intact longer, so it gets released lower down in your system. anyway, i think either of the 2 drugs are mainly for maintenance like the others said.
Avatar n tn Theoretically Prednisone can cause cleft lip if used in first trimester (Your wife has already crossed that stage). Also steroids are given in preterm labour at 32 weeks to bring about lung maturity of the fetus...i think using it is safe after 16 wks. hope your dr knows about your wife's pregnancy.
Avatar n tn Had coloscopy in August-showed some mild inflammation in ilieum and rectal area-was put on Asacol. Asacol helped the rectal pain but RLQ pain continued. Went back to ED in Nov for severe RLQ pain. CT and bloodwork normal. I had changed from Asacol to Pentasa the week before and the rectal pain had come back-significant burning pain. Went to another doctor and had more bloodwork-borderline IBD tests. Went off Pentasa for a few days in Dec and had severe RLQ pain and right hand pain.
Avatar m tn Try to stay away from dairy, alcohol, grains (have rice instead). If you can figure out what triggered the flare, that would be helpful so you know to avoid it in the future.
Avatar f tn Over the past couple of years, I have noticed on occasion that I will have white streaks in my stool. Most of it is a normal color, just with white streaks embedded. Not mucus-y. I've noticed it quite a bit the past couple of weeks. I was on Asacol for many years, but my new insurance company made we switch to Lialda a couple of months ago (three 1.2GM tablets 1x daily). I am also on Lisinopril (20mg 1x), Rosuvastatin (10mg 1x), and Citalopram (20mg, 1x).
277836 tn?1359666174 4g daily) or similar- this should be continued daily- and is an ongoing drug to keep you in remission. If your symptoms are not so severe he should try the asacol, starting at 2.4mg and increasing to 4g if necessary. He can also try pentasa enema or pred enemas before putting you on the oral steroids. You need to get this under control ASAP, as it will get worse, if left untreated. Pred may be a necessary evil but only for short-term use.
Avatar f tn ) Bad, yet still slightly good, news is I am still having a severe flare of colitis that has not calmed down, but I am in the hospital and finally getting it taken care of my amazing doctors. So there is finally a light to the end of this tunnel of a health battle. :) I hope that everyone has a good Friday!
1483944 tn?1288100910 i was diagnosed with Crohns in 2006 and on Prednisolone and Asacol then undiagnosed in 2008 and told I have IBS. I now take IBS medication but it is not working, i am in pain daily right side and have gastroentiritus issues alot as well as bowel issues, Is my doctor wrong? all my investigations are showing nothing,,,,,I am so confused! please help me!
Avatar n tn I am a new nurse who was working with patients for about four months when I became sick. Keep in mind the hospital floor that I worked on was full of patients with cdiff. I have never had any problems before and have no family history of IBD. I noticed blood in my stool and saw a GI who did a stool study which came back neg for c diff, he then did a scope which showed pancolitis and upon biopsy showed crypt cell abscesses.
Avatar n tn after being diagnosed with uc he was placed on asacol 1200mg. 3 times a day, prednisone a couple of times last year, entocort most recently, and asacol enemas at night at times. Just recently he started getting muscle cramps, flu like symptoms with bronchitis and had a glucose level of 169, and a cholesterol level in the high 160s as well. He had had an alkaline phosphate level up to almost 600 for years and stays very fatigued and in pain. i am so worried about him. he is overweight.
Avatar f tn I am a 36 year old woman who was just diagnosed with UC. It was a real nightmare to get here though. Over three years ago I started having mild symptoms and female issues but had no idea that this is what it was. My doctor convinced me that I was severely depressed and put me on anti-depressants of which those actually made me a zombie at times and very depressed at others so I stopped taking them and just dealt with my issues on my own.
Avatar n tn It started with strange pain in my intestines and my doctor thought I might me lactose intolerant. But the tests were negative. Then we did parasite and bacterial stool samples and all neg. as well. Then some blood started to show and then mucus and it got worse and worse. I did a flex sigonoscopy and the GI said it is a 95% chance it is ulcerative colitis but the samples he took we would have to biopsy and confirm the other 5%.
Avatar m tn I have been hospitalized four times in last two years. Finally I met a doctor in UK who prescribed Asacol Foam Enema. I was unable to get into remission for last so many years with all drugs, however, with this foam enema, I got in full remission in just few weeks. I was surprised to find that drug industry that makes Enemas for UC has been dominated by company that makes Rowasa Enema (Israeli Company). I am shocked to find that Rowasa has complete monopoly over this industry.
1446077 tn?1284510191 Approximately 7 years ago, I was diagnosed with Crohn's and Colitis. I have had a roller coaster ride during the 7 years with various flare ups. I have never had the frequency of loose, mucus bowel movements decreased, no matter what medication I am on. I am currently in so much pain I can hardly stand it. I had a colonoscopy yesterday and it was "negative" for inflammation though my blood work showed that my inflammatory markers were high.
686769 tn?1236272131 it helped me out tremendously... i did it before and received asacol, not sure if asacol will even work for you, but i found it to be more effective than pentasa. also there's a generic available for steroid enemas (not proctor and gamble), i believe... still expensive but helps out.