
Paxil withdrawal dreams

Common Questions and Answers about Paxil withdrawal dreams


Avatar f tn I've been on Paxil for approximately seven years, starting at 60mg and tapering down to 30mg as of two years ago. I'm still on that dose. I've experienced the withdrawal symptoms before, when I've forgotten to take my medicine, as well as when I've been in the process of decreasing my dose, but lately, I've been feeling the withdrawal symptoms when I have been taking my medicine regularly.
Avatar f tn Sounds like it's mostly the withdrawal from the Paxil. Going on and coming off Paxil are always really horrible. Symptoms will subside once your Seretonin starts firing normally again. You may want to start taking 5HTP to help with the withdrawal. You can buy this product at any drugstore or even walmart. It really does work to increase seretonin.
Avatar m tn Who told you you could just quit this med? Paxil is the most difficult med out there to stop taking, and everyone has their own speed. At 15 it's too soon to stop - with this med it's usually go to ten, then get the liquid and taper off very slowly if you need to. Now having said that, what you're experiencing is way on the easy end of Paxil withdrawal, so hopefully this will pass soon. Some find fish oil helps with this.
1423357 tn?1511085442 So what I would do is taper off the Effexor as slowly as need be until withdrawal is successfully overcome before starting the Paxil. That way, she'll know if what she's feeling is the withdrawal or the new drug. Also, keep in mind that once you stop Paxil it often doesn't work again or has to be at a higher dose -- it's just a strong and peculiar drug.
Avatar n tn Put him on the internet, type in Paxil withdrawal, and make him sit there and read. And why would you ever go off this med cold turkey? Why does anyone still do this after all the lawsuits and revelations and ten years of publicity?
Avatar f tn I stopped taking my Paxil CR 25mg approx 3 weeks ago due to loss of insurance and job. I had been taking them for over 2 years and before that I took other anti-depressants for several years. Since stopping the pills I have been experiencing insomnia and "dizzy spells". The spells last about 1 second, can occur when I take a deep breath, or move my eyes fast, among other reasons,and happen 50+ times per day. I feel this is a direct effect from stopping the pills.
Avatar f tn Heroin in far worse physiologically, and Paxil far worse emotionally to withdraw from. And Paxil withdrawal can last a whole lot longer. But the reason it's not addictive is, to be technically considered addictive, you have to need to continually increase the dose to get the same effect. That's not true of ssris. But addiction is actually a medical term that has found it's way into our common lexicon in all kinds of erroneous ways.
Avatar f tn Gotta disagree with the comment that one should never go back on these meds. First of all, some people do not find anything else helpful -- therapy doesn't have a very good track record, either. It's the best we have, but that doesn't mean it works even most of the time for people with serious problems. And the only way to cut short a severe withdrawal is to go back on the med and taper more slowly.
Avatar f tn s one of the most difficult medications to stop taking, and it needs to be done on a slow taper that suits you, not some generalized schedule. All of your symptoms are classic Paxil withdrawal symptoms, or would be if not for the confusion of taking more than one drug that targets the same stuff at the same time. Because you've been on Paxil a long time, it will take a long time to stop taking it.
Avatar f tn If you were on Paxil for 17 years straight, quitting can be very very difficult. Lexapro won't make it any easier since it's a different drug. You were on a very low dose of Paxil, but still, that's a long time, and Paxil packs a heck of a withdrawal for many people. So it could be that. Someone on it for that long would usually taper off very slowly. It could also be that being on it that long has burned you out for ssris. Who knows?
Avatar f tn that I have finally found a site that actually deals with paxil and the ill effects of withdrawal. I have been on paxil on and off for 30 years after being diagnosed with a chemical imbalance at 17. I am or at least was feeling well and I wanted to try discontinuing paxil to detoxify my body. I did do it gradually which I would advise everyone however even after being off of the pills completely for 3 weeks I still suffer from a sense of hightened response to noise or movement.
484508 tn?1290010544 5mg Klonopin, as I can feel gradually the nervousness from Paxil going away (thank goodness)...but I am on my fourth week of Paxil so I would like to start weening from Klonopin soon. I think I will go from .5 to .25 for a week or two, and then .125 for a week or two....hopefully someone knows more info on this!!!!
Avatar m tn There are many websites discussing Paxil withdrawal; skip the horror stories and just go to the success stories for more help.
704329 tn?1518523098 ve talked to my doctor about the withdrawal symptoms and was told that Paxil is pretty much the worst for withdrawal symptoms but it's very effective which is the reason they still use it. Ultimately talk to your doctor. Psychology is still a very young area of medicine and as such the docs can't always tell you what is going on.
Avatar m tn My doc stated that I could switch over to Lexapro from Paxil so I took both for 2 weeks then dropped Paxil all together. Could I still be feeling the affects of Paxil withdrawal? I felt good after 2 weeks and even tried to come down on my Klonopin a couple of days after my paxil ended. Mistake! Just wanting to know if anybody had the same issues and how long do I need to plan on suffering? This is getting old and I'm ready to feel like my old self again.
Avatar n tn Try taking some fish oil and adaptogenic herbs like ashwandha to help with the Paxil withdrawal, exercise, keep active. Good luck.
Avatar n tn I am a 20 year old, 5'2", 115lb. female and for the past year or so I've been on Paxil, but my entire experience with Paxil is that it makes me nauseous and shake no matter how long I take it for. My body can't seem to get over the side-effects, so for a while I was only taking the Paxil every three to four days (they were extended-release pills) and I seemed to be alright. But for the past few weeks I decided to try to get off Paxil completely.
Avatar n tn i think your going through paxil withdrawal. i had just what your having when i went off of it, the brain zaps and dizzyness. you should taper gradually. the wellbutrin is very different from paxil, it only works on dopamine so if your taking it for anxiety also it will probably make it worse. it's very stimulating. talk to your dr. about weaning off of the paxil.
Avatar n tn those increase in your emotions is normal for paxil. is the same doctor prescribing both meds? are you taking the paxil for depression? the vyvance could definitely also cause an increase in your irritation, anger and rage. i would definitely talk with your doctor.
Avatar f tn But just wanted people to be aware of my experience should they decide to take Paxil. I wish I was told about the withdrawal before I started, and might have chosen something different. I am sorry if I came across differently. Today is my first day of being Paxil in 12 years. I still have a terrible headache and lightheadedness, but the feeling of wanting to cry has subsided, and my crazy dreams at night(mostly nightmares) have subsided too. Thank you all for reading.
Avatar f tn I'm trying to get off Paxil by cross tapering with Prozac to minimize withdrawal symptoms. Right now I'm on 10mg paxil. but I'm not sure how to proceed? My doctor said to take 20mg prozac along with 10 paxil for a month which I don't agree with. Thats because I think if prozac stays that long in my system I will also have trouble getting off of it. So my plan is: Week 1) 10mg paxil 10mg prozac. Week 2) 5mg paxil 20mg prozac. Week 3) 0mg paxil 20mg prozac. then stop.
Avatar m tn I also take Paxil for a sleep disorder (depression-related insomnia) and have for 11+ years. It works wonderously, but I gained 30+ lbs when I started the medication and have tried for years to lose it, unsuccessfully. I will lose some weight - and believe me, it takes an enormous amount of exercise and effort - but inevitably gain it back because Paxil makes my appetite so strong.
Avatar n tn I have been on Paxil CR for 2 years now, and my highest dosage was 37.5 mg about 5 or 6 months ago. Over the past 6 months I have SLOWLY been reducing my dosage as I feel Paxil CR has not been the right drug for me. I would reduce the dosage about every month and a half. About 1.5 months ago, I reduced my dosage from 12.5 mg to 6 mg. Around this time, I started having EXTREME fatigue and chronic, unbearable nausea. I have had a colonoscopy and endoscopy but both were completely normal.
Avatar n tn I was on EffexorXR 150mg for two years. It seemed to be working good, but my one close freind said I acted "strangely" to her since I had been on the drug. Not having insurance, Effexor XR is quite pricey, $150 + a month and I had felt it was time to get off the drug. I had been reading (and crying while I read) other peoples experiences stopping Effexor. My doctor put me on a slow three month withdraw program. and I can say I am day #2 off EffexorXR!
Avatar m tn I know I hate the withdrawl symptoms. Have you tried talking to your dr. about another med that has less 'decreased sexual' side effects? and start that med it will then decrease the withdrawl from paxil. How are feeling - depressed, anxious, nauseous, etc.? I'll try finding out how long paxil stays in your system. Hang in there, your brain will start making serintonin to replace the paxil. keep talking to us. it helps.
Avatar f tn The snris are also like this, but still, some people do find taking them helps with anxiety because anxiety very often comes from depression. Wellbutrin, in other words, is not a better antidepressant than Paxil, just different; Paxil was in fact approved for depression treatment and was then used later for anxiety, as have most antidepressants. Sometimes they work for a person, sometimes they don't. Secondly, all drugs that affect sleep affect REM sleep.