
Angiogram of sma

Common Questions and Answers about Angiogram of sma


Avatar n tn I've had similar pain to what you have. Its almost a mirror image of my symptoms. However, I have had my gallbladder removed a month and a half ago...and I still was having pain in my side radiating into my back mainly in episodes. They wanted to do an ERCP, but since its such a risky procedure they decided to do an MRICP--just an MRI of my entire stomach. All of my bile ducts were fine, but they did find stenosis in my arteries.
Avatar f tn I gave all of my children sma. Occasionally the shops ran out of sma so I used Aptimal instead those times and both were fine. Every baby is different but should be fine using any of the major brands. Unless you are having real problems, try to stick to just one type though as changing too often can cause stomach upset.
Avatar m tn Yes, presence of SMA is highly suggestive of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) but not diagnostic. Also, isolated SMA-V pattern is not suggestive of AIH. In AIH the SMA-VG and SMA-VGT-IFL patterns are usually seen. Positive ANA with SMA-V may also indicate possibility of infectious diseases and inflammatory rheumatology pathology. If your doctor suspects you have AIH, then only a liver biopsy can confirm the diagnosis. Please consult your doctor regarding the implication of test results in your case.
Avatar f tn I've always used sma to with both my children. Aptimal is meant to be good. A lot of my friends used this.
Avatar n tn 160 with a speckled and dot pattern, slightly elevated SMA, Normal Liver function test, no evidence of any live disfunction, CT scan normal liver. What can expect in the progression of this disorder? Will I develope autoimmune hepatitis?
Avatar f tn Daughter is 20 yrs. old and had SMA surgery 2.2011 - still in pain and still can't hold anything down. She feels none of her doctors are "taking her seriously". I need help immediately - she is giving up and loosing the will to go on. I need the best doctor - ANYWHERE that has had experience with SMA and is interested in helping her.
Avatar f tn He looked at her recent CT scan and saw that her SMA was angled at 17-18% -which is narrow and suggestive of SMA Syndrome. He completed an UGI - standing and it was abnormal. Barium backwashed at the duodenum with only a small trickle going through. Solid food did not pass at all. She went to a major univeristy medical center and they repeated the UGI series - but did it routinely (lying down) and took hourly pictures. It was normal.
Avatar m tn I'm not a health professional, and have no understanding of SMA. However, I suspect that you have Brady/Tachy disease, and suspect you might be a candidate for a pacemaker. Your 14 day history will be interesting to all of us, let us know.
Avatar f tn My 14 year old daughter was told she had SMA back in January of this year. It took a lot for a Dr. to perform sugery on her. i made it known that it was the only option for her. it took her life away. She had been a happy healthy kid with great marks in school and wonderful dancer. It took all that away from her. She was unable to go to school or dance class most of the time and it put her into an awful depression.
9062499 tn?1426957962 Jus wondering any of u ladies from London? Do u no if v suppose to Take baby milk to hospital for the baby or does the hospital provide it. They used to giv it a few years back But not sure about nw.
Avatar f tn I have been diagnosed with SMA syndrome, also known as superior mesenteric artery syndrome. I suffer from severe abdo pain and back pain. I also vomit after many meals. I know that a gastric bypass surgery is an option for me, and this is what doctors seem to be suggesting, however I am a university student and only 18, therefore I'm not really in a position to be having surgery. I would also like to try some more conservative treatments.
Avatar f tn A former patient of mine has SMA 1, she is 14 years old. She is on a ventilator and bed bound. She was able to get up in her wheel chair for hours at a time in the past but due to pain she is unable to. Her pain seems to be in the hip area and it has become so bad that it is causing her to have seizure activity. Her family is at there wits trying so many different drug therapies only to see their daughter unable to stay awake or communicate.
Avatar f tn So for a large portion of my life, I've had abdominal pain. In recent years, so around the last 4 or 5 years its gotten much worse and more and more symptoms keep appearing. The ones I've noticed most frequently are; -mild to severe abdominal pain -dizziness -weakness or lack of strength -constantly tired -blood from the rectum -inflammation markers in blood tests -abdominal pain after ingesting food To name all the ones I can think of currently.
Avatar n tn I waited on my fiancé during his angiogram, 1 hour of waiting and 3 hours of supervising from the nurses then home we went
Avatar f tn My daughter is 17. She has a number of health conditions: Bipolar, PTSD, asthma, and migraines. She also suffered a severe concussion 2 years ago. It took months for her to be able to pass the concussion test. In August, she started vomiting daily, up to 7 times a day. Her pcp tried some medicine and referred her to a GI specialist. She was down to 104 lbs (5'3") from 112. An upper GI suggested possible SMA. (She had no pain at all) They were going to scope and place an NG tube.
Avatar f tn I have a friend that has both of these conditions that occur at the same location and could be causing the problems you’re having. Most doctors have never heard of either of these conditions so they often go Undiagnosed. Join a SMA Syndrome or Nutcracker Syndrome group on Facebook.
Avatar f tn When I found out about these last positive tests (Alpha-1 and SMA) I decided I had to take better control of my health. I cut out 99% of the sugar and salt in my diet and am eating only fresh fruits and vegetables, frozen no-additives fruits and vegetables, lean beef, pork, chicken, cold water fish, walnuts, almonds, dried fruits, raw honey, fresh herbs, and occasionally, I have whole grain brown rice.
Avatar m tn That sounds a lot like symptoms of a condition that a friend of mine recently got diagnosed with called SMA Syndrome (Superior Mesenteric Artery). It's a pretty rare condition but can cause most if not all of the problems you're having. She also has another condition called Nutcracker Syndrome (Left Renal Vein Compression) that can occur as part of the SMA Syndrome as well.
Avatar f tn There are a couple of rarely diagnosed Vascular Compression Syndromes that could be the cause of the problems you’re having. I have a friend that has many of the same symptoms and was recently diagnosed with SMA Syndrome, Nutcracker Syndrome(Left Renal Vein Compression), and May-Thurner Syndrome (Left Iliac Vein Compression). Nutcracker Syndrome can cause chest pain and the pain locations that you’re describing and can also affect the Left Arm.
Avatar f tn I came back positive for this SMA (Smooth muscle antibody test) and everything else was normal. After being there for a few days and rude bedside manners of the doctors I thought it was time I seek a 2nd opinion. I followed up with my Main doctor who retested my LFT and antibodies.
Avatar f tn I would push for the MRI it couldn't hurt and may answer a lot of questions....PS- also request copies of the MRI and a copy of the so with ALL testing she has it will help as you see other Drs to have the copies on hand. Request these from the facility that do the studies not her PCP as he will charge you for copies.
776302 tn?1241091853 My friend was rushed to the emergency room following a rash of violent vomiting. Long story short she had an angiogram procedure done, she felt a pain in her chest and went into cardiac arrest. after 35 minutes she was brought back. The doctor said she had 2 blood clots and it magically disappeared and no surgery was needed. She is up and very well. She feels that the angiogram caused her heart to stop.
Avatar f tn 40) and my Actin IGG at 38. I asked for repeat tests but was denied with my doctor telling me they are false positive. Can you have several false positive for AIH markers without vital hepatitis?
Avatar f tn Early Satiety Nausea Vomiting Feeling of food passing Extreme "Stabbing" Abdominal Pain "Food Fear" Weight loss Reflux Heartburn I will send you a private message with more info. My friend has a blog that discusses her condition. It took doctors almost 20 years to figure out her condition! Hope this helps!