
Aricept in australia

Common Questions and Answers about Aricept in australia


338416 tn?1420045702 As you know, I've been taking Aricept for my cognitive impairment, and it's been working pretty well. Problem is, it costs $75 a bottle. My Copaxone also costs $50 to $75 a box, depending on whether I buy $150 worth for three months, or $75 for one month. I can't afford both, so I've been buying the Aricept and not buying the Copaxone. Probably not a great idea, but I figure at least I can think, even if I'm acquiring disability from not taking the Copaxone.
338416 tn?1420045702 t read deeply enough to understand that it was moderate in a few select areas. Evidently Aricept has not been shown to be effective for mild cognitive impairment, and he told me so, quite angrily. I don't understand his anger. I'm still employed full time, but I'm going to lose my job if I can't concentrate and keep screwing things up. It's either take a drug that helps me think and stay on focus, or go on disability - which is the better patient? Feh.
246236 tn?1275478902 My neurologist wants me to start on Aricept for my cognitive issues. Apparently it just became available in generic about 3 weeks ago, but she gave me a month's sample of the actual Aricept. I'm excited to take it (I'm going to start it tomorrow so I have a few weekend days to know how it affects me), especially if it helps! I've looked online and on previous forum posts but didn't find a lot regarding actual experiences from those taking it who have MS.
704043 tn?1298056844 WOW, I'm glad you guys brought this up. I had no idea that Aricept worked that way. Does it give you a lift too----you know like ritalin?
Avatar f tn I have been taking aricept for about 9 months. It is hard to tell if there is an improvement. It has been a while since I forgot my way home but I still forget a lot of little stuff. I keep taking it because I am convinced it cant hurt anything and it just might help a little.
Avatar n tn my mum was diagnosed with alzaheimer in October 2008, she was prescriped dogmatile fort 200, aricept, trittico and lustral, I wonder if this combination goes well as she is more depessed since she took the medication.
Avatar f tn No drug can restore an Alzheimer's sufferer. Aricept only slows the progression just as you said in one sentence, however it does not help everyone. Not very reassuring when you are faced with high med costs and have no way to tell if it is really slowing his disease progression or if it would be at the current pace without the med.
Avatar m tn If a person has not been diagnosed with alzheimers but is taking aricept, is it okay? will it hurt to be taking it?
211940 tn?1267881266 About five months after taking Aricept, I found that my brain was quicker and more adept. I could participate in conversations and follow topics better. I could remember what I was doing from one moment to the next. I could even count change and catch errors at the grocery store! So I stopped taking it. I recommend it for everybody that's having problems with cognitive function.
Avatar n tn I think you should discuss with your PCP regarding a drug called Aricept. This should be started only on prescription of your treating physician. It is used for treatment of Alzheimer’s, but is helpful for short term memory loss. Aricept is a drug of choice to treat Alzheimer's, but its use is not restricted. It has been observed that Aricept improves cognition and function, which includes effects on memory and performing everyday tasks, hence it would have been prescribed.
338416 tn?1420045702 I think that's exactly what happened to me - I was in a fog for a long time. I asked for a script for Aricept, got it, and was on that for three months. It felt very much like the Aricept gave my brain enough 'power' to jump over the holes. After a while, it was more like the brain knew how to navigate around the holes.
Avatar f tn I see your answer to the blue patches on the sclera; my mother in law has black patches at the 3 and 9 position. She is 94, has Alzheimer's, is taking aricept and namenda. can you indicate what causes the black areas?
649926 tn?1297657780 If anyone has scoop on their experience with Aricept or any other cognition helping drug please take a minute to chime in.
Avatar f tn Hello. It is important for you to decide if the symptoms are due to early onset Alzheimer's disease or the cyst. The symptoms due to the Alzheimer’s disease are more related to cognition, memory, etc. A cyst may produce similar symptoms, but it is usually an acute or sub acute finding. In all probabilities, your cyst is an incidental finding when the MRI was done. Alzheimer's disease is the one you should focus on. Aricept is a good drug.
5727805 tn?1378193052 My sister in law is newly pregnant and not originally from Australia. I am a new zealander so don't know much about Australian birth care. But are midwives used?? Or do you see the doctor? She is An Australian permanent resident. Here in NZ is it simple, you just contact a midwife and go from there. Is it that simple in Australia?
Avatar f tn I know I have potentially thrown the cat in amongst the pigeons but I think it is a valid topic for those in Australia suffering with Lyme Disease.
Avatar f tn Gday is there anyone in Australia on these forums having trouble with tramadol...I am in Queensland..Thanks Anyone can join in any help is great thanks everbody.......
Avatar f tn Hey, Doc~ I'm sure you understand that it isn't just any tick that will produce Lyme disease after having bitten someone. You know that they are deer ticks that have been infected, and hence carry the disease. I'm sorry about the cat. My goodness! But there's no way to tell if the tick that latched onto kitty infected the cat with Lyme or something else. (Not saying it can't have been Lyme!) I found a site that says Lyme was first documented in Australia in 1980.
582777 tn?1298456914 I just wanted to check in, since there are a few other Aussie MS'ers here. We're in Brisbane, 2km from the floodwaters, but our house is on a hill and we will stay high and dry thankfully. Hopefully our other QLD community members are also safe right now.
429700 tn?1308007823 I had my long awaited appointment finally today. I posted to the forum a while back sharing my MRI results and expressed some concerns about new medicines. I've been on Copaxone since March 2008 and my last MRI showed several new lesions-- mostly around the ventricles. The doctor says that Copaxone is failing me and a new drug should be considered. He mentioned Rebif and even Tysabri. He said that he's setting up a new infusion center close to where I live which open in January.
900662 tn?1469390305 Don't know at all, John, but I'd take it if they offered it, just to see if it helped. That is, after I read the fine print; I know nearly nothing about the drug. Had another Neuropsych eval at Cleveland Clinic this week. For all I know, they might ask me to try it. Lost my mom to early-onset Alzheimer's back in '82; Aricept has always been out there on my "gotta look at that someday" list. Best wishes to you, in any case, and have a blessed Christmas.
Avatar m tn When I was having some serious cog fog, I asked my neurologist for a sample of Aricept. Had to argue with him, actually. It worked! I got back some of my cognitive function - not all, but enough that I felt confident about my decisions. I took it for four months, total. I still have one month left over on the scrip, so if I really need it, I'll have it.
338416 tn?1420045702 I have had a bit of stomach ache, which comes and goes. Aricept increases gastric acid levels in your stomach, which leads to diarrhea (not yet!) vomiting (not yet!) and nausea (not yet!) I get the impression that you'll know the Aricept is kicking in when your gut starts hurting. Of course, I was having problems down there before I started the Aricept, so maybe it has nothing to do with the new drug. So that's where I'm at right now.
Avatar f tn Do you think Australia will eventually use rapid hiv tests to combat the hiv rates in Australia. I know Australia has great resources but read that they have not implemented point of care rapid tests.
Avatar f tn She has moderate to severe short term memory loss and has been started on Aricept. She has also recently had an MRI of the brain. Could you explain: "moderate diffuse cerebral atrophy and chronic white matter small vessel disease"? Thank you!