
Pregnancy signs first trimester

Common Questions and Answers about Pregnancy signs first trimester


Avatar n tn I had no nausea or vomiting in the first trimester with this pregnancy. I had some in the second trimester though. Every pregnancy is different, no worries:) I'm 38 weeks with a healthy baby girl. Congratulations!
Avatar f tn Yes it's completely normal!
Avatar f tn a miscarriage and have a good relationship with your doctor. You are almost out of your first trimester and almost in the clear. Try not to stress too much you don't want to stress out baby.
Avatar n tn Well I know signs differ with each pregnancy but I don't mind sharing my signs, I had a baby girl on July 20th, and with her I LOVED sour stuff, liked to eat fruit, and I was ALWAYS sick with morning sickness in my first trimester, versus when I was pregnant with my Son I never threw up. So the whole morning sickness thing was how I knew the difference.
Avatar f tn This is my first pregnancy were I havent 10 weeks 3 days buy I have headaches everyday so I take tylenol pm everynight...but I wake up throwing up acid yellow stuff and everytime I eat I get sick today my stomach hurts and I have a headache and feel beyond terrible I also didnt sleep last night at all...but today ive been taking baths every 3 hours and still feel wondering if j couldve.miscarried I have missed my second period so no bleeding.
Avatar f tn Im having a girl and my boobs were the worst symptom in the first trimester. They were so swollen and hurt sooooo bad that I made my husband go EXTRA EXTRA slow over speed bumps and taking turns. I could hardly even have my arms bump them. That was what made me know I was pregnant and needed a test.
Avatar n tn OK so I'm in my first trimester and I'm having period like bleeding with clots and all i went to the doctors and had her check it out and she said it could be early signs of a miscarriage BUT she did a ultrasound and the yolk sac is still in place and my cervix is normal this bleeding only happens after sex this morning I didn't even have sex I just kinda got turned on and the bleeding started.
Avatar f tn Hi. I just turned 7 weeks today. This is my first pregnancy and have no idea what to expect other than what I read. Im concerned because I have absolutely no symptoms. I took three pregnancy tests.. positive. And one at the clinic To confirm... also positive. I do notice that the sides of my breast closest to my armpits are somewhat soar but Not anything bad. I do not know if this is normal and if I should be concerned. My OB appt is in 3 weeks. Oh and I have no discharge or bleeding..
Avatar f tn Cramps can be on and off through the entire pregnancy depending on the person - some people get them really strongly and some people don't. Fatigue generally lasts through the first trimester, goes away in the second, and comes back for the third trimester. Nausea fades for many people but by no means everyone around the end of the first trimester and at least in my experience breast tenderness doesn't quit until about a month after baby is born and breastfeeding is well established.
Avatar f tn This is normal. In my first trimester I actually lost 5 pounds due to morning sickness and lack of appetite.
Avatar f tn This is my first pregnancy too n i didnt start to show till i was 20 weeks.. N i was always sick i had nausea till i was 6 months n my headaches barely stopped last month.. Some girls like me tend to get sick n theres girls that are lucky n dont get sick.. Every pregnancy is different.. But dont stress its not healthy for you or your baby..
Avatar f tn I'm 7 weeks into my first pregnancy and I'm still feeling very nauseous. Plus, I have to force myself to eat for my baby. Does the sick feeling go away? Help!
Avatar f tn I'm still in my first trimester, and I feel like I'm always hungry but I have no appetite at all. Is this normal?
Avatar f tn how soon after ovulation do the first signs of pregnancy tend to show up and what are some of those earliest signs?
Avatar f tn Can anyone give me advice? This is my first pregnancy and I don't know if it's normal to be this nervous to make it past the first trimester. Just need something to calm my nerves.
Avatar f tn just wondering , did anyone have bleeding in there first trimester , just some light blood . ?
10185128 tn?1410802667 Is anyone sees waiting until after the first trimester to share the news with friends and family?
Avatar n tn This is my first pregnancy. I am expecting September 21. I am 12 weeks and don't really know to expect. My husband and I are really excited. I have had really no appetite this first trimester. Been cramping really bad and feeling nauseous in the evenings. Had morning sickness once. Usually it's just been dry heaves. Oh and I'm tired all the time! We think it's going to be a girl. Can't wait to find out.
Avatar f tn Hello - let me start by saying every pregnacy is different, in the first trimester which is week 1 to 12 you may experience morning sickness which is not just in the morning could be all day everyday and normally starts around week 6, tender boobs and the nipple colour may get darker. Your mood may be up and down due to hormons. With the birth it hurts quite alot but you midwife will be able to discuss pain control methods! Have you told your mum you are pregnant?
Avatar f tn Yea i had it all through out my first trimester and now i am on my second and still a problem i cant keep anything down, but try to stay healthy exercise when you can and eat fat free diet it helps, good luck
571415 tn?1217039962 Like most other symptoms of pregnancy, these food preferences can be chalked up to hormonal changes — especially in the first trimester, when hormone changes are the most dramatic. Headaches Early in pregnancy, increased blood circulation caused by hormonal changes may trigger frequent, mild headaches. Constipation Constipation is another common early symptom of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone causes food to pass more slowly through the intestines — which can lead to constipation.
Avatar n tn This is my very first pregnancy and I have a yeast infection. It's milky and doesn't have an odor, but what can I take besides monistat to get rid of it? Is there pills my doctor can prescribe?
Avatar f tn I'll be 19 in a couple months and am in my second trimester with my first. My best advice is to not worry so much, eat healthy, listen to your doctor and don't get too stressed out. Though you do have a few medical issues that im sure make you more nervous than some take comfort in the fact that though we're considered young to have children this is the best time, biologically speaking, for us to carry.
Avatar f tn I crave spicy foods lol and then I have normal pregnancy symptoms
10727100 tn?1416715131 Durring my first trimester, I had the sore breasts until 10 weeks, then until the end of 13 weeks I was throwing up every morning.
Avatar f tn This will be my first pregnancy and I have so much questions! I'm 4weeks and is it safe to wear some light make up on and do my nail? Is it safe to use lotion that have a scene of smell?
Avatar f tn Okay I am in my first trimester and I have been spotting light red and brown blood off and on for almost a month.. I am worried that it could be something wrong.. can this be just be my body adjusting or am I have a miscarriage.. worried.. I am supposed to schedule a ultrasound here soon but my mind is going crazy..