
Aripiprazole and neutropenia

Common Questions and Answers about Aripiprazole and neutropenia


Avatar f tn I might be pregnant and my psychiatrist told me not to worry about the embryo. He told me that even while I'm taking 15 mg of Aripiprazole and 50 mg of Sertraline daily, there is no danger. I'm really worried. if I'm pregnant,would these doses harm my embryo being taken daily?
Avatar f tn Hi I'm on 50mg of methadone and 10mg of aripiprazole and I'm wondering if I should keep taking the 2 together as it makes me mega drowsy and also is this combination a thing to worry av about can someone let me know please?
Avatar f tn What is the lethal dose of aripiprazole, quetiapine and lamotrigine? Mix of them.
Avatar n tn My husband is 53 years old and in excellent health -- doesn't drink, exercises regularly. He has a bicuspid aortic valve that is being managed with Lisinopril, and he had a prostate biopsy last year that came back negative, and since then, his PSA is within normal range. Last month he had a routine physical and his wbc came back at 1.9 with neutrophil ABS at 0.4. He has received no treatment thus far, the doctor has adopted a "wait and see" attitude and ordered weekly cbc's.
Avatar f tn I had a blood test yesterday and results show a WBC of 2.9 and also low neutrophils of .60 (meaning I have moderate neutropenia). All other values are within range. I had a blood test done a year ago and everything was good then (WBC of 5.6). I don't have a fever or additional symptoms and don't think I have a virus. I have as few questions: 1. Could this be a normal swing in my WBC, is it fairly common for healthy people to drop low and bounce back up? 2.
Avatar f tn Bacterial infection during peginterferon-based therapy for CHC was associated with comorbidity of cirrhosis, but not with neutropenia, whether at baseline or during treatment. Neutropenic CHC patients might be treated safely with close monitoring." Infection. 2008 Jun;36(3):250-5. Epub 2008 May 3. Incidence of neutropenia and infections during combination treatment of chronic hepatitis C with pegylated interferon alfa-2a or alfa-2b plus ribavirin. "...
774805 tn?1235948571 yes antipsychotic and called abilify in ireland and Us.
1363928 tn?1285081663 Bacterial infections during treatment with peginterferon alfa and ribavirin are not associated with neutropenia. Older patients and patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus have a greater risk of developing infections during HCV treatment. (HEPATOLOGY 2010). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Avatar m tn I would try replacing the Aripiprazole (Abilify) and the Sertraline (Zoloft) by taking 25mg of 5-HTP 3x Daily for 1 week as anymore than this could induce Serotonin Syndrome. I would then recommend swapping the tablets out for a 5-HTP transdermal patch which will release a more even dose of 5-HTP throughout the day especially if you have BPD as otherwise the oral form could cause mania.
Avatar n tn Patients with CML are immunocompromised and can easily acquire infections. Neutropenia also puts a patient in an immunocompromised state. For now, it is very important to prevent acquiring any infection. You should avoid crowded places and persons with ongoing infection. Good luck.
Avatar f tn I have just started taking Aripiprazole(Abilify) and have found it to have some beneficial effects on my mood. However I am also finding myself to be extremely drowsy. I have heard that this side effect wears off with time. Has anyone else experienced this? It's the first antipsychotic I've taken that's had any effect so I don't want to stop it but the fact I can literally go to sleep while standing up is making my life difficult.
Avatar m tn Since three days ago I noticed these rashes in my right armpit. They itch mildly and I feel mild discomfort. Can anyone tell me what these are? Are there any over the counter medications I should try? * Age: 25 * Sex: Male * Height: 5 feet 5 * Weight: 70 kg * Race: South Asian * Duration of complaint: 3 days * Location (Geographic and on body): Right armpit * Any existing relevant medical issues (if any) * Current medications (if any): Fluoxetine 40mg/day, Aripiprazole 2.5 mg/day.
1348086 tn?1370783185 My mother (she is 78) fell yesterday in the early evening and she will be all right but she busted her nose and knee and we had to get her to the hospital by ambulance. My therapist says that my mom is the culprit to my anxiety and other mental issues. When this happened I was on my way to pick up my daughter from the ex-wife. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep last night. We brought her home at around 10:00 and I had to get up early to get my daughter ready for kindergarten.
Avatar f tn The relationship between neutropenia and infectious complications in this instance is not well described. In the absence of data, reduction in IFN dose and/or G-CSF dose for those who develop neutropenia while undergoing IFN-based therapy for HCV infection are often initiated in clinical practice, as suggested in treatment guidelines [6] and mandated in most clinical trials [15].
Avatar f tn Hello all, I'm not sure if everyone is familiar with my story but I have neutropenia and graves disease. I need to get my wisdom tooth extracted because I have avoided it long enough. When I first tried to get my wisdom pulled the dental surgeon realized that my wisdom tooth was in my nerve and that i would suffer damage if pulled. I was told to prolong it as much as I could however, I get horrible migraines (I've suffered from migraines since 13) and I need my tooth taken out.
Avatar n tn i had some blood tests done and they told me i have mild neutropenia and mild lymphocytosis. i have no idea what it could be from. a doctor suggested to get a bone marrow extract to rule out the worst case scenario, but only if i wanted to (i really wouldn't wanna do that, to be honest i'm afraid of the process). i spoke to 3 other doctors and they told me its nothing to worry about and i definitely dont need to have my bone marrow examined.
Avatar n tn My wife had a decompression surgery in december and after surgery has had unexplained neutropenia. All her doctors flip flop around on here and she can't seem to get any real direction as what to do and where to go. The lack of concern blows me away. my questions are what type of doctor would best meet her needs. She has seen a hematologist, immunologist, rheumatologist, and neurosurgeon.
Avatar n tn Chemotherapy and radiation therapy and certain autoimmune disorders also result in neutropenia. So do not freak out. The cause has to be found out. Absolute lymphocyte count is usually less than 4000 per microliter. So your count is high. Metamyelocyte is a normal stage in the maturation of granulocytes, and are usually seen in peripheral blood in infections and in bone marrow cancers or severe anemia. In your case, the counts probably indicate an infection.
Avatar f tn My 17 month old son just had 2nd blood test come back with low neutrophils and high lymphocytes. The doctor said something about neutropenia? Should i be worried or is this just sign of a virus?
Avatar f tn Shortly after we met him he diagnosed Severe Chronic Neutropenia, and I was the first in the United States found with it. Then in 1991 Dr, Bedros had me put on a experimental drug called Neupogen I was the first in world put on the med, I have not yet met anyone who takes its besides me. But I do hear they use it for Cancer now but thats all I know I never met no one with my illness before.
Avatar n tn When i had the blood test i had the flu so am wondering if the cause of these low WBC and Neutophils is because of the flu or something else?? Everything on the CBC came back fine apart from these two: WBC - 3.6 (normal 4.0 - 11.0) LOW Neut Seg - 1.4 (normal1.9 - 7.
Avatar f tn Did I develop neutropenia from the Graves disease and how do I stop the neutropenia from getting worse? Also, what are some things that I should avoid as a result of my neutropenia? In addition, my heart rate ranges from 120-140 and I feel very tired and confused. Are these feelings a result of my heart rate? Thank you in advance.
426937 tn?1203591927 The lung spot may be infection caused by chemotherapy induced neutropenia. This may have also lead to the fever and subsequent postponement of chemotherapy. To determine the real cause of the lung spot, you need to undergo that FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) test which is scheduled for next week. It is performed under local anesthesia and you will feel a sharp ***** when the needle is introduced. Most patients tolerate this minor discomfort well.