
Zoloft weight gain women

Common Questions and Answers about Zoloft weight gain women


Avatar f tn I take 100 mg generic zoloft 1x daily. I have noticed weight gain ever since my dosage was increased from 50 mg to 100 mg. Is this normal? Is there something I can do to make it stop? I eat well and exercise, but I'm not seeing any results even with increased awareness of what I eat and longer exercise bouts. I also have a history of thyroid disorders in my family so I'm thinking that might be the problem as well. Please help!
Avatar m tn I am hesitant to try it because I am afraid of more weight gain. Is there anyone out there who had a lot of weight gain with Zoloft but then switched to Effexor and had success at weight loss? I currently exercise regularly and watch what I eat. Thank you for your answers in advance.
Avatar f tn Hello and welcome! I'm assuming you were put on the Zoloft for anxiety? Can you share a little bit about your history of anxiety? How long have you been experiencing anxiety? Have you tried any other treatment methods, like therapy? Zoloft is a very commonly Rx'ed antidepressant for anxiety disorders, because of its success rate and ease of tolerating it for most people. It's actually the most commonly prescribed antidepressant for anxiety.
Avatar f tn A few pounds and then it stops? Or do you continue to gain more weight? I have a couple thoughts on weight gain. If you are still depressed you might be stress eating or eating to relieve some of your symptoms. Weight gain or loss is a common symptom of depression. Taking more medicine could actually help you out. I typically lose my appetite when I get depressed. There's always a correction period when I start to feel better and get my appetite back.
459279 tn?1206997145 I was on Zoloft 50 mg for 6 months, blood pressure was up and still was having anxiety and trouble sleeping, so my Dr increased the Zoloft to(100mg daily) and recently added buspar, 3x daily, I do feel better except my weight is going up even with exercise which is causing allot of new stress. Would you agree the meds are increasing my weight? I'm a while make 46, 5'11 199 lbs.
Avatar f tn t seem to find an answer as to whether it is the medicine that makes you gain weight, or mentally feeling better that makes you eat more and you gain weight. Can you address this please? Thank you!
Avatar n tn Keep in mind you could gain weight on Zoloft or any ssri, and your weight gain on Paxil has been minimal -- I gained 50 pounds over several years on it. And be careful going off it, it can be difficult. Do it slowly and carefully.
245504 tn?1224099316 Could this be from the Zoloft? I know alot of people have gained weight but I thought it was with long term use. Also I only take 12.5 mg a day. Please give ur feedback?
1354136 tn?1331875317 Correction: Zoloft is a SSRI with no significant weight gains observed, which is rare with SSRIs.
Avatar f tn Well, it is hard to say definitively. Antidepressants can cause weight gain including Zoloft. AND, we also can gain weight as time goes on, our own eating habits, etc. Have you tried to lose the weight? I would perhaps cut down on the wine drinking, evaluate your diet, and add in more exercise (and a good multi vitamin) and see if that has any effect. And remember, any time we want to lose weight, it's best to go slow. And it will feel REALLY slow at first.
1354136 tn?1331875317 Zoloft on it's own is not supposed to cause weight gain. The weight gains observed are mostly due to increased calories intake, modification of lifestyle habits.
324184 tn?1308076203 I totally agree with what your saying about weight gain, I do sometimes think that people who gain weight use medication as an excuse [I hope I didnt strick a nerve with anyone by saying that] But then again.... of course, everyone is different, honestly I feel like I have less of an appetite since I've been on it and I get full a lot faster, so we will see.
13017155 tn?1429020488 My doctor says its had the least complaints of weight gain as a side effect. As to where Zoloft has had many complaints of weight gain. Like I said before.. Zoloft put a massive amount of weight on me. My daughter also has gained 70 lbs from it and was recently swithced to something else. I figured it was just me that my daughter wouldnt be affected the way I was from it. But I was wrong. I started taking the Prozac yesterday.. took the second dose this morning. We shall see.
527657 tn?1214051850 Hello, I have been on Zoloft for nearly 6 months and I too was worried about weight gain... I haven't gained any weight. Since I was worried about it I kept good track of my weight and appetite to notice any changes. It cannot change your metabolisum so the weight gain would be a result of increased appetite and therefore won't "sneak up on you".
Avatar f tn As for the weight gain, it depends on the person. Some people notice some weight gain, some actually lose, and some see no change at all. I was on Zoloft and had no issues with weight gain. Try not to get a bunch of preconceieved notions about the Zoloft based on what others have told you. Allow yourself to have your own will probably greatly differ from other people's.
Avatar f tn All of these drugs can cause weight gain except maybe prozac, but it isn't that effective for anxiety most of the time. So you're either going to figure out a non-med way of fixing your problem or face weight gain, since you're obviously one of the ones who has that side effect. And as for being hungry all the time, I don't think that's really got anything to do with it, I gained 50 pounds on Paxil and didn't change my eating at all and always exercised a lot.
Avatar f tn I run competitively and have been on Zoloft. I am not sure if the weight loss is due to the drug. I would suspect it could be from depression, pressure, etc, but that weight is definitely not healthy. Most people here on this forum will actually talk about weight gain while on these types of medications. Is your daughter talking with a counselor? If not, it may time to do this, especially with the weight loss...please keep us posted!
Avatar n tn I started taking Zoloft many years ago when I weighed about 105 lbs. I started to gain weight immediately and gained 30 lbs. When my neurologist changed my Zoloft to Effexor because of my excessive sleepiness I lost back down to my 105 lbs within 6 months. I have to note that I was also prescribed around the same time Topamax to prevent migraines. This medication is known to help people lose weight and is actually prescribed as such in some countries.
142722 tn?1281533616 The risks seem to out weight the benfits to me at this point - weight gain, thyorid problems - i am already hypothyorid and taking meds for it why make it worse - i have lost 53pounds since my baby was born - why would i want to gain weight - anyone know what other med would be good for mixed state with mostly manic states -
Avatar f tn I used to take Zoloft many years ago. I took it for 4 full years at 150Mgs a day and it had absolutly no effect on my weight. Paxil on the other hand is one SSRI that seems to add pounds. Tri-cyclics and Tetra-cyclics absolutly do cause massive weight gain with no doubt. Meds like Prozac, Effexor, Welbutrin and Cymbalta never had any impact on my weight either. I do know that Paxil, Nortriptilyne, and Remeron are very much associated with massive weight gain in most people.
Avatar f tn Hello there, Depression is often associated with weight gain or weight lose. There are some reasons for that. The scientific reason must be that anti-depressants change how fat is stored by changing chemicals in the brain. Weight gain is one of the most common side effects associated with many anti-depressants prescribed today. Simply reporting that weight gain occurs with the use of a medication is not enough.
1473147 tn?1286917921 Zoloft causes weight gain just as much as Paxil. Go back on the med that works for you! Change doctors if they give you fuss.