
Actiq addiction

Common Questions and Answers about Actiq addiction


19164880 tn?1473283520 I have recently finished my tapering off suboxone but have a lot of suboxone left over and am worried about possibly using some every now and then to help manage the extreme pain I experience every day which some days is debilitating. I figured if it wasn't harmful and didn't get me addicted again It'd be fine. My addiction originally was never from drug abuse but a result of pain management drugs given me by the doctor.
Avatar f tn Yes the actiq ruins your teeth due to the sugar. Its been quick I cold turkeyed from 4 abstral/actiq / day 19 days ago and that's me off 50mcg patch. Fingers crossed I stay off . If its too much I can slap a 12 patch back on for a few more days, but do not want to. I'm just too impatient to get this over and done with. Hope its not like the abstral/ actiq I could not eat for 5-7 days and lost over 7 pounds and had difficulty keeping hydrated.
655467 tn?1304959950 I do not care how much or what opiates one has to take,but Actiq is something that should have NEVER been approved by the FDA. You want to wind up like meth addict? Please Never touch that drug!!! Storm This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/1017971'>fentanyln patch</a>.
Avatar f tn i weened myself off oxycontin in 03 without much withdrawl, but my dr. then placed me on 400 mcg actiq 5 times a day and 30 mg kadian once daily. the kadian never seemed like the problem, i could take it or not, but i could not go without the actiq.i always ran out b4 appt time and so forth. i realized i had a problem so i began to detox myself, and my dental bills were racking up from sucking lolipops all day. my dr. @ my clinic was and is a wonderful dr.
Avatar f tn My sister's doctor says he can't perscribe Actiq for her any longer because she doesn't have "active" cancer. She gets severe attackes in her throat (especially when she tries to eat) because of radiation treatment. Is there any truth to what her doctor says?
Avatar f tn Yes Eddie, with any opioid, there eventually becomes the need for an increase in dosing. This is called "tolerance" and is well documented in PM. A good PM Doc manages tolerance well, as it is a very normal part of PM. Accordingly, virtually every study on tolerance and PM, has shown that there is essentially "no ceiling" in terms of dosing.
Avatar f tn I was a nurse for years. I have been on opana and actiq for a few years now. I have passed every test for 3 years on my bi-monthly urine screen. All of a sudden I am showing positive for oxycontin and I have NEVER taken this med. Now I know that actiq,opana,stadol,and oxycontin are synthentic oipioids. Now I have taken a blood test for oxycontin only to make sure this is negative and a true false positive because I do not take this pain med.
Avatar f tn Have been on pain meds for 7 years. Have weaned off all my meds. by myself, this year, excluding Actiq 400. Can I go cold turkey? What is the best way to do this? If I go cold turkey, what kind of side effects can I expect? I do work full time. Am not addicted to these, just want to live without pain meds. Is the pain still there, absolutey. What will I do, haven't gotten there yet. Just know, this is not the life I want any longer.
Avatar f tn Hi have done a taper programme for Actiq now down to 4 a day but bad cravings and withdrawal daily so I am going to stop them now. Has anyone been through this already and got any ideas for me to follow to make it easier. Its the craving that are the worst. Once I've done this the patch is next any ideas there too please?
Avatar n tn However, there are a few patients with chronic non-cancer pain that have been prescribed Actiq (the fentanyl lolipops) or Fentora if and only if all other treatments failed and they are experiencing intractable pain, also known as suicide pain.
Avatar f tn However, the new doctor is not registered with TIRF REMS to be able to prescribe Actiq that I have been taking for 9 years. I am post stage 3 breast cancer, double mastectomy, peripheral neuropathy and lymphedema to name a few of my issues not to mention I have tried every opiod on the market and I'm also opiod tolerant. He stated that he is not willing to register and that I need to find a new Doctor who is.
Avatar f tn Hi I have stopped actiq/abstral now day 17 and tapered a 50 patch down to 12mcg/hr and will not replace patch after 3 days. Any suggestions on how to cope. Withdrawals not too bad so far but still have cravings.
Avatar m tn You have to just spread out the time in between that you take them. I was also on the Fentanyl patch and was using the Actiq for breakthru pain. Is the Actiq the only thing you are taking? If it is you can ask your doc to switch you to the patch. Then they can go down on the MCG. (amount) on the patch to wean down. The doc cannot make you stay on your meds. That is ludicrous. I do understand them saying you still need the meds right now since you are still having surgeries.
Avatar f tn Yes I want to stop the abstral which is the same as actiq lollys first, then try to reduce the fentanyl patch. I lie in bed most of the day due to pain and effect of pain meds making me lethargic. I have survive my cancer and want a life again. I have halved my abstral (actiq) having sweaty hot /cold episodes and 2 episode of very severe pain after eating. I get pain meds due to radiation damage which caused obstructions and adhesions and needed more surgery.
Avatar f tn Hi coming off Actiq and down to 4/ day and decided to stop. Patch to go next, but I will wait a little to see how I go My biggest problem is getting out my bed due to severe lethargy. I am taking vitamin and mineral supplements has anyone any other ideas I may benefit from. I just want my life back. I know I'll be restricted due to all my ill health problems resulting from cancer therapies, I just want more ooph, energy and motivation. Any suggestions please.
Avatar m tn I was put on fentanyl patches round the clock and Actiq for breakthrough pain. At the time my insurance company covered it. Shortly before an unrelated insurance company change I received notification that the medication would not be covered anymore. We changed companies and the new company did not cover it either. I am in the appeal process at this time. I just received a denial for the first appeal.
Avatar m tn The generic is Oral Transmucosal Fentanyl Citrate (OTFC) and the trademark name is Actiq®, manufactured by Cephalon. I would also check to see if your insurance covers them. I wish you the best...
477912 tn?1207974440 no other ideas?
Avatar f tn Anyway, one of my pain doctors recommended I go on Methadone for pain management. When I did the research I discovered Methadone is used for addiction recovery. Well I did not abuse my pain meds. I took them exactly the way they were prescribed. I decided that course of treatment wasn't for me. About six months later I became pregnant which was shocking. I was on Fentanyl (2 patches 150 total) and Actiq lollipops 4x p/day for break thru pain. I had no life.
725248 tn?1316162245 I also have 4 mg Dilaudid and 200 mg Actiq pops for severe episodes.Oxycontin is a wonderful long term drug but the most important thing is to get the dosage correct.We build up a tolerance to the meds and the doctors must allow for that.Norco has absolutely no affect on my pain level.If I am going to go through the aggravation of jumping through all the DEAs hoops to try and maintain some quality of life,darn if I'm going to still suffer.
Avatar m tn I take all kinds of medication, but the one that has helped my pain is Methedone. It really helped me to live somewhat of a normal life again. I was taking Actiq 1800 lolliepops, along with several other meds, and patches and I turned into a vegetable, for over 3 years. I was so drugged up, i no longer functioned. I then started taking methedone, got rid of the Actiq. patches, and some other meds and now I am able to drive again, and live somewhat of a normal life.
535152 tn?1215015169 My dad has a brain tumor and has been on actiq and methadone for quite a while. His doctor who would prescribe it to him had him taking 20 methadone a day. Well how this doctor is not allowed to prescribe them and he is withdrawing bad, he knows he is addicted to it. He has cluster headaches and that is why he was on these medicines. He went to the e.r. last night and they gave him 60 which is only 3 days worth. What should he do? He is a successful accountant what should he do?
Avatar n tn I have been on every kind of pain pill, patch, Actiq suckers, etc. Most recently on the 2 mg/sublingual Buprenorphine (w/o narcan) and also the 20mcg patch. Been on this for 4-5 yrs now. Started my taper off these two back last July and am still suffering so much. I cut pain patch in 4 pieces and put on the 1/4 patch piece every 7-10 days. Patch works longer than 7, days just so you know. Docs say change every 7 days but keep it on longer. Maybe 10 days plus.
Avatar m tn I was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer in 2009 and went through chemo and radiation. My doctor put me on Actiq and they worked well. Here I am 4 years later and am still taking 4 or 5 200 strength and 2 400 strength a day. Of course I have become more tolerant over time and it takes more to feel better. I just had to have all my teeth pulled due to radiation affects over time. Now I really don't have that much pain.
Avatar m tn Diagnosed bipolar although not 100% sure about that. Docs had me on a laundry list of meds including Actiq which I tried to quit cold turkey which earned me my diagnosis. I take 150mg Lyrica daily and 50mg Seroquel. No other meds or OTCs except Excedrin and oxygen for headaches.