
Appendicitis and infections of the appendix

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis and infections of the appendix


Avatar n tn I'm not a doctor but I would have thought that the "misbehaviour" of the appendix (which is attached to the colon) is quite independent of the gall bladder. If you do have appendicitis (especially acute appendicitis) then if this is untreated there is a chance that the appendix will rupture causing peritonitis which is dangerous and can be life threatening.
Avatar n tn As far as I know, the most apparent symptom of appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is a dull pain in the stomach on the right side, that moves to severe lower right abdominal pain. The above website explains different symptoms that could accompany appendicitis.
Avatar n tn Another possibility is diverticulitis, which would be more common in somebody in late 40s or older. I don't see your age on your profile. Diverticulitis is often linked to constipation.
Avatar n tn does anyone know if someone has appendicities and their appendix bursts can that cause a miscarriage?
Avatar n tn When I brought her in she had a fever of 99.8 and was shaking because she had the chills and she was very pale. They sent us home and said if the pain comes back to bring her back in. Can an appendicolith cause an appendicitis or is it one just waiting to happen. Im so frustrated at this point I just want some answers. Thanks..
Avatar n tn Besides my signs/symptoms, the only abnormal finding was a slightly enlarged appendix in the ultrasound and CT. I was told to keep an eye out for things, and to go back asap if things got worse- which they likely would within a reasonably short amount of time. Well the pain has been getting worse and more frequent, but there was one thing I left out when I went to the ER: I am bulimic.
Avatar n tn Unless the area is swollen and severely infected the tenderness may be noted when the skin is palpated. The pain of appendicitis is severe and may be influenced by movement and certain positions. I suggest immediate consult with your doctor.
5154898 tn?1374773319 OK, I've been worried sick since about 4 days ago. It all started when i had a muscle spasm beside my belly button (right side), it lasted a whole day. I woke up the next day with a dull pain in the same spot, nothing really painful, just enough to worry me. Now, my lower front (right side), my right side and back on the right side has been aching.
Avatar f tn Im 10 weeks pregnant and got my appendix removed yesterday (saturday) they told me about the risks with the anastesia and baby, but they also told me that if i left it in and it ruptured id lose baby for sure. Anyone else have their appendix removed and had a perfectly healthy baby?
Avatar n tn There are two cases I know of in which the individuals have sporadic issues with their appendix and have had the issue for, in one case one year and in the other case about 2 years. The problem never escalates to a full-stage appendicitis 'attack' stage. Both individuals and their doctors have chosen to treat with antibiotics which seems to bring things back into line - at least for the time being.
Avatar f tn you need to get to the er abdominla pain is nothing to play around with this is very serious and should be taken care of asap
Avatar m tn It seems to move around, from the appendix area to the groin, and wraps around to the back and kidney area. As well, a mix of constipation and then diahrrea. I'm really quite terrified of it being appendicitis or worse yet, peritonitis. I have seen two health professionals, one at a clinic and the other in the emergency room, both of them saying its nothing, perhaps just a pulled or strained muscle. Like said, I'm scared, and I would like some sort of reassurance or advice.
Avatar f tn An appendicolith can be sitting in the appendix and cause pain as the appendix attempts to expell it. One can also find mucoceles that cause pain. Rather than trying to make a random guess as to it's origin, you would be better served to obtain appropriate medical evaluation. so a more accurate diagnosis could be made and reasonable therapy prescribed.
Avatar n tn it just kind of hangs off doing nothing and serving no known purpose. Appendicitis happens when fecal matter gets trapped in the appendix and as a result the appendix becomes infected. In case you wanted to know exactly how it happens.
Avatar n tn Once I had 4 hours of surgery, I was informed that my appendix, 1/2 of my bowel, the top of my large intestine and the bottom of my small intestine were removed. I was in hospital for 30 days and in that time contracted Spesis. After 18 days I was allowed to start eating low fibre foods after just having water for that time and after a few months began eating fairly normal. I have been finding I am getting lower stomach pains often and sometimes after I eat.
Avatar n tn My concern is he still having low grade fever and lower right quad pain ( increased pain with eating and some activitys) My question is should the appendix be removed due to potential appendicitis in the future due to blockage causing inflam. and infection or can this resolve on it's own. My research shows majority of these stones end up causing appendicitis eventually.
Avatar f tn But, just to rule out its not your appendix try putting two fingers over it pressing down firmly for 10 seconds, than releasing quickly, if you experience extreme pain there is a chance it could be Appendicitis. Locate Appendix 2 inches down from belly button and about 4-5 inches to the right (over the "sex cut" muscle area. Are you a male of a female? If you are Male, when was the last time you had a prostate exam? Also I would ask your GP to check for a Hernia.
Avatar m tn Your thinking of acute appendicitis. There is no cat scans, x-rays, or any other test that will definately say that the pain is related to "Chronic Appendicitis". Just knowledge of the disease and symptoms. I do know for fact this information and I have been trying to get the word out there that this disease is real and how to recognize it in the future. Thank you.
Avatar f tn the next morning he woke up with severe lower right abdominal pain and fever. i rushed him to the ER, after 3 hours of waiting the doctor ordered some xrays and notified me that my son had walking pneumonia. i asked the doctor how is it that my son has no symptoms of pneumonia and still have a positive xray, he told me it happens. - My question here is can a appendicitis be confused with pneumonia, and can pneumonia cause abdominal pain?
Avatar n tn Hello, There are many possibilities to your symptoms.The most likely one is appendicitis(inflammation of the appendix).Others are irritable bowel syndrome(irregular bowel movements of constipation and diarrhea along with the pain and nausea are there), Crohn's disease(Crohn's disease most commonly affects the last part of the small intestine, usually located in the right lower abdomen) ,kidney infections, intestinal obstruction, mesenteric occlusion or enteritis.
Avatar m tn Is there any way I have chronic appendicitis that is coming and going? The pain is usually in the area of the appendix. Also as a side note, I had right side testicular pain that started up around the same time the abdominal pain started years back. Not sure if this is related as the pains seem to happen usually at different intervals.
Avatar n tn And i become very gassy. I was wondering if this was appendicitis but since it comes and goes im not sure! The pain be's below my belly button but yes sometimes it does just be on my lower right. Please help!..
Avatar m tn Because the tests used to diagnose appendicitis are not perfect, sometimes the operation will show that your appendix is normal. In that case, the surgeon will remove your appendix and explore the rest of your abdomen for other causes of your pain. If a CT scan shows that you have an abscess from a ruptured appendix, you may be treated for infection. You will have your appendix removed after the infection and swelling have gone away.
1967516 tn?1325637548 I've had the same pain on my right side, also I have had my appendix removed. My ob said it was most likely stretching of my csection scars. ?? I'm 22 wks now and still have the pain. But baby is healthy and moving a lot. It is probably stretching and when you stress about it (like I usually do) it just drives you nuts. Try not to worry. I'm sure its normal I wish you the best!
Avatar m tn I saw a doctor on Wednesday and he said its probably gallstones and not appendicitis at I drank some apple juice and within a day the majority of the pain disappeared. But I still have slight pain where my appendix is, so I went to the doc again 2 days later and saw a different doctor who said that its not appendicitis and that its probably associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (ive had it since i was born practically).
552053 tn?1273331741 s actually more common than you would think. If the cause of the inflammation of the appendix is a particle of food or something that is blocking it, of course it will cause pain while it's blocked, but sometimes that blockage can be released so then you get the pain relief. Most of the time, however, chronic appendicitis will, at some point, become accute appendicitis and will require surgery.
Avatar n tn It could be scar tissue that is causing the pain.
Avatar m tn Funny you mention that they always worry about the appendix...was the same for me. I had a history of cysts and pain on my right side. I remember that I had a both a general surgeon and an obgyn for my surgery and I think that is because I was having both cyst and appendix removed. My doctors are the ones who made the call to remove both though. But, it seemed like they often worked together on surgeries. You should definitely ask about it.
Avatar f tn m surprised your doctor just gave you drugs for an appendicitis-- true appendicitis almost always needs surgery. Have you had your appendix looked at since then? Ask for an ultrasound or a colonoscopy. In some really rare cases, an infected appendix can lead to infection elsewhere in your abdomen/pelvis, including muscles outside your digestive tract (which might explain the pain when running).
Avatar n tn I went to the doctor and he said it is probably related to the PCOS. He has me on Metformin along with my Victoza. I hope it goes away soon. However, just today I realized I have my second kidney stone.