
Asacol for arthritis

Common Questions and Answers about Asacol for arthritis


Avatar m tn What makes you want to switch...curious.
Avatar f tn My doctor put me on Asacol and I had horrible uncontrollable diarrhea. I took it for a few months and decided constipation was less painful and embarressing than diarrhea. You may try drinking Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with honey. It's a natural remedy for reducing inflammation and it works.
Avatar n tn However, he also still has many symptoms that are unrelated to the Crohn’s Disease and they are now testing him for other diseases which may be Lupus, MS and or Rheumatoid Arthritis. We are wondering if there are any recommended treatment for Crohn’s other than Prednisone and Align and if there is any other disease that it may be and how to get tested for it. We have tried so many things and nothing seems to be working at this point. We would appreciate any advice.
Avatar n tn I have noticed that my asacol is not breaking down and is being passed in my stool! Is their a reason for this? What can/should I do?
Avatar f tn However, it seems that the same drugs that are being used for arthritis are also the same drugs being used for crohns. I had my doctor find me another Gastro Dr. and its a female and her credentials are excellent and she has only been in practice nine years. Perfect, I think, since I find the older doctors so unwilling to try out new options. I am also shocked about the scar tissue and so relieved that this may not be the problem. You have given me so much hope.
Avatar n tn Thanks for the info...I was getting too anxious for the Asacol to work as this is day 5. I was worried that it could be Crohns Disease as My Brother died from Crohns. My Dr. said my Blood Markers did not show for Crohns...however, I am waiting on test results for Celiac. I appreciate your time, Thank You.
Avatar m tn I have a NEW G.I. doc who keeps referring me to a colonoscopy and an MRCP before she decides to do anything but I've had a flare-up of UC for a month and need some relief. Today I saw a whole Asacol HD tablet excreted and the G.I.doc said "that's ok--it's still absorbed." Ok--so now I must be reasonable and ask a question as how is it absorbed when NONE OF IT--repeat, NONE OF IT---is degraded at all? This woman doesn't get it. Anyway, what should I do now?
Avatar n tn Is there a program where my son can get help with his Rx for asacol? He does not have insurance.
Avatar m tn Sorry for putting things very bluntly but Prednezone constantly is very bad for her and extra Asacol or Pantasa won't hurt her Rick
Avatar f tn Anyway, my doc says that once you treat the underlying colitis, the arthritis symptoms will go away. I take Asacol 400mg 1-2 times daily. This is to keep me in remission. I have felt great since my last flare-up went away. I hope this helps a little bit in a time when you might feel so out of control of your life.
Avatar n tn My GP referred me to a gastroenterologist who found no conclusive causes for my symptoms after checking blood work and a stool culture. Continued to trudge through my daily routines assuming the added responsibility of motherhood was the cause of my sub-par feeling. Fast forward a few years after my GP finding no reasons for my lack of fatigue just tried to make do...
Avatar f tn He was switched from Asacol to Pentasa when his liver enzymes were slightly elevated. He was on a steroid for the first 2 years after he was diagnosed. He hasn't been on a steroid since 2006, when he was diagnosed with Diabetes. The Steroids are more for the flares, the Pentasa is used more as a maintenance drug. He is also on Purinethol, which is chemotherapy agent, to help decrease abnormal growths. Good luck.
Avatar n tn Had coloscopy in August-showed some mild inflammation in ilieum and rectal area-was put on Asacol. Asacol helped the rectal pain but RLQ pain continued. Went back to ED in Nov for severe RLQ pain. CT and bloodwork normal. I had changed from Asacol to Pentasa the week before and the rectal pain had come back-significant burning pain. Went to another doctor and had more bloodwork-borderline IBD tests. Went off Pentasa for a few days in Dec and had severe RLQ pain and right hand pain.
456090 tn?1259694837 However, I started having severe relapses with the diarrhea, nausea, lethargey, mouth sores and severe arthritis so they upped my Prednisone and added Celebrex and Ultracet for the pain, stiffness and swelling with the arthritis. That is not working so well now so I am going to be swtiched to Humira injections. My GI wanted to try the Remicade infusions but my insurance won't pay for it and I can't afford it out of pocket.
Avatar f tn it has been 5 days now and my usual methods of 12 asacol and 2 rowasa have not helped at all. The GI took stool cultures to make sure that there is not infection. We have not gotten results yet. I am so discouraged and feel like throwing in the towel. I am so sick from the flare these drugs caused. I only have 4 rounds-3 more left but I don't know how I'm going to do it if this flare doesn't get back in control.
277836 tn?1359666174 Now he wants me to start on a 40mg prednisone course thats 8 pills a day for two weeks Then 7 pills a day for two weeks and on and on then if my problem isnt under control I go on it for 2 years straight . I am already depressed and I know that being on this isnt good for that. Also moonface can I expect that? Is there a way to avoid it? Could this be something else besides ulcerative colitis ? How sensitive is this test he had done (false positives) ?I am 33 years old.
Avatar f tn I have lupus and deal with diarrhea everyday. I take an herb that has been a tremendous blessing. It's called Slippery Elm. It coats he entire digestive tract. I take one/daily as a maintance. But on occasion, the symptoms are overwhelming. I'll take (2) several times a day for those stubborn flare-ups. My heart really goes out to you as I know how this can alter a person's life. I'm not familiar with the medicine you spoke of.
1483944 tn?1288100910 i was diagnosed with Crohns in 2006 and on Prednisolone and Asacol then undiagnosed in 2008 and told I have IBS. I now take IBS medication but it is not working, i am in pain daily right side and have gastroentiritus issues alot as well as bowel issues, Is my doctor wrong? all my investigations are showing nothing,,,,,I am so confused! please help me!
Avatar n tn also could any medicines he could be taking for some of these problems be causing others, such as the asacol and glucose levels? is that an abnormal glucose and cholesterol level for him? Please, Please, anyone who can help me with these questions for him, i would greatly appreciate. We live in east ky. and the doctors here arent very knowledgeable on a lot of these things and i cant seem to get any help.
1446077 tn?1284510191 My gastro is now saying I have IBS and there is nothing more he can do. I am taking Asacol 400 3/3x day and Levisin for pain. I have noticed a slight decrease in bowel movements but no decrease in the pain. What else can I do to get relief?
Avatar m tn as I am no longer a UK resident I have to pay for a private prescription. Japan has not done any drugs trials for this and prescribed oral pentasa to me, which let to an almighty flare. They prescibed pentasa liquid enemas, then steroids liquid enemas, then oral steroids all the while I am getting thinner, but puffier (thanks steroids!), my knees were very painful and my eyesight was blurry. I flew to the UK (nightmare 12 hour flight) + few hour transfer.
Avatar f tn My brother had UC - I believe there were times when the prednisone and I think it was Asacol would force it into remission - which I believe is the best that can be hoped for.
Avatar n tn s and have been on various treatments since then. I have been taking Asacol for years. I have also used enemas--sometimes daily and sometimes twice a day. I had been on Remicade briefly--3 treatments--before going on to Immuran, an immunosuppressant, which worked for about 3 yrs. But, last November I had another flare up. I tried to just deal with it, hoping that it would clear up on it's own because I detest going on steroids--it really screws up my diabetes.