
Seroquel for benzo withdrawal

Common Questions and Answers about Seroquel for benzo withdrawal


Avatar f tn i have been taking klonopin 1/4 every morning and night of a 2mg pill for over a year, have been going cold turkey for 4 days now, what should i expect and how much longer with all these withdrawal symptoms ? I couldn't sleep at night and took seroquel 1/4, finally got some rest, still feel weak and down. ????
Avatar f tn For example Valium is often substituted for Benzo withdrawal because it has a longer half life, meaning the withdrawl can be much more gradual.
Avatar n tn I took seroquel after nothing else put me to sleep; but, it is a powerful antipsychotic that causes ticks and twitches which can become permanent. It can also cause hardening of facial and neck muscles. This is really scary possibilities. If anyone is taking it, please stop. My twitching became very pronounced and I feared it was permanent. Fortunately they eventually went away. Just don't do it.
Avatar f tn You have to taper or could have a seziure from the klonopin alone not to mention the other drugs you are taking. Benzo withdrawal symptoms can last for months and sleep may not return to a normal place for a year or more, but you are mixing a lot of medicine not to mention buying it illegally.
871560 tn?1240023175 s still out as to whether it was caused by just the alcohol/benzo withdrawal, overdose quantities of seroquel, or the seroquel simply didn't allow my brain chemistry to re-normalize on its own, and it was brought on by physical activity after being down for a week. seroquel is an antipsychotic not a sedative, and it can be contraindicated in some individuals.
Avatar n tn I take meclizine for the nausea, valium for the brain shocks, and now Seroquel for insomnia. Valium I can quit cold turkey(long half-life). Its seroquel that has me concerned because it antagonizes many parts of the brain that Remeron does creating a sedative effect possibly making it addictive. Am I robbing Peter To pay Paul???? Has anyone had experiences with Remeron(mirtazapine) or Seroquel (quetiapine). Particularly withdrawal Experiences.
Avatar f tn I was given Lunesta, which did not work, 25mg Seroquel which worked a little bit for a few days if taken along with 15mg Tamazepam. Then it ' too, stopped working. One night, I accidentally, took 2mg of Lorazepam and it worked great until Dec 1, 2010. I was put back on 100mg of Seroquel and it did not work at all. I took it for four days and quit. Next was Ambien CR, the 12.5mg dose allowed me to sleep for about 2 hours, a second dose would allow me to sleep for another hour.
Avatar f tn I'm sorry for your problems. If looking into a benzo, ask about Klonopin. Even on a low dose - .5 mg 1-2x daily, it can be of great service - I have been on it for years now, and there is no 'roller-coaster' effects at 2x a day.
Avatar f tn This is my first post here so here's a little background... I've been dealing with major depression for quite a few years now. In fact, it's been bad enough that I'm considered disabled and I'm on Social Security Disabilty - and I'm only 34 yrs old. I've been on too many anti-depressants to count or remember, have done the whole ECT thing, etc; however, a few months ago I started taking Parnate and that seems to be really helping.
Avatar f tn m withdrawling off of lortab 8x day cold turkey i ended up having a seziure and the doc prescribed me lorazapan on top of my xanax and seroquel 50mg all 3 times a day to get through the withdrawal symtoms is this truely safe when i have p.t.s.d. n suicidal thoughts?
Avatar f tn I just started on 25 mg seroquel and I'm weaning myself off Xanax .5mg. I was taking 4 or more a day because I was so anxious. I've noticed that I crave a lot of sugar (generally ) and when I started the seroquel I craved it even more. For the last two days I've eaten 2 bars of chocolate at night ( waking from sleep just to put a bar in my mouth and munch on it. Now, I weigh 83lbs as of now and height 5'1.
Avatar f tn I have available about 10 1 mg xanax so I am going to do the best I can with what I have. I have read horror stories about withdrawal and I have a highly stressful job, also due to the benzo addiction I have brain fog and make silly mistakes, I feel shame at work. So does anyone have any ideas on how to make this manageable? I want my life back and I want to be able to function.
Avatar f tn Part of your problem might also be a rebound insomnia that can follow taking drugs to help you sleep, especially drugs that have the side effect of making you feel sedated but have their primary purpose as strong brain drugs such as Seroquel and Trazadone and benzos -- benzos are okay used as needed for anxiety, but when used for sleep they can have this effect.
736475 tn?1281259327 I was taking Seroquel for 4 years I was taking it for sleep. I have not been going through withdrawal for about 45 days I am taking two 6.25 and 1/2 mg of Ambien and it's not working I sleep for about 4 hours a night. I was giving this medication strictly for sleep I had no clue it was for other things until another doctor told me. I was taking only 50 mg and I cut it down to 25 myself because I was trying to get off of it I don't really like taking drugs.
534105 tn?1226157177 I am now struggling with anxiety and mild insomnia mainly due to withdrawal. Dr. wants me to take 25mg of Seroquel (quetiapine) per day. Do you think this is a good decision? I do not want to be addicted or dependent on any psych drug, and I have heard that quetiapine also is a drug that causes addiction and withdrawal symptoms..
Avatar n tn Despite being a small, thin woman, I take 60 mgs of Remeron, 60 mg of Buspar, and 15 mg of zolpidem a day for depression, GAD, and severe insomnia (I was hospitalized 3 weeks this past summer for insomnia, and left the hospital taking 25 mgs of zolpidem with 100 mg Seroquel per night, but have gotten down to 15 mgs and cut out the Seroquel).
Avatar n tn re going through OPIATE withdrawal then seroquel is your best bet for sleeping, then a muscle relaxer for your muscle aches and spasm. And a benzo for your anxiety. Lots of water because you will swet in your sleep, massive amounts. I am too starting opiate withdrawal, since my back Is messed up and I know how opiates make me way less depressed and more energetic.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately, I would not recommend starting college right now. Personally, I wouldn't be able to make it. I couldn't even get my oil changed today because of the extreme pain, visual issues, and vomiting and flu like symptoms. It entirely depends on your body, how long you have been taking it, and how high your dose was.
Avatar m tn Is seroquel a benzo?? I heard that in low dose prescription it is used for sleep and higher doses it is used for bi-bolar disorder. I've been taking it off and on for 4yrs and it's prescribed for sleep for me. Maybe a good question would be... is this medication prescribed to you?
574118 tn?1305135284 i called my pdoc who said stop the pill and take an extra seroquel. it seems easy come easy go. I really am sorry for myself and sorry for the confusion.
Avatar f tn I'm so sorry that you were prescribed this for insomnia. That should have never happened. This is an antipsychotic and should only be prescribed for such illness. 700mg is an incredibly high dose to just stop taking it at, even though you've only been taking it for a month. Unfortunately, most doctors don't know the withdrawal effects or how long it lasts because they weren't taught that and that wasn't studied, so it's really hard to find articles online about it.
Avatar m tn To my knowledge, neither klonopin nor seroquel would be first line treatments for insomnia. Seroquel is certainly sedating, but that's a side effect, not its purpose. It can also cause pretty severe weight gain and diabetes, so to take it just for insomnia seems like overkill. As for your withdrawal, are you in withdrawal? You don't state what your symptoms are. Not everyone gets bad withdrawals, in fact most don't.
Avatar f tn She has been taking 600 mg of seroquel for 2 years. She was taking the seroquel while inpatient also. The dr. only sent home a rx for nortriptilyne 75 mg and klonopin .5 mg 2x daily. I'm worried sick about her having withdrawal symptoms or going manic. I have spoken to the hospital and they say it will be fine but my research says otherwise. I don't know what to do. Her regular doctor is on vacation till Monday. Any insight or help will be greatly appreciated.