
Angiogram for meningioma

Common Questions and Answers about Angiogram for meningioma


Avatar m tn Apart from surgery and radiation therapy, no other treatment is quite successful in meningioma. Usually, meningioma is small and asymptomatic, so it can be kept in observation for a period of time by the treating neurosurgeon. If no growth has been observed from months to years & you have no symptoms after a period of time, it could be left alone without any treatment.
Avatar m tn I had surgery for a meningioma back in November'07 and have had complications such as balance and coordinations difficulties, neck and head pain,tenderness at the Surgery Site loss of hearing and eyesight on my left side (side of tumor),memory and concentration difficulties. My Doctor will only say that it takes time to heal and I am taking a very long time.Well I would like help myself improve a little faster, does anyone have any suggestions based on experience ?
Avatar n tn ) Follow what your Neurologist says and go for the cure of your meningioma and assess the damage done or would be in future with the meningioma.
Avatar n tn I had a CT angiogram for heart this week. Compared to a regular angiogram or catheterization , the CT angiogram can be considered a noninvasive procedure. However, in your dad's case the CT angiogram may also be considered risky because of kidney problems. His kidneys may not be able to deal with the dye used for CT angiogram. I am not a doctor so here I am just giving advice based on my on experience.
Avatar f tn Hi, Apart from surgery and radiation therapy, no other treatment is quite successful in meningioma. If your meningioma is small and asymptomatic, it can be kept in observation for a period of time by the treating neurosurgeon. If no growth has been observed from months to years & you have no symptoms, it could be left alone without any treatment. But if it is symptomatic or growing, complete surgical resection along with radiation therapy can be done after assessing the exact condition.
Avatar f tn After my second seizure, I called my neurosurgeon for advice. He said that my meningioma was too small to be the cause of the seizures, and seemed confident that the seizures were not in any way related to the meningioma. My question is what else could be causing these seizures? Is it possible that they could indeed be caused by my meningioma, even though it is small? Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
Avatar f tn I have just been diagnosed by MRI with 7mm meningioma. The MRI says a 7mm meningioma arising from the anterior aspect of the right middle cranial fossa. I have constant ear ringing that never goes away in my right ear and numbness in my face once in a while. Is this something that would generally be treated or left alone given the location and size of the meningioma?
Avatar f tn People have reported being told they have meningiomas and then discovering after surgery that it is something else. Most MRI reports say there is a mass with characteristics of a meningioma or most likely a meningioma, but they do not actually say with certainty it is a meningioma. Perhaps yours was something else that resolved? Or the initial scan was wrong? I have also read cases where something is found on one scan and then not there on the next. But a 2 cm mass???
Avatar n tn Lately I am stumbling for words or studdering. At times I get confused for example driving on the wrong side of the road. Could something be going on with the meningioma? Should I have another MRI ? I had one in Jan of 2008.
Avatar n tn Apart from surgery and radiation therapy, no other treatment is quite successful in meningioma. Usually meningioma is small and asymptomatic, so it can be kept in observation for a period of time by the treating neurosurgeon. If no growth has been observed from months to years & you have no symptoms after a period of time, it could be left alone without any treatment.
Avatar m tn 18 2008, I was diagnosed with either a vestibular schwannoma, meningioma, hemangioma or lypoma brain tumor on the right cerebellopontine angle cistern. What are prognosis and treatment options for the latter two? Are they the same as with the vestibular schwannoma and meningioma? Your input is greatly appreciated.
Avatar m tn My father has been diagnosed yesterday a Right parietal meningioma. " Rechtshemisphärisch , post- central, in the area of ​​the parietal lobe superior evidence of ovular , everywhere smooth bounded homogeneous mass directly adjacent to the skull . Expansion is approximately 18x11mm . No evidence of circumscribed osteodestructive in the inner table . No significant perifocal Ödemsaum . The finding is most consistent with a Menningeom .
Avatar f tn If a meningioma is discovered on an MRI that wasn't there 2 years prior, what size would be considered a fast growing meningioma? If it is pushing on the brain stem at all, is this something that should be considered dangerous, or just be watched?
Avatar f tn Hi to all of you and thanks for letting me be part of this community. I recently was diagnosed with Right temporal Lobe Meningioma. Last May5, 2011 I had a seizure that lasted 1 minute and then was inconsious for about 15 minutes. This had never happend before. This was my first time. About one and a half year ago I felt some kind of strange pain in my right eye and palpitations on the back of my neck.
Avatar n tn Please make sure you recognize that this forum is for educational purposes only, and it does not substitute for a formal office visit with a doctor. Without the ability to examine and obtain a history, I can not tell you what the exact cause of the symptoms is. However I will try to provide you with some useful information. Was the meningioma in the lower spinal region? How large was the meningioma?
Avatar n tn I have had memory problems for more than 10 yrs and no one seem to know why. I am now over 50 MRI done in 200 was normal, 2002 showed calcified meningioma along the anterior falk, newest postgadolium mri done last month shows 2.4 X1cm in the anterior interhemishperic fissure. My neurologist tells me not to worry but I dont know what to believe...should i get a second opinion.
Avatar f tn Apart from surgery and radiation therapy, no other treatment is quite successful in meningioma. Usually meningioma is small and asymptomatic, so it can be kept in observation for a period of time by the treating neurosurgeon. If no growth has been observed from months to years & you have no symptoms after a period of time, it could be left alone without any treatment.
1413227 tn?1281795177 MRI of brain shows 1 cm right parafalcine meningioma. The meningioma was on top of one of the dural sinuses but does not significantly compress the dural sinus. No other abnormalities. EEG performed which demonstrated occasional left-sided slow wave activity but not epileptic discharges. 50mg BID of Topiramate prescribed for potential seizures.
Avatar n tn My friend is suffering from headaches for the past 6 months onwards. Recently doctor sent her for scanning and the reports suggested 'she has symptoms of planum spheniodale meningioma'. I would like to know more about this. And the topmost surgeon to cure this. Please help me. Thanks in advance. I appreciate your time and patience.
Avatar m tn In my opinion a 3 cm meningioma over the parietal lobe will reach a larger dimensions in months or years and for example a 3.5cm meningioma compressing the left parietal lobe could cause a diversity of serious troubles, many times irreversible like right side hemi-neglect (so you cannot feel your right body at all).
1764925 tn?1682604632 Meningiomas are considered huge if they are more than 6cm. A 13 mm meningioma is borderline and needs close observation for neurological signs and symptoms. Meningiomas less than 5 mm are considered very small and usually do not need any treatment. Again size alone is not a deciding factor for treatment. Neurological signs and symptoms too govern the treatment modality. Take care!
Avatar f tn Since you put your posting addressed to facebook, I'm not sure if you meant it for this thread, but in case you did, there is very little pain from gamma knife surgery. They call it a bloodless surgery, though there may be a very small amount of blood, as in the case I mentioned, from the screws they use to hold the helmet on. They put the helmet on so the head is absolutely still.
Avatar n tn We live in Edmonton, Canada and three years ago my daughter was diagnosed with a meningioma brain tumor. It was sitting on her brain, but had broken through the eye cavity and damaged her optic nerve that she lost sight in her right ey. She was operated on for 10 hours to remove the tumor which also went down the side of her right face almost to the base of her skull. Everything went well for about 6 months then the tumor returned behind her right eye.
Avatar m tn Postsurgical changes status post removal of left frontal meningioma with no evidence for recurrence. So I get that there is no recurrence, happy day, but what is the rest about? I'm in my 40s. is any sort of treatment available for this type of damage? Thank you!
Avatar m tn Many cardiologists seem to prefer angiogram. I've had both a ct angio and an angiogram and I didn't feel any difference between the two. I still had the same burning sensations from the dye etc in both procedures. I did look at the images from both scans and the angiogram shows everything in real time, actually working. You see the blood flowing, you see the heart pumping and you see the reactions of the arteries. With the ct angio all I saw was a set of still pictures.