
Appendicitis no appendix

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis no appendix


Avatar n tn my right side in pain constantly no vomiting no diarreo could someone give me an advise if i appendix thanks
Avatar n tn As far as I know, the most apparent symptom of appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is a dull pain in the stomach on the right side, that moves to severe lower right abdominal pain. The above website explains different symptoms that could accompany appendicitis.
5154898 tn?1374773319 OK, I've been worried sick since about 4 days ago. It all started when i had a muscle spasm beside my belly button (right side), it lasted a whole day. I woke up the next day with a dull pain in the same spot, nothing really painful, just enough to worry me. Now, my lower front (right side), my right side and back on the right side has been aching.
Avatar n tn I have recently been experiencing right side pain and mentioned it to my GP. He sent me for a CT which confirmed mild appendicitis. Don't have typical appendicitis symptoms other than pain and some nausea. My doc says to get it taken out. I went for a consult with a general surgeon and he said he isn't 100% that's my appendix since I don't have all the acute symptoms. He said there is no such thing as chronic appendicitis and my doc says "oh yes there is". UGH...
Avatar n tn it just kind of hangs off doing nothing and serving no known purpose. Appendicitis happens when fecal matter gets trapped in the appendix and as a result the appendix becomes infected. In case you wanted to know exactly how it happens.
Avatar n tn A calcified concretion in the appendix considered diagnostic of appendicitis in the acute abdomen.
Avatar f tn My 6 yr old son was recently in the hospital about 2 weeks for a ruptured appendix. when he first had the symptoms was a day before i took him to the er he woke up with severe vomiting and stomach pain, his pcp diagnosed him with a stomach flu, i took him home and tried my best to make him keep liquids down and and keep him hydrated. the next morning he woke up with severe lower right abdominal pain and fever.
Avatar n tn My concern is he still having low grade fever and lower right quad pain ( increased pain with eating and some activitys) My question is should the appendix be removed due to potential appendicitis in the future due to blockage causing inflam. and infection or can this resolve on it's own. My research shows majority of these stones end up causing appendicitis eventually.
Avatar m tn I hear that finding a surgeon to take out an appendix due to chronic appendicitis is very hard, seeing as most doctors do not believe that it exists. I am looking for references. If you have had chronic appendicitis treated, or if you know of someone who has, please let me know. I am very desperate and in need of help, because I do not know how much longer I can take the pain and the constant sickness.
Avatar f tn Im 10 weeks pregnant and got my appendix removed yesterday (saturday) they told me about the risks with the anastesia and baby, but they also told me that if i left it in and it ruptured id lose baby for sure. Anyone else have their appendix removed and had a perfectly healthy baby?
Avatar f tn It is possible to have pain originating from the appendix without true appendicitis. An appendicolith can be sitting in the appendix and cause pain as the appendix attempts to expell it. One can also find mucoceles that cause pain. Rather than trying to make a random guess as to it's origin, you would be better served to obtain appropriate medical evaluation. so a more accurate diagnosis could be made and reasonable therapy prescribed.
Avatar m tn I have read the following online in regards to double-balloon enteroscopy: "Common side-effects after a DBE include: • Sore throat • Abdominal bloating • Nausea • Minor bleeding These are usually mild and resolve within 12 to 24 hours.
Avatar f tn today morning at 5 i had swear pain i went to the doc, they asked me for blood test, urine test n ultrasound, urine test showed some sign of appendix but ultra sound didnt, they sent me home n gave some pain killers! now i am developing the same pain again after about 20 hours, so i want to ask can it be appendicitis even if ultrasound doesnt show it?
Avatar m tn but Im just weirded out by this slight pain where my appendix is. Two docs told me its not appendicitis because Id be in much more pain and it wouldnt last over a what could it be? IBS usually hurts in the stomach area, not where the appendix is. Have any of you ever felt this kinda pain before? I still think something is wrong with my appendix even though I was told its not that. My roommate said it could be a hernia?
Avatar n tn And i become very gassy. I was wondering if this was appendicitis but since it comes and goes im not sure! The pain be's below my belly button but yes sometimes it does just be on my lower right. Please help!..
Avatar n tn If you do have appendicitis (especially acute appendicitis) then if this is untreated there is a chance that the appendix will rupture causing peritonitis which is dangerous and can be life threatening. I suggest that you go quickly to your Emergency/accident department and ask them either to rule out appendicitis - or else confirm it and carry out the necessary operation.
Avatar m tn It subsides after a couple of hours and there are no residual symptoms. No fever, etc. only very localized LRQ pain. It hurts to walk and I must sit down with great care, I have performed some of the tests for appendicitis such as lying supine with my right leg bent and pushing over to the left...this results in much pain. Having been an EMT for many years I understand this could be appendicitis, however, I am confused about the pain free lapses.
Avatar f tn m surprised your doctor just gave you drugs for an appendicitis-- true appendicitis almost always needs surgery. Have you had your appendix looked at since then? Ask for an ultrasound or a colonoscopy. In some really rare cases, an infected appendix can lead to infection elsewhere in your abdomen/pelvis, including muscles outside your digestive tract (which might explain the pain when running).
Avatar m tn He gave an order for the CT with query for appendicitis or Ileocecal tuberculosis. The same local doctor said no appendicitis or mass now recommends CECT because his friend that is the new gastro advised for it. I don't have diarrohea, fever or vomitting, blood in stools but a little weight loss over a period of year as I avoided junk foods, eggs, icecreams and potato after I got chest pain problems assuming it might be against heart health.
Avatar f tn Srump appendicitis is when the small portion of appendix remaining after an appendectomy gets inflamed again. You basically get appendicitis for the second time. I'm more and more convinced that the pain comes from the cyst though... I was in terrible pain today and I thought that my ovary got torsioned or that the cyst ruptured, becsuse the pain was BAD. So i had an ultrasound. It turns out the cyst on my right side wasn't bleeding and nothing else was wrong...
Avatar n tn This past Sunday, I was sent home from the ER with a diagnosis of early appendicitis. I'd been suffering from a fever, lower/midline abdominal pain on my right side, and severe diarrhea for several days, and was told by my doctor to go to the ER to rule out appendicitis. Besides my signs/symptoms, the only abnormal finding was a slightly enlarged appendix in the ultrasound and CT.
Avatar f tn m worried about is after 1-2 of waking up I went to eat something but then started to feel a slight discomfort no major pain just something it was I went to do a quick google search and was seeing that's where my appendix is located didnt have pain near my belly button tho.
Avatar f tn I am a veteran last Thursday was brought to an outside VA ER for lower right quadrant stomach pain. They did lab work everything okay my WBC was 10.29 no fever. They did an Ultrasound which was highly susceptible for appendicitis it showed that it was not compressable, had minimal hypermiea, I was very tender and showed top normally enlarged.
Avatar n tn does anyone know if someone has appendicities and their appendix bursts can that cause a miscarriage?
740419 tn?1309278186 Hi, I posted some cool X-ray pictures of my (partially blocked) appendix here: Picture #1 in the set also shows my hand in the X-ray, with the index finger indicating the point of pain (pretty close to the appendix, I wasn't looking at the X-ray screen when the picture was taken, I didn't know the appendix was there).
1274514 tn?1277057923 No, I do not believe you can sue your first doctor. I believe you may have misunderstood your second doctor when he said, "wounds like that was supposed to be left open," which sounds more to me like he was explaining how come he had to open the wound to let it drain. When initially the appendix is removed, it is supposed to be sewn up/stapled and bandaged. The whole point of closing the wound is to keep bacteria out of there.
Avatar n tn When I had appendecitis I woke up in pain with a lot of abdominal pressure and was admitted for surgery that day. It felt like I was really constipated or something (sorry TMI), and was nauseous. It sounds like the pain you are having is more likely related to the pcos. I have had ovarian cysts in the past and it felt a lot like what you are describing. I'm not an expert, just my personal experience.
Avatar f tn The pain first started at my appendix area. I had all the symptoms of appendicitis. I went to emergency and they ruled out appendicitis. I had Constipation, gastroenteritis and IBS. Now, the gastroenteritis is gone, but the rest isn't. I still have the same symptoms from the beginning. My appendix area feels bloated. It now hurts so bad, I have difficulty and pain standing, walking or even sitting. When pressed on the appendix area, it still feels pain.