
Anastrozole generic for arimidex

Common Questions and Answers about Anastrozole generic for arimidex


Avatar n tn I have been on Anastrozole for year, 4 more to go (5 ys.) I have the worse Joint pain, stiffness, hurts to walk, get up from chair, I get out of bed hurting, I ache everyday. My skin and stays so dry, my hair grew back after chemo, but is lifeless, thin, etc. I do not like this Pill and want to discontinue, but my Oncologist said it is doing me more good, to keep taking it. This pill is really aging me, dry wrinkly skin, no energy, cant walk and move like I want to.
Avatar n tn Have developed a heart rhythm disturbance, shortness of breath, edema of hands and legs/feet since being on Anastrozole. How worried should I be? Should I consider discontinuation discussions with my Dr.? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/542261'>Can Arimidex Cause Skin Lesions?</a>.
Avatar f tn To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of the selective aromatase inhibitor anastrozole (Arimidex), we conducted a phase II trial in 53 women with asymptomatic recurrent/persistent müllerian cancer. METHODS: Patients with ovarian, peritoneal, or fallopian tube carcinoma were eligible for enrollment. Eligible patients had an ECOG PS 90 days, 15% for >180 days, 7% for >270 days, and 4% for >360 days. One patient remained on anastrozole at 15 months.
Avatar n tn i. symptoms be a side effect of anastrozole (arimidex)? I have been taking it for 3 1/2 years, after 1 year on tamoxifen, following lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. Thanks for any feedback, Laurie .
Avatar n tn i. symptoms be a side effect of anastrozole (arimidex)? I have been taking it for 3 1/2 years, after 1 year on tamoxifen, following lumpectomy, chemo and radiation.
Avatar f tn Dear river1980, Both Femara (letrozole) and Arimidex (anastrozole) are aromatase inhibitors used in the treatment of hormone receptor positive breast cancer in post menopausal women. Aromatase inhibitors block the enzyme aromatase (found in the body's muscle, skin, breast and fat), which is used to convert androgens (hormones produced by the adrenal glands) into estrogen. In the absence of estrogen, tumors dependent on this hormone for growth will shrink.
Avatar n tn Well, for me Arimidex was so very horrible, I barely lasted three days on it. I was in an almost catatonic state of depression two hours after I took the first dose, and then got just about every other bad side effect soon after. Femara, in comparison, relative to the other, was not so bad at all and I lasted almost thirty days. But not every woman has the same problems, or any at all. Many though do have some problems.
1030058 tn?1252253572 (beyond the initial 5 years) is with letrozole (Femara) after 5 years of tamoxifen. Letrozole and anastrozole (Arimidex) are both aromatase inhibitors and are very similar to one another. In most of the adjuvant studies using these drugs, 5 years of treatment has been given. An ongoing study will compare 5 to 10 years of aromatase inhibitors but there are no results available yet on that study.
Avatar n tn I have been taking Anastrozole for about two and half years for stage 1 ER/PR positive breast cancer. About a year after I started taking the drug, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes that is not particularly well controlled, even though I take two different prescriptions. A few months after that I was diagnosed with high cholesterol. For that I now take Lipitor, which has lowered the total cholesterol quite a bit.
Avatar n tn Hi again, First a caution/disclaimer: I am not a doctor, so please don't use any information or opinions I offer to try to convice your wife's oncologist to alter his plan! (They really hate it when someone over the Internet thinks s/he knows better than the treating physicians what is best for their patients, and I don't blame them a bit!
Avatar m tn Yes it is actually the endocrinologist who is running the weekly hormone profiles for the 5 weeks before I see her, so that she can know what has been going on for the previous 5 weeks at my first consult...which is very helpful as it has taken a few months to get an appointment. My ER and PR may have become very sensitised during treatment making everything worse. I imagine she can also assess my adrenal glands as I certainly feel burnt out with post cancer fatigue.
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Avatar f tn Today the results of the Oncotype DX was 8 and the doctor gave me Arimidex (anastrozole) 1mg tablets and I am scheduled to see the radiologist next week. I think with all the side effects of the medicine, it sure is scary, but I will try it. If it gets me sick or if I am unable to take it, then I won't take anything. I also want to see what the radiologist suggests as far as how many tx's I will need to take. I guess time will tell.
Avatar m tn After seeing an endocrinologist who ran all types of blood work which came back normal with the exception of his estrogen level a bit higher then normal and had an X-ray of his hand which showed bones of a 13 half to 14 half yr old (I was told was good ) want to give my son arimidex. My question this safe for teen boys. I read its not FDA approved for children.
Avatar f tn 30am, at 12:30p I went to bed for a few hours. Long story, short....I've been feeling horrible since last Tuesday. No energy, very tired and shaky, MENTAL FOG, very emotional, I've cried at least one time everyday since. Even when I was diagnosed with BC i believe I cried only once. I feel I can't do this for 5 years. I tried 1/2 pill yesterday to see if there is any difference, I think there is.
Avatar f tn Anyone taking Arimidex or has taken it in the past. I am looking for feedback if it helped lower the ca 125??? My CA 125 is rising from 93 to 156 and now in the 230's... however nothing has changed on my pet scan and no measurable disease... I am seeing my onc on Monday...and he had recommended to try if i want Arimidex. I have other options like trying different chemo's... but then we are just treating the number... I wanted to give this a try.... what do you think...
Avatar f tn im on anastrozole.
Avatar m tn Hello and welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question and we apologize for delay in response! We are glad you are on to maintenance therapy for your previous cancer! Typically, letrozole does have a favorable side effect profile in relation to toxicity. This doesn't mean it is side effect free, however. The trade off is that it does appear affective in terms of prolonging recurrence.
Avatar f tn If you've had Hashimoto's for that long, have you also been on any replacement thyroid hormone medication? If so, what medication, dosage and for how long? Have you had Free T4 and Free T3 tested to determine actual thyroid hormone levels? If so, what are their results, with reference ranges? I've read that there's a connection between breast cancer and thyroid disease, but I'm not exactly sure what it is.
Avatar n tn I learned that some weman experienced elevated blood pressure and blood clots while on Arimidex. And Arimidex is known to cause high blood pressure and blood clots. How do know for sure that Arimidex is the cause of my high blood pressure?
Avatar f tn Hi, I found this information for you.I am also taking Arimidex and of course I am very interested in knowing more about this medication.My breast surgeon told me also that by taking Arimidex reduces the development of new breast cancers by 50 per cent. ----------------------------------------- Arimidex most effective in breast cancer study.
Avatar m tn t believe you will see much hair growth. For further information on side effects from Arimidex the enclosed link is to an Arimidex Forum, check it: Don't forget Arimidex is an Estrogen Inhibitor, that should give you a clue on what to expect. Take your time and read all you can from the enclosed forum link. Best regards.
Avatar n tn ) I also now occasionally consult a holistic MD (referred by my oncologist) for nutritional advice. I am thinking of adding a supplement with the arimidex (broccoli seed extract - a natural aromatase inhibitor) and monitoring estradiol/estrone with blood tests after starting the supplement. If there were a negative interaction between the arimidex and the broccoli seed extract, how accurate would the blood test's estrogen results be?
Avatar n tn My case is very similar to yours,my bone density is not very good either.I've been taking arimidex for almost a year now and so far, I've been tolerating it pretty well . For my bones I take Calcium+vitamin D, and once weekly Novo Alendronate which is the equivalent of what you are taking now.
Avatar n tn I would seem odd to have this type of reaction since you've been on Arimidex for over 2 years but I suppose anything is possible. Since the Oncologist thinks your symptoms may be caused by something other than the drug you might want to ck. with a Neurologist regarding this numbness OR perhaps an Internist, since this may even be a circulatory issue.Sounds like it's going to be a process of elimination in order to find the cause. Regards ....