
Shoulder operation decompression

Common Questions and Answers about Shoulder operation decompression


Avatar f tn A nerve block is used during the operation which means that immediately after the operation the shoulder and arm may feel numb. This may last a few hours. After this the shoulder may well be sore and you will be given pain killers to help this whilst in hospital. These can be continued after you are discharged home. Ice packs may also help reduce pain. Wrap frozen peas or crushed ice in a damp, cold cloth and place on the shoulder for up to 15 minutes.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have had shoulder pain from approx 2yrs resulting from an accident. My doctor referred me to an orthopeadic surgeon in dec 2008, it was dec 2009 when i finally received surgery. I had an arthroscopic procedure called sub acrominal decompression. I cannot tell you in words how painful this was!!!! Unfortunately my pain persisted and i developed a frozen shoulder and i had manipliation under anestetic in march 2010.
Avatar m tn I was not able to sleep, sit or stand and walk Therefore I consulted Surgeon and as per the x-ray and MRI reports he advised me for the operation. Therefore I had undergone operation for slip disc i.e. decompression of s1 between L4 and L5. The operation was performed by Neurosurgeon and an orthopedic surgeon. But even after three months I still suffer from hip pains. Particularly I am not able to make free movements in sleeping position.
Avatar f tn After several doctor visit and referrals to neurosurgeons, I was finally referred to pain management, only after my insurance has ceased and was not able to afford new insurance, it has been 2 years and I am still experiencing headaches from severe to moderate, shoulder and neck pain, I usually can only handle holding my head up for about 30 to 45 minutes before I have to lay down, the neck starts feeling strained and shoulder starts hurting, my current doctor has put me on maxalt and propranal
Avatar f tn I have had arthiscopic subcromail decompression in shoulder due to arthiritis 11 weeks in and still in a lot of pain
635240 tn?1233165954 I had my chiari surgery, in Feb, 13 1999 my surgeon never had me come back after my stitches were taken out, now I have been having pressure in my head again and just had a MRI done and it shows that I have membrain coming into where my operation removed my scull and took out verteras....what should I expect with this now???.....
Avatar m tn I had Arthroscopic Subacromial Decompression in June 2012 after 2 years of pain in shoulder. Surgeon found biceps tear and supraspinatus tear and debridement biceps and anchored the supraspinatus. Post surgery my pain that I had in a particular spot is completely gone but ever since surgery 11 months ago I have pain in the coracoid process now. I did all my physio and have full ROM but the pain is severe enough.
779797 tn?1263618235 Ive read about procedures, decompression and shutes, what do you think they would do for it being in the middle of my shoulder blades? Would they still want to remove the bottom part of my skull or is that a totally different procedure? 3. Does anything relieve the pressure? Ive tried hot baths and ice, but not sure if they even do anything. Advil doesnt do much at all.. Dont really what to start pain killers again... 4. What would the case be to where it would cause being paralized?
Avatar f tn Hi, I had shoulder decompression surgery on Nov. 30, they removed bone spurs and a piece of my shoulder blade due to an impingement. I hurt a lot worse now than I did before the surgery but it is more down the side of my arm now and when I wake up in the morning I can't even move my arm for a while. I can not lift or reach behind me or reach across to my other shoulder even without being in a lot of pain. I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced this after surgery?
Avatar m tn re seeking a 3rd opinion on Tuesday before confirming the posterior fossa decompression operation scheduled for 17/09/12. What I really need now is how would you how Chiari is diagnose - the reference point. .
1558393 tn?1299070031 I had my decompression operation in June of 2009 and my tethered cord operation in 2010. I am having a mini bladder sling operation on Wed of this week, please keep me in your prayers. I am a patient of Dr. Di at the Cleveland Clinc, I saw him the week he left and he took me off the Methadone and had me try a new pill. He said if that did not help to go back to the other pills and make an apt with him in Feb when he has finished his relocation.
Avatar f tn I was sent to another consultant who removed the original lump and in another operation performed a shoulder decompression, removing thickened synovial fluid from the shoulder joint. I return to a different GP because other large joints (hips) cause as much pain as the shoulder and she re- did blood tests my RF levels are now over 400 but still my inflammation levels are low. I'm in constant pain and tied, My joints get stuck the clunk painfully back into place.
Avatar f tn I've been having pins and needles down my arm and pain in shoulder for about 6 weeks. Every day it seems to be getting worse, I can't do dishes, bath my children or even use the mouse on my computer without the pain escalating to an excrusiating level. My xrays only showed Mild narrowing of the C5-6 disc space with mild retrolistheses, straightening of cervical lordosis. ( which i don't fully understand what this means) My question is.... Could there be more going on?
1558393 tn?1299070031 His office is supposed to call the first of this week with my appointment. My questions is..has anyone had their decompression operation with him at The Chiair Center of Wisconsion? Can you tell me how you liked him and what to expect? He said I will be in the hospital for 5 days then we are staying at the Kathys House for 4 days.
Avatar f tn The surgeon says the stenosis is causing the atrophy in the trapezius. I went to my shoulder dr for the pain and lump that is in the shoulder area above the spine. They say I have nerve damage to the trapezius and maybe a tear- the MRI is not clear other than edema in this area- I see my ortho dr tomorrow to see what is next- has anyone experienced a tear of the trapezius from decompression surgery? Is this from my stenosis?
1558393 tn?1299070031 She said that my 1st decompression operation was inadequate and that I have Narrow Cervical Spine problems. I have to be there Aril 5th & 6th. Has anyone else ever been told that your surgery was inadequate? And I'm not even sure what Narrow Cervical Spine means. I am really happy to finally find out what it going on and why I am still having all this pain. I will be sure and let all of you know how the visit went!
Avatar n tn i had shoulder surgery 7 weeks ago. subcranial decompression acromionangioplasty. i have severe pain still and it radiates down into my elbow and hand. the pain in my hand goes into my thumb and some of my fingers. i want to know if this is normal. This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/295962'>Hand Nerve Pain After Shoulder Surgery</a>.
Avatar n tn I was recently dx with chiari malformation and intercranial hypertention after years of being treated for "migraines" . I am scheduled for the decompression surgery next week and am very worried because I dont know a single person that has had this surgery. If there is anybody who has had this surgery that can clue me in on what to expect, please let me know.
Avatar f tn Thank you for replying to my question, that has took a lot of weight off my shoulder and I've already had an ecg and an eco done but as I said my heart is fine :)
Avatar n tn hi, im 30 yrs old male from the philippines. This year in april 1 week before i went for vacation in the philippines , one day i woke up in the morning i saw my left eye different from my right eye like it's not even. When i was in the philippines i went to the first doctor and he said its a "viral infection" and he just gave me drops.
Avatar m tn As some of you are aware tommorow marks one week since my first decompression surgery. At this point it seems to have been a success. But then how long does it take before one 'really' truely knows if the syptoms will stay at bay? Time will tell one suspects. I do know that the most crippling ones for me have stayed at bay this far. The last two days the HAs have returned, not as bad but none the less... ouch.
Avatar n tn I still had severe pain and symptoms that traveled down into, around and under my left shoulder blade. Both of my arms feel heavy to raise, and feel achey,it feels more pronounced on the left side and feels like a rope or string deep inside my left upper arm is pulled at times and aches. I cannot sleep well and the pain seems to increase when I lay down.
Avatar m tn I am a 53 year old male healthy male who has enjoyed lifting weights for almost 40 years. My problem is (right) shoulder pain. On 10/27/10 I had right shouldersubacromial decompression and a distal clavicle resection both done arthoscopically.No tendon tears were indicated at this time. On 9/30/11 The MRI impression noted a 1.9 cm os acromiale. Mild subdeltoid bursitis. Post operative changes noted.
Avatar f tn I had a shoulder decompression and rotator cuff tear repair about 5 years ago, A few months ago I had a ultrasound which showed a full thickness tear, bursitis and osteoarthritis, went to see a ortho surgeon who then got me to have a MRI scan. The scan showed no tear but alot of fluid in the shoulder, he called it a angry shoulder? Is it possible for a MRI to be wrong? If not what is with the fluid in the shoulder? can someone please help.
Avatar f tn I had surgery in february of this year for Tendonitis in my left shoulder. After the surgery the pain is worser than before, because I have burning and shouting pain at the front of my shoulder I need to know is that normal?
Avatar f tn I had shoulder decompression done on my shoulder for frozen shoulder after also finding that the tendons were damaged and snapped and had to be repaired. I suffered with mine for years only to wake up one morning not being able to even lift my arm off my chest without using the other hand to lift it off.