
Aricept head injury

Common Questions and Answers about Aricept head injury


338416 tn?1420045702 Somebody asked on another thread how the Aricept was working out, so I thought I'd post an update... So far, I haven't seen any of the negative side effects of Aricept. I'm on the 5 mg dose, which is the lowest it gets, and I have really noticed an improvement in my memory and my multi-tasking abilities. I'm able to remember phone numbers, and cook a complicated meal. (Made pork lo mein on Tuesday... yum.) I also seem to be grouchier, and less tolerant than I used to be.
246236 tn?1275478902 My neurologist wants me to start on Aricept for my cognitive issues. Apparently it just became available in generic about 3 weeks ago, but she gave me a month's sample of the actual Aricept. I'm excited to take it (I'm going to start it tomorrow so I have a few weekend days to know how it affects me), especially if it helps! I've looked online and on previous forum posts but didn't find a lot regarding actual experiences from those taking it who have MS.
Avatar f tn t know anything about that - all I know is that before Aricept, I was in a gray mist, and after five months of Aricept, everything seemed to make more sense. Before Aricept, it was as if I had low water pressure - I just couldn't get enough juice in my brain to put thoughts together. On Aricept, suddenly my brain could make connections. The only trippy thing I noticed was an almost hi-def moire behind my eyeballs when I went to sleep.
Avatar m tn If a person has not been diagnosed with alzheimers but is taking aricept, is it okay? will it hurt to be taking it?
Avatar n tn my mum was diagnosed with alzaheimer in October 2008, she was prescriped dogmatile fort 200, aricept, trittico and lustral, I wonder if this combination goes well as she is more depessed since she took the medication.
Avatar f tn My husband has been taking 10mg of Aricept for 2 years now and I have not noticed any significant difference in his memory. Actually, my observation is his memory is becoming worse. I'm struggling with whether I should discontinue the medication since I don't see improvement and because it is quite costly. I also know Aricept is designed to slow down the dementia so if I discontinue it I'm wondering if he will become worse much faster.
704043 tn?1298056844 Hey, I took Aricept for five months to get over some cog fog. It was amazing, and kinda reassuring. I started with some samples, and noticed a difference immediately - I could follow directions, count change, remember conversations... Every time I ran out, I would wait a day or so and see if I noticed a difference. After five months, I reached a point where I felt normal without the Aricept - yay! I highly recommend it.
Avatar f tn I have been taking aricept for about 9 months. It is hard to tell if there is an improvement. It has been a while since I forgot my way home but I still forget a lot of little stuff. I keep taking it because I am convinced it cant hurt anything and it just might help a little.
Avatar n tn I think you should discuss with your PCP regarding a drug called Aricept. This should be started only on prescription of your treating physician. It is used for treatment of Alzheimer’s, but is helpful for short term memory loss. Aricept is a drug of choice to treat Alzheimer's, but its use is not restricted. It has been observed that Aricept improves cognition and function, which includes effects on memory and performing everyday tasks, hence it would have been prescribed.
338416 tn?1420045702 ) I asked him for a prescription for Aricept, and he seemed a little annoyed. He said that there are no real clinical trials to prove the effectiveness of Aricept on mild cognitive impairment, and that it would be a waste of time. I'm not sure he understands the results of the exam. I'm moderately impaired in a few specific areas. Average it out, and I'm in the 'mild' category. But at any rate, I talked him into giving me a month's worth of Aricept.
649926 tn?1297657780 Hi! Thanks for the info on Aricept. I have a few days left until I see the Doctor and I guess Aricept is the front runner. Of course she may not be willing to give me anything, but I am pretty sure that she will once we talk. If anyone has scoop on their experience with Aricept or any other cognition helping drug please take a minute to chime in.
Avatar f tn I think you should discuss with your PCP regarding a drug called Aricept. This should be started only on prescription of your treating physician. It is used for treatment of Alzheimer’s, but is helpful for short term memory loss. Aricept is a drug of choice to treat Alzheimer's, but its use is not restricted. It has been observed that Aricept improves cognition and function, which includes effects on memory and performing everyday tasks, hence it would have been prescribed.
Avatar f tn Nausea, vomiting, excess sleep, severe headache, difficulty in walking and balance, tremors, seizures, vision problems, ringing in ears etc are all signs of head injury. You need to get this investigated immediately. Please go to the ER and get a complete neurological examination along with MRI of head and neck region. Take care!
Avatar m tn Though I fell down quite hard on my head , my head didnot hurt at all. Instead I hurt my leg and neck a bit. Is it possible that I may internally bleeding in my head. One of my relatives had an internally bleeding in her head not too long ago after she fell down , hence I am feeling scared. Almost 2 hours has passed since I fell down and still I donot feel any such discomfiture other than a blunt headache which lasts for 2/3 minutes. Should I be worried?
Avatar n tn You should head to an ER for a film and evaluation. Do not pass go. Do not collect two hundred dollars. There are two issues: (1) the reason for the dizziness and fall and (2) whether or not there is damage to the cervical vertebra. Often a bump on the head will cause the brain to swell and there is only a small window of time with which to provide medication to stop the swelling. Swelling impinges on blood supply and can result in necrosis of brain tissue.
5394463 tn?1367323852 Sometimes it takes time to be referred to a specialist (Neurologist), but in the meantime, tests can be done. Your father could have a head injury and needs further evaluation by a medical professional. Let us know how things go.
Avatar n tn She has a bad head injury. She is still circling some but has begun to eat and drink. Her balance is is unsteady but can walk straight at times. Is it unreasonable to think she could regain her balance? We know she will probably be a different dog now, but really want her to have a quality life.
Avatar n tn Hello, I feel that your grandson needs to be evaluated for a head injury as soon as possible.Mostly hematomas formed after a head injury soon in case of children,but as your grandson is having signs of concussion or a raised intracranial pressure(most probably due to a subdural hematoma)it needs to be evaluated by a neurosurgeon immediately.An x-ray or CT head is advisable. Pls don’t listen to your daughter as your grandson needs immediate evaluation. Hope it helps.
Avatar n tn I hope he is okay after this time you will know.... in my opinion any child who has shortness of breath after a head injury should be looked at ..
Avatar f tn Hi had a very nasty head injury..Jumped out if moving van and smashe my head on floor after being flicked in the air. I get freezing cold still and have a rash all over my body. My nose is runny and I have a noise in my ears like been to a there means for concern?