
Appendicitis recovery pregnant

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis recovery pregnant


Avatar n tn I am in my 19th week and got diagnosed with appendicitis 2 days ago. Did some labs and the results show I have inflammation going on. Am scheduled for an appendectomy and was told not to worry because precautions would be taken not hurt the baby. I was also informed that they would do some procedure to calm the baby down the night before the surgery. I am yet to know what kind of procedure it is they are talking about. My og/gyn is working with the surgeon on my case.
Avatar f tn Im 10 weeks pregnant and got my appendix removed yesterday (saturday) they told me about the risks with the anastesia and baby, but they also told me that if i left it in and it ruptured id lose baby for sure. Anyone else have their appendix removed and had a perfectly healthy baby?
Avatar f tn Monitor your syptoms cause nausea, back pain, pain on right side and bloating r also symptoms of appendicitis. I had appendicitis while i was pregnant so didn't notice the symptoms of appendicitis cause i just thought it was pregnacy symptoms.if pain gets worse or you get fever go to doctor.
Avatar m tn I also have headaches and have gotten easily hot and overheated during the night. I know im not pregnant because ive testes and JUST came off my period and it was normal. Could this be my apendix? UTI? I had a UTI about 2 months ago could i have another? Oh and i feel like i have trappe gas and it travels all over my stomach.
1661545 tn?1302685376 what instructions should i give to a 40 years old women, para 1+1, who is currently pregnant and presented with signs of appendicitis, she is known asthmatic known diabetic that she developed since her 1st conception, with family history of Diabetes and hypertension. Thank you in advane...
Avatar f tn I was just wondering what type of surgery they will need to do, how long the recovery time and hospital stay would be because Im only a junior in high school and I want to know how long I would need to be out of school.
Avatar f tn Visited UrgiCare Tuesday evening with constant pain and expanding abdomen. Dr. did CBC and urinalysis to rule out appendicitis and bladder infection. There was some blood in her urine so Dr. prescribed pain meds and dismissed us with "cramps" and a suggestion to follow-up with ped Dr. for anemia. On Wednesday Ped ordered CT with contrast of abdomen and pelvis which showed feces in the bowels and fluid in her abdomen. She prescribed milk of magnesia and a high fiber diet.
Avatar n tn You are correct that this is not an acute appendicitis, but there is a possibility that this is a chronic appendicitis. This is almost surely not an ulcer of the rectum as you don't have any of the same symptoms.
Avatar f tn What was ur recovery like after the laparoscopy?
Avatar n tn Its soooo bad i cant walk properly, ive been sick, i dont feel like eating, feeling soo faint aswell (19 weeks pregnant) any ideas? Ive been told possible appendicitis but also could be a number of things! Any clue?
Avatar f tn t be causing me my pain. She said my symptoms sounded like appendicitis and sent me to the hospital for a CT scan. The scan came back normal. The following day the pain increased and I went to the ER. They also saw the cyst on ultrasound and admitted me for further tests. Spent 4 days in that hospital with a colonoscopy done (also normal). I told them it may be a hernia and they called a gen surgeon to examine me.
Avatar f tn I just got my appendix out at 8 weeks pregnant was wondering if anyone else has had there out while pregnant?
Avatar f tn Wishing you both well. Glad you went into the hospital when you did.
5670884 tn?1374749288 My sister had appendicitis when she was pregnant. If the pain doesn't go away after a while, look up the symptoms of appendicitis and see if that sounds possible, and if so go to the doc.
Avatar n tn I was hospitalized on Friday night with sever pain to my right side the doctors have stated its either the start of appendicitis or a torn ligament. Awaiting test results. I'm on complete bed rest until I get the results if it is appendicitis what will they do and is there any chance it could hurt my baby. Also got the results of my last blood test which indicated my liver function was down.
Avatar f tn I am laying in the hospital right now in labor and delivery freaking out. They are more than likely going to have to remove my appendix which carries a big risk of pre term labor. Have any of you mommies ever had appendicitis while pregnant or know someone who has? I don't know what I would do if I lost my sweet baby boy. He was a miraculous conception and my first and most likely my only so that makes this even worse.
Avatar n tn What you describe could be a number of things, including pancreatitis, appendicitis, diverticulitis, ... or something else altogether. This set of symptoms doesn't seem to be the type one can afford to ignore. Pls see a doc/urgent care right away. Hope you'll write again to let us know how you're doing.
Avatar m tn It hurts to walk and I must sit down with great care, I have performed some of the tests for appendicitis such as lying supine with my right leg bent and pushing over to the left...this results in much pain. Having been an EMT for many years I understand this could be appendicitis, however, I am confused about the pain free lapses. I live in the middle of no where with poor hospitals about 2 and a half hours away.
Avatar n tn As far as I know, the most apparent symptom of appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is a dull pain in the stomach on the right side, that moves to severe lower right abdominal pain. The above website explains different symptoms that could accompany appendicitis.
Avatar n tn When I had appendecitis I woke up in pain with a lot of abdominal pressure and was admitted for surgery that day. It felt like I was really constipated or something (sorry TMI), and was nauseous. It sounds like the pain you are having is more likely related to the pcos. I have had ovarian cysts in the past and it felt a lot like what you are describing. I'm not an expert, just my personal experience.
Avatar f tn now i am developing the same pain again after about 20 hours, so i want to ask can it be appendicitis even if ultrasound doesnt show it? one of my friend got operated last month, she was having the same pain but ultrasound didnt show anything even then she got operated n now is fine!
Avatar f tn Now the next day my lower right stomach is pretty tender, nowhere else, just lower right side. Should I be worried about appendicitis? Could it be tender from extreme gas and bloating? Thoughts?
Avatar f tn You may be able to tell if it's appendicitis. Have her push on the area that hurts in her lower right. If it hurts more. It SHOULDN'T BE appendicitis. Most of the time appendicitis will find relief with pressure and (sadly) extreme pain when pressure is released. Also, I WOULD ask for an ultrasound because that's how my first ovarian cyst rupture presented!
231441 tn?1333892766 But the good thing is that the original pain from the appendicitis (that no one believed was appendicitis - they were still arguing even as I was going into surgery - as insisted by my OB) is completely gone after 3 long months and once I am recovered from this surgery I should be pretty fine. I'm feeling well enough to catch up on internet and mail now, so that's surely a good sign. Take care all.