
Speech disorder techniques

Common Questions and Answers about Speech disorder techniques


Avatar m tn A number of techniques are available for achieving fluency which are prolonged speech techniques, airflow therapies, rhythmic speech, biofeedback methods, vocal control, masking, anxiety reduction, attitudinal therapy and trial therapy. Speech therapy involves learning new speech techniques (such as speaking syllable-by-syllable) and modifying the present ways of speaking (such as reducing the rate of speech).
Avatar m tn Subjugation of Tormentor - Stammering and its cure Stammering or stuttering as a speech disorder eludes classification either as a disease or as a functional disorder of the speech muscles. It continues to be mystery despite an extensive research conducted over its causation by the medical researchers. In severe cases, stammering torments its victim both mental and physically.
Avatar m tn Brain tumors will most likely include neurological symptoms such as uneven pupil dilatation, no reactions to light from pupils (uni or bilateral) and impairments of cognitive functions such as speech and vision. What could make you sure you don't have a brain tumor is a CT-Scan of the brain. That would also rule out any sings of lesions. When it comes to neuroimaging it's good to know that CT-Scan is not the best way to go as it exposes you to useless radiations.
676912 tn?1332812551 He doesn't have speech therapy. He's five years old. He speaks clearly, and has a huge vocabulary, normal for his age. I'm not 100% sure about all of it, but I know it has more to do with his brain and comprehension.
1955760 tn?1346483744 VCD mimics asthma, but is treated with speech therapy and breathing techniques. There is a video online that demonstrates one breathing technique. Look it up and try it. See if using that technique reduces your symptoms enough that you don't need the inhaler as often. When my asthma first worsened, I was also diagnosed with VCD. Doint the breathing exercise did help keep my calm during an asthma attack and sometimes stopped my symptoms.
Avatar f tn Could my stroke-induced stuttering be permanent, since areas of my brain are 'dead' and simply 'rewired' due to speech rehab. ? I can usually control my fluency, but when I am worried or stressed. my speech block and stuttering is really terrible. I had the stroke 2 years ago. It is really agonising.
Avatar f tn My son is not autistic but has motor planning issues that affected speech. I would look up sensory integration disorder or processing disorder and see if anything looks familiar. What is hard is that your son is still so long, trying to figure out exactly what is going on is really difficult. My son had some symptoms of sensory but grew into more of them. By 4, we had no doubts. I will tell you though-------- with intervention, my son functions pretty close to normal.
Avatar f tn You have what is called an "expressive disorder". It may be what is called apraxia. Needless to say you require an immediate dye contrast MRI and a consultation with a facility that has neurologists available to review your disorder. A teaching hospital is a good place to find this expertise. Yes, something is wrong. It may be serious and it may not be. Sometimes these problems are due to destruction of impingement on a specific area of the brain by a tumor.
Avatar f tn Hi Rayyu. I am not a specialist but parent of a child with mild ASD in question - possibility of a mood disorder/ADHD combination. My son makes good eye-contact, communicates failry well, follows instructions very well, friendly with everybody in general, akward with peers, lot better with older and younger children. Most think he is "shy".
Avatar f tn He has not been diagnosed, although they think he has something which is in the spectrum of autism disorder. But does have a speech and language disorder. He ahs the understanding of a 2.5year old! Its very frustrating, he finds it very difficult to understand what im sayin. Its the same for me when i try to understand what he's trying to say. He's slowly getting better since he started school last september.
Avatar m tn It’s never too late for speech therapy. Just go to a clinic that specializes in stuttering therapy. Not every SLP will have experience in this area as our field is quite broad. They will come up with treatment techniques that is best suited for your need!
Avatar f tn I can relate to the lethargy and dizziness, they're common symptoms of depression (and many other things, of course). I've never experienced the racing thoughts personally but when they're coupled with elevated mood (that is, really wired and happy or really enraged) with transitions to depressive episodes, then that's very characteristic of bipolar disorder.
Avatar n tn My son is 4 and a half years old. He has delayed speech. His sentences are one to three words. His doctor had always said he was perfect. Everything else has developed normally and on time. At age 4, his doctor felt that maybe he fell on the spectrum of Autism because of delayed speech and his behavior. I took him to see a speech pathologist. She said he had receptive/expressive disorder. I took him to a neurologist, and after 15 minutes of observation, he decided that it is Autism.
Avatar f tn Other symptoms may include spasticity (sudden, involuntary muscle spasms) in the hands, feet, or legs; foot dragging, and speech problems due to involvement of the facial muscles. The disorder usually begins in the legs, but it may also start in the tongue or the hands. The disease-which scientists believe is not hereditary-progresses gradually over a number of years, or even decades.
Avatar n tn I am a 30yo woman of 100% French Canadian ancestry. I have had increasingly worsening parasthesias in my hands, feet, arms and legs. It feels like electric shocks and needles stabbing the soles of my feet and my arms and hands. Occassionally the numbness and tingling effects parts of my torso neck or face. A recent EMG shows no nerve damage. Though a sleep study shows a lot of limb movement at night, the numbness,pain and tingling are not limited to my legs and is not relieved by movement.
1566504 tn?1295410068 I would mention these behaviors to the speech therapist. My son had speech delays and he would get easily frustrated. I feel like something is being missed her. Perhaps she might have some sensory issues or maybe even autism. I would be more aggressive with the doctors and therapists and insist on getting more answers, even more evaluations.
Avatar n tn He also uses delayed echolalia in his speech. And he has Semantic Pragmatic Speech Disorder. So his speech development is typically autistic. However my son is very affectionate. It is not true that those on the autistic spectrum are unaffectionate. Some don't know how to show affection, others do. My son hugs me and tells me he loves me. Look at the diagnostic criteria, and if you still have concerns I would ask for a referal.
Avatar f tn Check Myesthenia Gravis forum and get some information about it. Those are both symptoms of that disorder, but maybe you can find out more about it. I hope that you are feeling better. Good luck!
Avatar f tn My son is 34 months and recently started speech. He says a lot of words and a few phrases "shoes . . wew are you?" but seems to be behind. At his first speech session I asked the speech therapist if she noticed any signs or symptoms beyond speech. She mentioned his hand movements when he gets excited remind her of her autistic clients. She stated that she cannot make any diagnosis regarding autism and after more sessions she can refer him to a specialist if necessary.
Avatar f tn My 2-year-old son also has Sensory Integration Dysfunction...he is also Apraxia (motor speech disorder). What state do you live in? What kinds of things is your daughter sensitive to? What kinds of strategies have you put into place? It can be really frustrating...I understand your daily struggle! I'm an SLP in the public school system and work closely with the OT at my school. I am also friends with my son's OT...her daughter is speech delayed and sensory impaired as well!
451975 tn?1372328599 After four years of varying symptoms including stroke like symptoms, vision impairment, vertigo, gait/balance issues, muscle contracting and total loss of muscle strength use, memory problems, speech impairment, interrmittent, depression, total loss of independance, prolonged periods of time in bed because of fatigue, depression, seizures both absence, jackson, partial/focal seizures, whether psuedo in nature or actual seizures, my diagnosis continues to evolve and change and what was once diagn
Avatar f tn I always have fear of vomiting vegetable if taken in more quantity.Also certain incidences occurred in my life like retarted speech,attention problems etc.l am from india.Please help me.
Avatar f tn Could be. Could also be a speech delay or disorder. I would ask for a referral to a speech language pathologist.
1579968 tn?1296402551 Hi, sometimes an overactive nervous system can result in behavior issues such as you describe. You usually see them at school as well (which would most likely be the case with adhd) unless he is "holding it together" until he gets to his safe place---------- which is home. It is also hard when you have young kids all close together in age--------- I have two boys that are 15 months apart.
Avatar f tn But gradually my speech became labored and I had rapid onset of stuttering. The hospital diagnosed me with a speech disorder called dysarthria however they have not been able to find a reason for my rapid onset speech disorder. All of my MRI's came back normal as well. Have you found a diagnosis yet?
499626 tn?1216030227 With a diagnosis of autism that usually means they have speech disorders or speech processing problems. A good website that gives examples of some typical speech problems is http:// sp1.html (take out the spaces). It is also more likely that they will have difficulties learning either due to autism or other learning difficulties. That isn't always the case, but is more likely. Again you might find of the examples on the Health Page interesting.