
Aliskiren and angioedema

Common Questions and Answers about Aliskiren and angioedema


Avatar n tn The swelling is often severe and is caused by a build-up of fluid. The symptoms of angioedema can affect any part of the body. Many people with angioedema also have another condition called urticaria, which is also known as hives. This is a raised, red and itchy rash that appears on the skin. Angioedema is of four types allergic, idiopathic, drug induced and hereditary. Therapy is based on the cause. Anti histamines from the mainstay of therapy for the symptoms.
Avatar n tn There are two basic types of angioedema.
Avatar f tn In addition to Quercetin, I just received blood test results showing that I have a number of delayed reaction food allergies, my doctor will likely put me on an elimination diet with the hope of successfully reintroducing the foods and eliminating the angioedema, I have had angioedema for 5 months, I am getting to the bottom of it!
Avatar f tn Hi, The treatment of your angioedema depends on the type of angioedema you have. There are several types of angioedema and you may have one of the following: acute allergic angioedema, non-allergic drug reactions, idiopathic angioedema or hereditary angioedema. The swelling occurs when small blood vessels in the subcutaneous tissues leak watery liquid. It is important that you know which type you have for proper management. Take care and keep us posted.
Avatar f tn It is supposed to help greatly with heart function and energy, I have heard. Does anyone here take it or any professionals have opinions on this? Thanks.
Avatar n tn s been going on since forever and sometimes I also have shortness of breath and my left arm numbs and ache every now and then. What's wrong with me? Help pls!
Avatar f tn I go to Urgent Care and get steroids before it gets worse. I was finally told I have chronic urticaria and angioedema at the Emergency Room almost 2 months after the first instance and given an Epi-pen. The only allergy I knew of was to sulfa drugs (which I have not taken since I was 16). I went to an Allergist/Immunologist who did skin and blood tests, finding nothing that I am allergic to other than sulfa and a common mold.
Avatar f tn I too suffer from angioedema and I really struggle to cope i'm 29 and want to try for a baby but am being refused ivf because of this I feel like my life is on hold and my clocks are ticking I don't think anyone ever gets used to suffering with this!!
623944 tn?1244035490 Treatment with levothyroxine caused improvement in the urticaria and angioedema. When treatment was stopped the symptoms returned and then subsided with the continuation of treatment. In the patients without evidence of thyroid antibodies, levothyroxine had no effect. The pathogenic relationship between thyroid antibodies and the chronic urticaria hasn’t yet been determined.
Avatar f tn Is it common to have numbness and tingling in the fingers when having an angioedema attack?
Avatar n tn It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar f tn Hello, You symptoms are suggestive of angioedema. Angioedema is a disorder that affects the deeper layers of the skin and triggers significant swelling, particularly in the hands, face and feet. Sometimes, angioedema appears in tandem with hives (urticaria). Allergic angioedema occurs when an allergic reaction is triggered by one of many common allergens like pollens,dust mites,molds,certain foods,environmental factors like cold,heat etc and insect bites.
586240 tn?1220253707 Please note that Angioedema may present as swelling of the lips, eyes and private parts, and with difficulty in breathing and swelling in the throat. There fore you should remain aware of such symptoms and report them to your healthcare service immediately. Let us know if you may have any other queries and keep us posted.
338416 tn?1420045702 When I visited with the MS specialist, I mentioned my odd angioedema - whenever I got an injury to the face (usually either the dog bumping me in the lip, or biting my tongue) and the phlebitis in my leg. I also talked about the blood clot I had just recovered from. She went ahead and got a test for lupus anticoagulant, which was positive. Now, those people who test positive for the lupus anticoagulant don't necessarily have lupus.
Avatar m tn 50 days later, on December 24, I had hives and angioedema (lips and eyes). I went to see my dermatologist. She diagnosed me with urticaria. She gave me betamethasone and loratadine. The same day, both the hives and the angioedema went away and did not come back. A few days later, on December 29, I had a high fever (102°F / 39°C) and diarrhea. I went to the emergency room, they made an ecography on my belly and a complete blood count.
1243333 tn?1296446902 Hi I'm a 51 year old female diagnosed with extensive premature coronary heart disease (11 Stents), anemia, gerd and high blood pressure 2 1/1 years ago, I'm on numerous bp meds and even so my bp is extremely high (240/140 last Doc appointment), they have termed it malignant, at the last doc appointment she told me I'm going to have a stroke and possible another heart attack, I have repeatedly told all my doc's that I am having major issue with the meds they make me physically il
Avatar f tn I know 2 unrelated women with hashimoto's thyroiditis and chronic hives/ angioedema. They both take Zyrtec and have taken a cocktail of different antihistamines over time (Atarax, Allegra, benadryl, etc) and steroids . They say the hives are pressure-related so you should avoid any tight fitting clothing (especially with elastics - nylons, bras, etc)and massages. Heat seems to make them worse too.
Avatar f tn We have gone to several doctors, they say she has idiopathic angioedema. One time she even had a problem with her breathing, she was at school and the nurse had to administer the epi-pen. She got immediate relief and was taked by ambulance to the hospital. The doctors now say she is also idiopathic anaphlactic(sp?). Any way she has been put on a number of meds, steriods, zantac, hydroxine... She was having 2-3reactions a week back in Jan.
Avatar f tn Did your doctor test your thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) and thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb)? Here is a study on hereditary angioedema and these thyroid antibodies (thyroid microsomal antibodies is another term for TPOAb). "Sera from 91 patients with hereditary angioedema were screened for thyroid antibodies. The results for the 77 patients more than 17 years old were compared with previously published data for the prevalence of thyroid disease in a large community (Whickham).
Avatar f tn I've been having Urticaria for 2 months now. I never know where they will be day to day, but I'm miserable. Along with the hives I have swelling. Lips and around the eyes in the morning. Most embarrasingly though is angioedema down below. It is the worst itch and pain. I know it's angioedema because it coinsides with my face swelling. So awful. Has anyone else been experiencing this?
Avatar m tn A Practical Approach Causes of Urticaria and Angioedema: Common Causes of Urticaria and Angioedema: Immunologic causes Type I IgE-mediated Foods: tree nuts, legumes, crustacea, mollusks, fish, eggs, milk, soy, wheat Organic substances: preservatives, latex, hymenoptera venom Medications: penicillin, cephalosporin, aspirin, NSAIDs Aeroallergens: dust mites, pollens, molds, animal dander Type II cytoxic antibody-mediated: transfusion reaction Type III antigen-antibody mediated: serum sic
Avatar f tn Hello and hope you are doing well. Your symptoms could be due to zenker's diverticulum, more so as it is one sided and it is present for a long duration. Angioedema is swelling of the deeper layers of the skin due to an allergic reaction. The reaction occurs more commonly on the face around the lips and near the eyes. And this is usually visible, so it is unlikely to be due to angioedema.
Avatar m tn Thus far all the diabetes medication the doctor has tried has increased the size and frequence of my attacks. Anyone else with angioedema and type 2 diabetes haviing this problem?
Avatar n tn For about 10 years now on and off I get a stinging sensation in part of my lip and it then swells up to twice its size for no reasons. I went to the doctors about this some years ago and they never got to the bottom of what causes it as I recorded what I ate, drank and washed with and we never came up with anything. I haven't had noting for a year or so but over the past couple of months it has been happening more often about once a week/fortnight.
Avatar f tn Endep is an anti-depressant and I am a bit surprised that you are taking it for “severe allergies and angioedema." You are correct in assuming that at least some of your symptoms may be side effects of this drug. There are other, newer anti-depression drugs with fewer side effects and your doctor would be familiar with these. And there are more effective drugs for the treatment of allergies and angioedema.