
Aricept mechanism of action

Common Questions and Answers about Aricept mechanism of action


Avatar m tn I am not physically restricted - I walk 1 mile or more day and do 10 minutes of other light exercises most days. My BP runs under 120/80 most of the time. I understand carvedilol helps prevent stiffening of the heart muscle and can help restore LV function to some degree. How specially, so it do this? What is the biochemical mechanism?
338416 tn?1420045702 He said that there are no real clinical trials to prove the effectiveness of Aricept on mild cognitive impairment, and that it would be a waste of time. I'm not sure he understands the results of the exam. I'm moderately impaired in a few specific areas. Average it out, and I'm in the 'mild' category. But at any rate, I talked him into giving me a month's worth of Aricept.
338416 tn?1420045702 As you know, I've been taking Aricept for my cognitive impairment, and it's been working pretty well. Problem is, it costs $75 a bottle. My Copaxone also costs $50 to $75 a box, depending on whether I buy $150 worth for three months, or $75 for one month. I can't afford both, so I've been buying the Aricept and not buying the Copaxone. Probably not a great idea, but I figure at least I can think, even if I'm acquiring disability from not taking the Copaxone.
Avatar m tn The mechanism of action of Campral® (acamprosate calcium) Delayed-Release Tablets in maintenance of alcohol abstinence is not completely understood. Originally, several neurotransmitter systems, including GABA, were investigated for a possible role in Campral's mechanism of action. However, recent evidence suggests Campral's main interaction is with the glutamate system. Chronic alcohol exposure is hypothesized to alter the normal balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition.
246236 tn?1275478902 Hi everyone, it's been a LONG time since I've posted anything on the forum, but I have a question and hope to get feedback from anyone who can help. My neurologist wants me to start on Aricept for my cognitive issues. Apparently it just became available in generic about 3 weeks ago, but she gave me a month's sample of the actual Aricept. I'm excited to take it (I'm going to start it tomorrow so I have a few weekend days to know how it affects me), especially if it helps!
Avatar f tn t know anything about that - all I know is that before Aricept, I was in a gray mist, and after five months of Aricept, everything seemed to make more sense. Before Aricept, it was as if I had low water pressure - I just couldn't get enough juice in my brain to put thoughts together. On Aricept, suddenly my brain could make connections. The only trippy thing I noticed was an almost hi-def moire behind my eyeballs when I went to sleep.
Avatar m tn http://www.nasdaq.
Avatar m tn Oyakawa I am in my 3rd year of medical school and I was wondering the mechanism of action of steroid injections in the eyelid causing cataracts. It is not an osmotic agent so why does that occur? thanks so much.
Avatar n tn s so you might ask about that. And see if the Aricept could be changed under the supervision of the doctor unless there is something else neccessary it is treating as that might potentially be the cause. Zoloft is fairly tolerable overall. Tradazone has the potential to cause my disability and elderly people are particularly at risk for that so if her doctor could change that anti-depressent it might be a good idea unless its specifically helpful where others haven't been.
Avatar f tn I have been taking aricept for about 9 months. It is hard to tell if there is an improvement. It has been a while since I forgot my way home but I still forget a lot of little stuff. I keep taking it because I am convinced it cant hurt anything and it just might help a little.
Avatar m tn If a person has not been diagnosed with alzheimers but is taking aricept, is it okay? will it hurt to be taking it?
Avatar f tn My husband has been taking 10mg of Aricept for 2 years now and I have not noticed any significant difference in his memory. Actually, my observation is his memory is becoming worse. I'm struggling with whether I should discontinue the medication since I don't see improvement and because it is quite costly. I also know Aricept is designed to slow down the dementia so if I discontinue it I'm wondering if he will become worse much faster.
969466 tn?1247741539 like the other day, i could not remember my own grand daughters name. this was extremely scary to me. there have been other examples of this sort of thing happening to me. i am 47 yr old woman, i do wonder, are there beginning signs of this disease, and if so, if diagnosed early can we do something to help slow it down?
382218 tn?1341181487 Thanks for posting this DV. My favorite part was the mechanism of action for Tecfidera. "Poorly understood...
Avatar f tn She has moderate to severe short term memory loss and has been started on Aricept. She has also recently had an MRI of the brain. Could you explain: "moderate diffuse cerebral atrophy and chronic white matter small vessel disease"? Thank you!
Avatar f tn Plavix has a unique mechanism of action by blocking the amplification of platelet activation by released ADP, and often used with aspirin to prevent the risk of clots for the first year after DES implant. Plavix and aspirin have different mechanism of action to prevent clots. After a year, plavix is usually discontinue as the risk for clots is decreased, and aspirin is continued long term. The risk of a clot is about 3%.
Avatar f tn I think you should discuss with your PCP regarding a drug called Aricept. This should be started only on prescription of your treating physician. It is used for treatment of Alzheimer’s, but is helpful for short term memory loss. Aricept is a drug of choice to treat Alzheimer's, but its use is not restricted. It has been observed that Aricept improves cognition and function, which includes effects on memory and performing everyday tasks, hence it would have been prescribed.
Avatar m tn HIV is transmitted by; Unprotected penetrative anal and/or vaginal sex Sharing works with other IV drug users Mother to child You never had an exposure.
Avatar f tn Potassium is a chemical element and it is part of the electrolyte that should be in balance with other lytes to adequately conduct an electrical impulse that originates with the sinus node in the right atrium. The mechanism of action is not completely understood, but what is when a voltage (unit of potential for conduction) and electrolyte there will conduction and passage of electrical impluses.
338416 tn?1420045702 At first glance she appears to be such a miracle, but they say all of us have the ability to reroute our brains. It is such a good story. My neuro uses potholes as an example. here is the midwest we get lots of potholes in the roadways in early spring. If we are driving down the road and see a pothole, we just drive around it. Same with our brain - it learns to drive around the damage area. Giffords recovery is inspiring.
Avatar m tn Ribavirin improves early responses to peginterferon through improved interferon signaling. Gastroenterology. 2010 Jul;139 The therapeutic mechanisms of ribavirin for hepatitis C are unclear. Microarray analyses have shown that ribavirin increases induction of interferon-stimulated genes. We evaluated viral kinetics, serum cytokine expression, and viral mutagenesis during early stages of peginterferon therapy with and without ribavirin.
649926 tn?1297657780 I think out of all the drugs out there, Aricept is the best one for strictly cognitive problems. I've been taking it for four (five?) months now, and I've definitely noticed improvements in my short term memory and attention span. I feel safer driving to work, and I can remember phone numbers and keep track of change at the grocery store. The only real side effect I've noticed is long, vivid, but boring dreams.
Avatar m tn Seeing an orthodontist is advised.
Avatar f tn I have recently been told via MRI that I have Early-Onset Alzheimers and a brain cyst. I am 56. I am told I am in the moderate stage of Alzheimers. I am confused as to which is the most important issue and how I approach each. I see a neurologist this week and have been placed on Aricept. Yet still the confusion lingers. Please give me some directive on which is the most imperative issue.