
Adderall on drug tests

Common Questions and Answers about Adderall on drug tests


807506 tn?1248649733 I had a mild form of cataplexy. I didn't even know I had it until I started the Xyrem! I used to take adderall but my blood pressue started going up. I read were they didn't even prescribe it in Canada d/t the side effects on your heart. So they switched it to Concerta. It doesn't work as well as the adderall but its better on my bp. I didn't realize you could take provigil and adderall at the same time. What does the Codeine do for you?
Avatar f tn Contrary to popular belief, if one does have ADD/ADHD, especially in adults, ritalin ( brands such as Concerta - time released ritalin, may be a better drug. I know. I have tried both, and Adderall made me feel like I was buzzing on cocaine or methadrine. Just my opinion. Ritalin is a much safer drug for those who suffer from ADD ADHD, especially in adulthood...again, my opinion.
Avatar f tn I do not do hard drugs but i do have a question about adderall. I snort it from time to time to help study for huge tests or to focus for big papers. I am wondering if snorting adderall will lead to holes in my nose? if so, how long do you have to snort to cause that problem. I only snort like 20 mgs and not on a daily basis.
Avatar m tn I know personally that I have never done such a drug but I do take adderall xr for my ADHD diagnosis. It is prescribed to me and everything. Is this what could of caused the positive reading? If so will further examination tell officials what exactly it is so my name is not associated with meth no longer. Or should I be worried?
Avatar n tn On the 5 panel tests we use at work, A is used as for amphetamines. I am prescribed Adderall, so it picks it up every time as a positive. I used to have to bring in my prescription to prove that I am not abusing or misusing drugs, but now they know what to expect. Different types of drug screenings have different abbreviations though. The best way to find out is to call and ask.
Avatar f tn Also the Dose of V should be 30mg compared to 10mgs of adderall XR to be somewhat equal.
Avatar f tn Well, adderall is a stimulant so it would show up on a drug screen which should be no problem if you have a prescription for it. People can't discriminate based on someones medical condition. Well, it can be a problem for olympic athletics and pro players. The level would depend on how long it was in your system.
Avatar n tn In response to these findings, the FDA issued an advisory warning about the possible risk of death, but allowed the drug to remain on the market. In August 2005, Health Canada allowed Adderall to re-enter the market because the agency was unable to prove (within that six-month period) that Adderall was more dangerous than other ADHD medications. While Adderall continues to be sold, there are serious risks associated with this popular medication.
Avatar m tn Feel like my metabolism has gone way down. Not sure if this drug is for me yet, Thinking concerta or adderall. But will give this drug a chance week or so at best, next doc appt is Oct 4th 2011.
Avatar m tn That is what the adderall is doing. Of course, not positive on that - but anxiety is a very strong co-disorder of adhd. And, I feel it is even stronger in adult undiagnosed adhd. So if you are now treating the possible cause of your anxiety - then that is good. And, I have seen this reported many times with adults. And yes, if you do not have adhd, amphetamines should scare you.
Avatar m tn I have a question regarding a recent drug test and the possibility of coming up positive. For about the past month, I was taking one, (on the rare occasion, two) 15 mg form of generic adderall in order to lose weight and stay awake during early morning hours, as I am in the process of joining the military. I am not prescribed adderall. The last one I took was last Saturday morning at roughly 7am, today is Friday, so roughly 6 days have passed since last taking any.
Avatar n tn My college aged daughter has been on Adderall 3 days a week since Nov 2007. I noticed over spring break a small amount of acne (she had been acne free for years). Then when she came home in May the acne started getting worse. She upped her adderall because of training/games and a new job. So she was basically taking it almost every day. Her face broke out horribly. Worse it has ever been. I took her to two dermatologists. Nothing was helping. It was steadily getting worse.
Avatar f tn I'm on prescription Adderall XR and the company I work for adheres to strict drug screening process. I need to determine if I should notify my employer of the prescription. Will my adderall XR show on a drug test if I am called to take one?
1135304 tn?1260513224 the title is supposed to say tests btw guys LoL
Avatar f tn You really need to be on the website that deals with anxiety and depression. This site really deals with ADHD and there is always the ongoing debate of medication or not for ADHD. Nobody has the experience to tell you how to deal with anxiety and depression. I have seen the combination you have mentioned in literature so I know its not unusual. But that's about all I can tell you. I would trust your doctor.
Avatar m tn I am currently taking adderall, how will this affect an upcoming drug screen for possible job placement?
Avatar m tn [Ok I have a quick question I've been prescribed a generic version of adderall 10mg once a day. From what I read this is amphetamine. My prescription ran out and I used a concerta my concern is if I have a urine test or hair follicle test will the methylphenidate in the concerta show up? Concerta is not my prescribed medicine.
Avatar m tn I take morphine, Percocet, and Adderall daily, and I had to take a **** test for my pain doctor, and Adderall didn't show up on 2 test, I drink a lot of pop, water, and also been on antibiotics at the times they test me, could that make Adderall not show up?
Avatar n tn Hello, Adderall can cause anorexia,weight loss and abdominal pain but it causing taste of blood in mouth is not documented.You are having dysguesia i.e bitter or bad taste in mouth. It can be due to dental caries, gastro-esophageal reflux disease,sinusitis causing post nasal drip,salivary glands infection,pharyngitis or strep infection, medications like antibiotics, vitamins and antidepressants, poor oral hygiene, copper or lead toxicity and Sjogren’s syndrome.Can you identify any of these?
Avatar f tn I just started Adderall a few weeks go due to being in nursing school I had trouble concentrating, I was distracted by anything a chair moving in class, other classmates talking in class while I was concentrating on the teacher it was awful. now that im on Adderall I can concentrate I don't even hear the other people talking in class. im not doodling on my paper making art pictures lol. im organized now and teachers in my class can see a difference. my scores were 70s to 80s.
Avatar m tn I have taken the time to do some research on Adderall and, with all due respect, Adderall should NOT be used for weight loss! That is why doctors do not and should not prescribe it for weight loss. The following facts were gathered from the National Institutes of Health and are submitted for your consideration. FACTS: 1. Adderall is an amphetamine, and amphetamines have a high potential for abuse. 2.
Avatar m tn 15 year old boy on adderall, has been diagnosed with ADHA is now smoking pot on weekends what are side effects
Avatar m tn Apparantly it is, "Yes, they are packed with caffeine, a well known stimulant. Like any other stimulant, the drug can elevate alertness, mood, awareness, and energy. Adarol also contains Tyrosine (4-hydroxyphenylalanine) which can cause nausea, headache, fatigue, heartburn, and joint pain. And it contains Geranium Extract which can upset the stomach and cause the immune system to become more active. Which in turn would increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases.
Avatar m tn I'm a 50yr. old male who had a drug abuse problem for most of his adult life. I was diagnoised with adhd and perscribed medication to treat it at about 8 or 9 years old and have been on some type of adhd medication ever since. Right now I'm perscribed adderall to treat my adhd. I love it. Out of all the different types of medications I've been on over the years the adderall works the best. Now hers my problem. A few years back I was arrested for sales of marijuana.
Avatar f tn s Nursing Drug Reference book, Adderall is listed, not in the index, but in Appendix h. Under uses, it simply says, "CNS stimulant." This then made me wonder if we had the correct drug name, so I went to appendix i, which contains a long list of "look-alike/sound-alike" meds and found, across from Adderall..........INDERAL. Then I flipped back and forth between my books and found that INDERAL has yet another name, which is propranolol.