
Aripiprazole for autism

Common Questions and Answers about Aripiprazole for autism


Avatar n tn I've been prescribed synthroid 88 and i want to know whether this is for hypo or hyper and also i show strong signs of hashimotos so i really want to get this clear.
Avatar f tn I might be pregnant and my psychiatrist told me not to worry about the embryo. He told me that even while I'm taking 15 mg of Aripiprazole and 50 mg of Sertraline daily, there is no danger. I'm really worried. if I'm pregnant,would these doses harm my embryo being taken daily?
Avatar f tn What is the lethal dose of aripiprazole, quetiapine and lamotrigine? Mix of them.
774805 tn?1235948571 yes antipsychotic and called abilify in ireland and Us.
Avatar m tn I would try replacing the Aripiprazole (Abilify) and the Sertraline (Zoloft) by taking 25mg of 5-HTP 3x Daily for 1 week as anymore than this could induce Serotonin Syndrome. I would then recommend swapping the tablets out for a 5-HTP transdermal patch which will release a more even dose of 5-HTP throughout the day especially if you have BPD as otherwise the oral form could cause mania.
Avatar f tn Hi I'm on 50mg of methadone and 10mg of aripiprazole and I'm wondering if I should keep taking the 2 together as it makes me mega drowsy and also is this combination a thing to worry av about can someone let me know please?
Avatar m tn Fluoxetine 40mg/day, Aripiprazole 2.5 mg/day. * Include a photo if relevant (skin condition for example): [Image 1]( , [Image 2] (
1346724 tn?1282322904 It depends on the severity of his autism. There is no cure for autism but when therapy is started at an early age, there can be great progress.
Avatar m tn To the Health Specialist concern I am from malaysia age 21 and was and am under various psyciatrict drugs. Many times I was misdiagnosed and was given the wrong medication for my pasyciatric condition. These are the list of medications I was on for the past 5 years 1. Fluxotine HCL (PROZAC) 2. Lorazepam 3. Valporic acid/ Sodium valporate 4.
Avatar m tn If one looks at the history of treatment of young children with autism, one finds a long list of treatments that have been espoused to be the next cure for autism. Many of these treatments have been embraced with no scientific evidence to back them up.
Avatar f tn The genetic testing was to possibly find out why he has Autism and to provide data for research purposes. His father and I have also given blood for these tests but have not been given our results. I find the whole thing very interesting. I do believe that Autism is a genetic disorder. If blood tests could be refined for the purpose of diagnosis, it would be quite helpful. I've read that some studies have linked this specific deletion with autism.
Avatar m tn I was wondering if there were any promising Stem Cell Therapies for Autism. I have the stem cells stored for both of my autistic children ages 3 and 6.
222135 tn?1236488221 I care for an adult with autism and i will tell you everyday is a struggle to figure out the most basic skills im on my own and i have a toddler, the hardest thing about this situation is that the adult with autism is me.
470168 tn?1237471245 On the news recently (in the UK) it has said that they are closer to having a pre-natal test to diagnose autism, and that they are also close to achieving hormone treatment for the foetus prior to birth so that the brain is less masculine. I think it is widely agreed that high levels of the male hormone during pregnancy can give a greater inclination towards autism.
1719131 tn?1316584213 ( So, it ***** because I can't keep track by paper but I need the options there for me.
6583170 tn?1385317938 There is no real link between MMR vaccine and autism. The only thing that was a cause for concern with childhood vaccinations was a mercury based preservative called Thimerosal. Studies Even showed that that didn't even have a direct link with an increased chance of autism developing in children but just to be safe the FDA banned it from being used in childhood vaccinations. I believe by 2001, if not earlier, all childhood vaccinations no longer contained that ingredient.
Avatar f tn I can't say if it is autism. You've obviously got concerns, and as you say he is showing alot of sensory behaviour and he isn't talking yet. I would recommend you go to your GP and ask for a assessment from a multi disciplinary team that has experience of diagnosing autism. If it isn't that, he won't get a diagnosis and they would refer him elsewhere. Whatever is going on the sooner therapies are started the better the outcome.
Avatar f tn 2 anti psychotics,one is trifluoperazine and trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride combo and other one aripiprazole mt 5 and 1 mg of lorazepam for sleep. i want to see my pdoc but i am afraid he will give me ect as i saw some nurses in his room which i never seen in past 12 years. i am quite numb and can't respond to any kind of assault. it is really frustrating. since i am on anti psychotics, can i stop it by taking half for 15 days and then quarter for 15 days.
Avatar f tn If you searched on the internet for your town and autism groups, you will find that there are a number of groups within 50 miles of your home town (from Princeton NJ to Bethlehem, PA). Best of luck.
Avatar f tn I have been off my meds because i ran out of refills for 21 days now (i used to take 10mg aripiprazole, 80mg duloxotine, and bupropion HCL XL 300mg.) i dont know if that would effect my period but it’s worth a shot putting it out there. I feel as though something is really wrong but I cannot afford a doctor/emergency care because i have no insurance or income. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Does anyone know what’s happening with my body?
Avatar m tn Official diagnoses come for MDs. The school can suspect but the MD gives the diagnosis. Another name for Autism is Prevasive Development Disorder. They used this term for my son for years. Some States require the diagnosis Autism to get the child State funds. My son was changed to Autism when we moved to Vermont because he could not get help without it. Check your area for a Pediatric Neurologist who specializes in Autism....some have more of an interest than others. Good Luck!
Avatar f tn Venlafaxine (Efexor) is used to treat anxiety - I have been on this medicine for 8 years and it works for me. Do remember though that it can take up to 4 weeks before you notice a positive change when starting up on Venlafaxine..
918275 tn?1254068752 Although this case report adds to the literature on atypical results of atypical antipsychotics, caution needs to be used while interpreting the results, since aripiprazole is approved for the treatment of acute mania. Possible differences in response to aripiprazole in patients with bipolar affective disorder versus those with schizoaffective disorder need to be investigated. Furthermore, a drug screen was not performed to assure the patient’s denial of substance abuse""".
Avatar n tn It is a relief in some ways because most mothers have had concerns for quite a while beforehand that things were not quite right. But we are still hoping for something less serious/pervasive/not life long than autism. But how you are feeling is probably down to the fact that you will have to change your perceptions/expectations of your child. Throughout all of this your child has not changed, they are still the same.
Avatar f tn Hi Everyone, Prof. Garth Nicolson, founder of the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, CA will be here tomorrow from 12:00 - 1:00 PM (Pacific Time) answering questions from MedHelp members on the role infections play in chronic illnesses and treatments for these infections. You can start posting your questions right now.... check out the first link below. Although it says, "autoimmune disorders" forum, Prof.
Avatar f tn I have just started taking Aripiprazole(Abilify) and have found it to have some beneficial effects on my mood. However I am also finding myself to be extremely drowsy. I have heard that this side effect wears off with time. Has anyone else experienced this? It's the first antipsychotic I've taken that's had any effect so I don't want to stop it but the fact I can literally go to sleep while standing up is making my life difficult.