
Ammonia toxicity dogs

Common Questions and Answers about Ammonia toxicity dogs


1491677 tn?1288462420 Dogs can not digest soybeans, can bloat/die. Causes allergies. 3.Beef and bonemeal (Minus 1 point): Bone meal can not be digested and assimilated as calcium! 4.Animal fat (Minus 1 point): Non-descriptive source indicates 4-D fat chemically preserved, difficult to digest, potentially carcinogenic. (Causes Cancer). 5.Animal digest (Minus 1 point): Rendered, by chemical and/or enzymatic process, non-descriptive animal tissues used for flavor. Animal Digest is basically Feces or Poop. 6.
1969477 tn?1327548419 The indoor play yards where the dogs go to the bathroom are mopped regularly with a very strong industrial bleach solution that burns all of our eyes terribly & makes all of the dogs go into sneezing fits. I have recently been feeling short of breath easily fatigued & have had several serious dizzy spells that made me unable to function. Could these symptoms be related to inhaling these bleach (& ammonia from the urine) fumes?
Avatar f tn she has continued to take the Lactolose for the past two weeks but today her ammonia level is 150. I would like to find out how high ammonia level can go before it is considered toxic and will cause her to go into a coma? I am also wondering in end stage cirrhosis will the lactolose eventually be uneffective in bringing down the ammonia levels? My final question is what kind of life expectancy is there when the cirrohsis remains at that level?
Avatar n tn According to what you posted, he was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome - which is a genetic disorder. There is no cure. From the symptoms you describe, that seems to fit. Other than physical therapy and other care that is similar, I don't really have any other ideas.
Avatar f tn The pregnancy tracker says to not clean out your cats litter box due to parasites in the feces. I'm curious as to whether this is true for both cats AND dogs. I have a new puppy and she still occasionally poops in the cage at night. If I'm extremely careful of not getting it on me and washing my hands and arms thoroughly afterwards....will I be OK from catching those parasites? I'm approximately 7wks pregnant and I want to make sure I keep my growing baby healthy.
Avatar n tn I am wintering in Mexico and I unfortunately did not do any research on this before giving it to my dog as prescribed by a vet down here. I've now learned that paracetamol is toxic to dogs and I'm very upset. I only gave him one dose of what was prescribed and this was over a week ago and no visible reactions have occurred (yet) but I would like to ask someone's help in figuring out how much he was actually prescribed/given.
874521 tn?1424116797 //
Avatar m tn Theobromine toxicity usually causes dogs to be hyper, they pant, they develop neurological symptoms. If it was milk chocolate, it is considerably less toxic than dark chocolate, with baker's chocolate being highly toxic. If your dog had theobromine toxicity symptoms would have manifested within a couple of hours. With regard to the limp, it's not likely that this is related to the chocolate. It could, however, explain her slowing down and acting different.
Avatar f tn Justin Lee, DVM, DACVECC who is the associate director of services at Pet Poison Helpline, when asked about the toxicity of some of the most prescribed medications relating to pets (and this is a direct quote): #3 – Plavix® (clopidogrel) In third place is Plavix, which is a drug that affects platelets in humans, inhibiting clot formation and reducing the risk of stroke. Rarely used in veterinary medicine, $6.1 billion was spent on this drug for humans last year.
Avatar f tn My jack russell terrier was in acute kidney failure last month and is now in chronic. Her blood work, off the charts in some areas, has normalised but her urine showed high protein and she has high blood pressure; she is taking enalapril for both of these. She is on Hills KD and has shown improvement in weight gain, appetite, zest for life, her coat looks fantastic. But I can't seem to control her vomiting for more than a few days.
Avatar f tn dont use a piddle pad because that encourages them to pee in the house , i would try crate training.use vingear where she has gone pee never anything with ammonia because urine has it in it and she will smell it and it will encorage her to go pee there,vingear dogs hate the smell of so they wont go pee there.
1008841 tn?1293598960 In terms of diet, I believe you should be avoiding as much salt as possible, and at least for the short term, reduce animal proteins to avoid complications of ammonia toxicity. Try to limit your protein intake to things like legumes and soy products; they are less likely to metabolize into ammonia in your gut. Protein is an important component of your diet though; be sure to confirm any info you gather here with your doctor.
Avatar m tn The premise of most pathophysiologic theories involves the accumulation of ammonia in the central nervous system, producing alterations of neurotransmission that affect consciousness and behavior. These ammonia toxicity theories have been supported by studies demonstrating increased ammonia levels in patients with both fulminant hepatic failure and chronic liver disease.
Avatar m tn We need money to solve this, I got home and looked at my blood work, its very basic, Im going to need money to get even a comprehensive blood panel, There are toxicity tests, SIBO home test, complete metabolic panel test, lyme disease (which is highky related to the parasites) comprehensive stool analysis, stool toxin and microbiology tests, metal test. These tests are out there, but we need the money. Genova, accessalab, quest diagnostics, Ubiome. They have the test we need.
317787 tn?1473358451 or is it only the lactulose that removes the ammonia? I appreciate any advice. I see the doctor on May 1st and will also talk to him.
Avatar m tn Pheno is a brain 'relaxer' for dogs. This is why it works to control seizures in canines. If you ask for a smaller dose, you risk break-through seizures. Obviously asking for a higher dosage would not be an answer. Is your dog on any canine vitamins? Ask your vet about it. That might help the adjustment to the pheno.
1544053 tn?1328691992 The severity of your dogs reaction will depend on your dogs size, the amount of chocolate it has eaten and whether the chocolate was milk chocolate or dark chocolate.It will also depend on your dogs individual sensitivity to chocolate. Milk chocolate is diluted and usually brings about a less severe reaction where as dark chocolate or the all natural chocolate you find in health food stores will have more potential for severe reactions or death.. Chocolate contains Theobromine and Caffiene.
1337905 tn?1275843954 Puppy came to shelter where I volunteer. They don't provide any vet treatment just keep 5 days in condition it arrives and put up for adoption or put down. I could not stand to see this puppy sit for 5 days scratching holes in itself so I took him to the vet. Vet gave ivermectin shot and told me to dip him in paramite once a week. Then next week give him an advantage multi a day after his dip. The box says not to use it on puppies under 12 weeks, but the vet said to do it and I did.
6443793 tn?1469746195 Hi. Yes, it's very possible. Human chocolate has several ingredients that make it toxic to dogs, and many varieties also include a sweetener called xylitol, which can cause a severe reaction in dogs. It is very dangerous. I'm pleased she "bounced back", but do try to be more careful in the future.
12757438 tn?1433673730 Has anyone dealt with this type of thing before? They said its anemia due to the zinc toxicity. Has anyone’s baby bounced back from something like this? They have not spoken any words of organ failures so as far as I know that is not a concern. I’m just worried and not sure if I should be asking for something else to be done. Thanks in advance for any insight anyone can offer.
11533887 tn?1422330747 I know people have posted a out this before but I have always scrolled past them... I am taking over a house that needs a lot of TLC. An elderly woman lived her and for 5 years allowed her dogs to do there business in the house. It smells of ammonia and I know I shouldn't breath it so I put a mask on while ripping the floors out and cleaning. I finally stopped for the day after I started getting sore and when I went to lay down I noticed it feels like the baby is shaking.
Avatar n tn As far as what they give animals post surgically, ibuprofen AND Tylenol are BOTH toxic to dogs and cats! Dogs are more tolerant of tylenol than cats, it would take about 7 tylenol to cause toxicity in a medium-large dog, but even ONE Tylenol can be fatal for a cat! Regular aspirin is safe for dogs at the appropriate dosage for the size of the dog, and it should be given every 12 hours, not every four hours like for a person.
374652 tn?1494811435 Monitoring of food consumption, gain in body weight and physical observations did not reveal any treatment-related toxicity in any of the group of rats. Terminal autopsy also did not reveal any signs of toxicity. Further, no significant alterations in relative organ weight, serum biochemistry and urinalysis were observed up to 1% lactulose supplementation level. The results suggest that supplementation of lactulose in the diet does not produce any toxicity at the doses tested.
Avatar f tn If you have a big yard, you may not need to spray the whole yard, just the areas where the dogs spend the most time. Remove the dogs and keep them well aways from the area while you are spraying, and keep them out of the area until the spray is completely dry. Also, looked good. They recommended planting pennyroyal around the perimeter of your yard. Supposedly, ticks don't like it. Diatomaceous earth kills fleas.