
Appendicitis and pid

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis and pid


Avatar f tn t know why I am still getting these pains, and can they be from a UTI and BV? Also I have oral thrush from the antibiotics and have had it for about 1 week. I am treating with coconut oil, corsodyl mouthwash and also natural yoghurt. However it does not seem to be clearing.. The pain is better but the White/yellow covering has not dissappeared from my tongue!! Please help!!
Avatar n tn then I started having pains again. I went back to the ER and again they found that I still had PID; got treated again. A couple months later, pain yet again. When I went BACK, they found PID and scar tissue left from 2 cysts (on each ovary). I've gone to three different GYNs and not a single one found anything. Now I don't have health insurance and I'm starting to feel the pain again. Throbbing pelvic pain, heat/cold flashes and also sick to my stomach.
644974 tn?1312758070 oops i mean inflammatory disease....i had once and u said all the same symtoms....
Avatar f tn I went to the ER several months ago for severe pain in my lower right abdomen, along with uncontrollable diarrhea and vomiting. When in the ER, they did a pelvic exam to rule out PID, and were going to do an ultrasound to rule out appendicitis but decided not to when my bloodwork came back and my white blood cell count was only slightly elevated.
Avatar f tn Hi! Im 27 years old, single, not married and Im suffering an on/off lower abdominal pain together with back pain and fever. And there's a vaginal discharge as well, sometimes odorless and most of the time it has very foul smell.
Avatar f tn I have had my Mirena for almost four years and I've never had a single problem until now. I have recently started having severe cramps that come and go on a daily basis. They are drop to your knees, crying on the floor cramps. I saw my gynecologist and she suggested that it may not be the Mirena causing the cramps and that I should just go see another doctor and try to figure out what's wrong after charging me $460! Anyone else having this issue? I'm contemplating having it removed?!
Avatar f tn At the time, I experienced a major drop in my immune system. I got PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) and multiple UTI and yeast infections. After a few months, everything cleared up and all was okay until lately. Now, almost a year and a half later, I have another very painful PID. My questions are: Is the PID caused by HPV? I've been screened for other STDs and I'm all clear. Did I contract PID from a sexual partner?
895856 tn?1241595448 If the pain is actually in your stomach than it could be related to an Ulcer, GERD, Hiatal Hernia or Gastritis, again just to name a few. The abdominal cavity contains many of our vital organs and without a good clinical exam and possibly some additional testing it can be difficult to diagnosis. In my opinion if your pain is sudden and acute you should seek an immediate medical evaluation. If it is more chronic than it is still time to make an appointment with your PCP.
872871 tn?1239861015 s office and the ER and had x-rays and CAT Scan and lab and all the said was that my white blood count was high.Any suggestions of what to do next or what it might be?I'm tired of the pain!The Dr.'s don't know what it could be.No nausea,or vomiting.And no fever.
Avatar f tn No, not every gonorrhea infection will result in PID, and 2 years is a REALLY long time to go without symptoms. Are you sure you weren't infected after that? STDs don't cause PCOS.
Avatar f tn From my past sexual experiences I believe I have Had the std for two years . I was wondering what was the chances of having pid. I still have abdominal pain and painful intercourse . I went to several doctors to find out about pid and none could give me a definite answer . Either they didn't know or others would say it's unlikely to be pid as its my first std infection. Either way I was given doxycycline twice a day for two weeks just incase . But this hasn't helped the pain .
Avatar f tn How likely am I to have contracted pid and be infertile due to having untreated chlamydia for 18 months.
Avatar n tn Hello, I posted a question here yesterday regarding my current chlamydia infection which was answered. I have another question related to this as my ob/gyn has me very confused- Basically my situation is that I was in a monogamous relationship for 18 months that ended four months ago. I know I was negative for chlamydia when entering the relationship. My ex does not know what his chlamydia status was when he entered the relationship (he was STD tested but turns out only for HIV, herpes).
Avatar m tn What are the chances of her developing a PID in this time span from an NGU? Infertility is a large concern for her and I. She was given 1g Azithromycin for treatment when I was diagnosed. Thank you in advance for any insight you may be able to provide.
5158768 tn?1364472221 she would have been able to see signs if I did have PID right? And If you did have PID, do you always have it or does it come back and go away? Sorry I have so many questions just really nervous I will become infertile.
Avatar f tn You are worrying about something that has an incredibly low chance of happening in terms of an STI causing an PID. Further, only about 15% of women who actually have experienced PID then have fertility issues.
Avatar f tn If I have been tested for chlamydia and never got a call back does that mean I am negative . Also if this has happened over 2 years ago would it be possible to have pid and not know it ?
Avatar f tn t get pregnant or will have a hard time. My sister had chlamydia and developed PID because she kept throwing up her antiobiotics docs had to switch them on her.
Avatar f tn Exactly 4 weeks later I developed appendicitis and had it removed via laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon said it was "messy in there". I have had no other symptoms suggestive of HIV. My concern is the appendicitis was due to lymphoid hyperplasia (swollen lymph tissue) caused from a viral infection (HIV) given it occurred so soon after exposure. It seems a bit out there to consider them related however I do see it as a possibility, but was unable to find any studies to confirm.
Avatar m tn m freaking out big time! I definitely do want to have kids later on in life and I know that PID can easily leave people infertile. Should I worry about PID even though I was treated for gonorrhea within 6 days after contacting it? Can PID sneak up even AFTER I got treated for gonorrhea? Should I ask the OBGYN to treat me preventively for PID OR is it unnecessary because I already got treated for gonorrhea?
Avatar m tn 4. Appendicitis goes with nausea, vomiting and raised leukocytes in the blood. Appendicitis is painfull at any time you press on area. Bouncing sign is present: lye down on the back and press deeply sopmewhere on your lower LEFT abdomen, then release the pressure quickly. In peritonitis or appendicitis you should feel a sharp pain on the LRQ area. Peritonitis would also show marked inflammation in the blood.
Avatar f tn Hi, About a month or two ago, I believe I had strained some muscles while working out. The pain didn't happen right away maybe one or two weeks afterwards. At first it stemmed from my neck, shoulders, and upper back. Soon after I started to feel pain in my chest, both sides right by my armpits, lower back, and abdomen area especially on my right side. The pain is usually sharp. When I do sit for a long period of time, both my right and left sides hurt but more on my right.
Avatar f tn I'm 18 and I was just diagnosed with PID. My doctor thinks it might be Chlamydia, but I won't know that for about three weeks till the tests come back. She gave me antibiotics and told me that if my symptoms significantly improve in 48 hours than I know that this is my problem. But regardless of if my symptoms after 48 hours, what should I do? just wait for lab results? Do I need any sort of follow up? I'm also wondering a couple more things...
Avatar n tn I have, however, did have an abortion six and a half years ago which may have caused it. I have exhibited no symptoms EVER of either PID or endometriosis. I have no details on any permanent damage to my organs. My questions are: What specific questions should I ask my RE about my prognosis in order to guage my chances of ever conceiving or carrying a child to term?
Avatar m tn An appendix is usually on the right side of your stomach and you will usually run a high fever with appendicitis. However, if you are still concerned, you can call your doctor and ask to speak to a nurse.