
Workout dvds strength training

Common Questions and Answers about Workout dvds strength training


Avatar f tn Watch a movie or TV while you work out. Honestly, that's the only way I can workout for any extended period of time. I invested in a stationary bike and treadmill so that I can get my mind off working out while I'm working out. Earlier today I ran four miles and did 15 minutes of strength training while watching Pirates of the Caribbean on TV. If I didn't have something to watch, I would work out for maybe 10-15 minutes and then get bored. Today I did an hour.
1292737 tn?1272559251 I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I just joined the medhelp website last night as both my husband and I have decided that we want to get back into shape. I'm 25 5'9" and 230lbs.....not my happiest moment. Anyhow, I just want to thank you all in advance for the support and encouragement. I'm being optimistic that I will stick with my exercise and eating plans. I'm going to be using "The Firm" workout DVDs and weights and can hardly wait.
Avatar f tn I am trying to find a workout video to help keep my strength and mobility. I have tried a yoga class. Did not do so well at it and personally didn't care for it. Any suggestions? Thank You.
4724796 tn?1361061158 Doctor said cardio is fine and to do stregth training in small doses. 5mins twice a day only 3days out of the week. and no weights over 5lbs. She said as long as you feel good and are healthy it shouldn't do anything to risk the pregnancy. Juust an update to help other mamas who question working out. Still ask your doctor but if your healthy there should be no issues.
Avatar f tn I workout everyday with a pregnancy pilates video. I did pilates everyday before becoming pregnant. It Keeps you toned and prepares you for delivery.
Avatar f tn Your diet is the first thing strength training second and cardio the third! Before anything make sure you get the OK from your doctor!!!
Avatar n tn To lose thigh fat and build size in your butt, your workout should include both cardiovascular exercise and weight training. It’s not possible to target your thighs for fat loss. If you exercise regularly and make changes to your eating habits, as your body fat percentage decreases, you’ll see improvements everywhere, including your thighs. Cardio will help you increase the number of calories you burn to help your fat loss.
Avatar f tn After exercise your body is nitrogen poor and your muscles have been broken down. Providing your body with the correct nutrients after your workout is crucial in stopping the catabolic process in your muscle and shift the recycling process toward repair and growth. If you fail to feed your muscle at the right time after exercise, the catabolic process will go too far and can potentially damage your muscle.
Avatar f tn I practice yoga already and today I decided to purchase pregnancy yoga DVDs in particular. I just completed one and it was beautiful. I love the focus on baby while remembering the beauty of self. Creating space for him, aligning myself with baby. I loved it. If anyone is looking for a gentle and beautiful workout.. Prenatal and postnatal, YOGA.
Avatar f tn Hello mommies I have a question. Does anyone know where I can find maternity dvds. What website can I use to purchase any? Or any other places? My body hurst a lot all of a sudden I cant walk I have really bad leg cramps. I been going out for walks with my hubby and the dog but I don't feel that's enough movement. Is anyone eals bodyaching ?
2009595 tn?1328842671 You just need to understand that your workout volume must I repeat MUST match your selected training frequency.You can either train a lot, but less often, or train a little, but more often. If you nail this concept perfectly, you’ll get results from whatever training frequency you choose. If you don’t you won’t.
Avatar n tn s a high frequency of training sessions, with each session being of high volume. Rectus abdominus muscles like all muscles in your body require a rest from strength training, so allow 48 hours of recovery time between training sessions. Training twice per week is the minimum requirement, but you can achieve quicker results by training three alternate days each week.
10840278 tn?1424816083 Proper rest and recovery from training sessions, such as 48 hours between strength training sessions focused on the same muscle group, should be allowed to ensure progress and prevent injuries. All This being said my routine is in the A.M.
Avatar f tn t a part of your program. Over-training can lead to injuries, insomnia, weight and strength fluctuations, mood-swings, declining endurance, prolonged bouts of sickness, tendinitis and reduced concentration. If you feel you have reached a plateau and are no longer furthering your improvements, it may be caused by over-training. Without rest weight lifting can be counterproductive. Excessive recovery time prevents you from reaching your goals.
Avatar f tn I have found that the stretch bands are great for resistance training. There are many (as in, almost too many) DVDs and other inexpensive guides for using the bands. I have one that looks like a rubber band on steroids and a couple more that have handles on them. I am able to use them for certain body areas (especially my legs) by looping them over door handles. My treadmill is a cross trainer so I get some arm resistance training on that too. Your problem may be finding too much information!
Avatar f tn I would love to regularly workout, but can't afford to buy a bunch of dvds (I bought one but get bored after so many times). I'd love to hear if anyone has come across a good workout site or a few that have a bunch of pregnancy workouts?!
Avatar f tn Im 38 weeks pregnant and still workout!!:) I do 3-4 mile walks, 40-60 squats and some type of 20 minute cardio prenatal workouts (power walks or dance)..just check with your doctor to make sure you are ok with doing it still..but keep up working out!! Its helps with labor and delivery!! Good luck mommies!!
3215744 tn?1346814318 there are a lot of workout dvds for pregnancy, you should be able to find some at the store or online. just be sure to run the workout routine by your doc and get their aproval before you start it.
483733 tn?1326798446 I also have all but the 1st of the Biggest Loser DVDs. They take advanatge of the DVD format and let you pick which workout you want to do at a given session so that you can customize the length and difficulty. I think that is neat. They do lots of squats, and the music is lame, but they are also good options considering my limitations. I have a small trampoline, and sometimes I just put that in the living room and sort of jog in place on it (I think I'd break it if I actually jumped!
Avatar f tn A general workout is 150 minutes of medium-paced cardio exercise and two strength-training sessions per week. Body-weight exercises and calisthenics are ideal ways to exercise, especially if you're intimidated by exercise equipment. Perform exercises such as pushups, situps, jumping jacks, squats and lunges. These equipment-free exercises are convenient for home workouts, but can help you get comfortable in a gym setting.