
Neck pain jogging

Common Questions and Answers about Neck pain jogging


Avatar f tn Do you have a lot of neck pain? Exactly what type of pain is this, do you have any stabbing electric type pain? The hip, I don't know, it doesn't fit with the other things.
7827642 tn?1396958758 Im 15 weeks & 4 days. I ended up having to chase my dog for about 5-10 seconds because she got out of the fence. I was barely/lightly jogging not running. I hope I didn't hurt my baby. Im not in any pain im just worried now. What do you mamas think?
7827642 tn?1396958758 Im 15 weeks & 4 days. I ended up having to chase my dog for about 5-10 seconds because she got out of the fence. I was barely/lightly jogging not running. I hope I didn't hurt my baby. Im not in any pain im just worried now. What do you mamas think?
Avatar f tn Hello swati999, Just read your post. What is 56kg in lbs and what is 41kg in lbs ? Is it possible you lost too much weight too soon ? Could this have caused your dizziness and vertigo. Just a thought. I find it hard to believe that one the spot jogging could cause vertigo. Have you been to see your family doctor to discuss this problem. Your doctor may want to send you for further testing. Good luck.
Avatar f tn But with exercise when the contraction and the heart rate is increased sometimes this is felt as throbbing sensation in the upper chest or neck. The reason behind is the fact that a large amount of blood is pushed in the upper chest and neck vessels, which is sometimes felt as throbbing or pain and headache. However, it increases in certain condition e.g. if you did not practice exercise for long time, or if you have anemia.
Avatar f tn I get unbelievable pain from my knee down to my ankles when I jog. After about 40 minutes that pain is some what tolerable and I can jog for 4-5 minutes straight. For the rest of my day my ankles are sore. Does anybody have any idea what this is?
Avatar m tn m a 36 year old male with Type 1 diabetes and end stage renal disease (on dialysis). Like any guy, I masturbate. Over the last few months, I have started experiencing pain after orgasm. It started as a throbbing chest pain. Then the throbbing expanded to my chest and upper back. Now it is in my chest, upper back, and the right side of my neck. The throbbing is happening with my heartbeat, but my pulse isn't racing. It just feels like my heart is trying to pound its way out of me.
Avatar n tn t bother me or cause pain?), but if I jog, the pain can come on but jogging seems to push the pain a bit lower, not directly left of my sternum, but left AND lower...not too severe, but there, and it tends to get worse during deep breaths. Sometimes it appears when I'm sitting down doing nothing, and then it doesn't seem to worsen with deep breaths. I can't notice a pattern with eating, and the pain, while mild, doesn't radiate anywhere.
3060676 tn?1440702944 d go jogging get my heart up and pumping away! I felt great while jogging (only a half mile) and even after. It wasn't until the next afternoon that I started hurting like crazy. After trying to suck it up for a few days, I went into the ER for a scan, which showed some cerebellular edema and I had muscle spasms. I had taken a steroid pack, muscle relaxers and pain meds. I'm finally feeling better after 2 weeks.
Avatar m tn In my gym class every day before we play a sport we walk around the gym a few times and then do a couple laps of jogging. I've had aboslutely no problem with the jogging until recently. For some reason when we start jogging my legs feel like they are locking up. My ankles start restricting movement and afterwards they hurt along with a pain in the front of my lower leg, almost in the bone.
Avatar f tn I've been jogging for a while and I don't feel like I am getting anywhere. I try to go at least once a day and do at least a mile. I have a mile time of about 11-12 minutes and I need help improving it. Any tips and suggestions are greatly needed.
Avatar n tn Can jogging (40 min a day), biking (not mountain biking), lifting (6kg weight), push-ups or abs exercises cause retinal tears or RD? I am high myopic (-31) with lattice deg. and have PVD right now. I have very low blood pressure and also very fat because afraid of doing sports. I am 25. Thanks very much.
7677085 tn?1395374075 Just got clearance from my midwife to start jogging and I'm so excited! I took it way too easy with my last pregnancy and ended up gaining fifty or sixty pounds! This time I'm determined to keep my weight gain low since I'm overweight to begin with. I haven't jogged regularly for about five years and would appreciate recommendations about stretching, belly support, etc. My midwife just told me to start slow and ease into it (jog one minute, walk three minutes sort of thing).
Avatar f tn From what I've heard you can add long as you were used to jogging before you were pregnant and you don't push yourself beyond what you were used to. I'd check with your doctor too just to be safe.
Avatar m tn In the last year or so, I have developed pain wiht typing. The pain occurs in the my shoulder, my neck and my upper back, especially in my shoulder blades and under my arms in the rib area. Also the pain seems to be worse on my right side from the side of my neck down to my right shoudler and shoulder blade. I also get a knot in the middle of my back. I have tried PT to strengthen my back, but with no help. The pain kept returning. I have tried antiinflammatories and muscle relaxers.
Avatar n tn I been having back pain in my upper back seems to be close to ribs in my back. What do you think this could be? It bothers me during the day not much at night. This discussion is related to <a href=''>Mid back pain on right side</a>.
Avatar n tn I am a 28 year old male who is not obese but gets heart pain and pounding heart from jogging, chest exercises, and from ejaculation (orgasm). After jogging the pain also shot down my left arm which seemed like a heart attack. I got my heart checked last December and the results were normal but I continue to have pain especially from those activities. What is wrong with my heart and will I get a heart attack?
Avatar f tn Developed leak and had 20 minute repair of small leak. Woke up with sever head knife like pain and like something is in my neck. On massive narcotics and pretty much in bed 75 percent of day. Feels very swollen inside and I respond to steroids. causing severe numbness in legs, left arm, and mouth/face. Causing weakness and nausea. Very specific to right side of neck. Slightly fim and slightly swollen. Very sore deep inside and feels thick inside. Had thethered cord surgery and no help.
Avatar f tn Dizziness and balance problems can, as you say come from neck problems. As you have been dieting and have lost a log of weight, you may be anaemic. Having ear, throat and urinary problems can also cause dizziness. Make sure you keep drinking 2-3 litrs or water per day so you do not become dehydrated. See your doctor to check your ears, throat and urine for any infections, and for your doctor to do some blood tests to rule out any blood disorder.
Avatar f tn I can actually push on a knot in my shoulder and I feel the pain slice through my head. I have pain all the way up my neck today, across my temples and my scalp is tight. I am on Lyrica and it hasn't done anything for me..I was on neurotin b4 and it did help more but the side effects were worse (I was a living zombie till noon each day) and the neurotin would wear off by 3..just in time for when my kids came home.
Avatar f tn Yesterday, I went for a jog for the first time in last 2months. I had only started jogging for about 100metres when I felt this sharp pain in front of my knee around my knee cap area on both sides. I thought nothing of it and continued another hundred or two meters but the pain didn't go away. It is not very severe (about 4~5 on 1-10scale) but I'm worried because I have never had such pain before.
Avatar m tn Smetimes i feel this tightness in my upper arm or in my lower arm, pain in left lower side of my neck and below my neck, i still get the chest pain although not as bad as before and just this morning I felt like this sharp pain right below my left breast but to the left side of it for about 5-6 minutes, it came and went for that long.
Avatar n tn A few months later I decided to go back to jogging, and did about 2 miles. Suddenly I had this severe pain in my left hip, and now if I try to jog or walk alot it hurts bad again. When I get on my bike it will hurt bad.Is this just worn cartilage from past jogging ( I am 56) or do you suspect something worse? I never went to the doctor because it took so long for the pain to come around, so Im thinking its from jogging not from the accident? Opinion please?
3113559 tn?1347750099 I know I get real bad shin pain but I have shin splints. Have you been doing lots of walking, jogging, or running?
Avatar m tn i have a 60-70 % blocked circumflex coronary , i am having chest pain and left arm and shoulder. also i am doing a 60 min 5 km jogging every day. i feel more pain at rest and occasionaly during my jogging i feel like fainting or vertigo. i have done even recently a stress test and i was negative. My question is if all these is heart related or not and what can i do to have a straight answer.
Avatar f tn so knee is hurtng more...plz tell me jogging is nt good for me...or wat can i do to t away frm this pain..
Avatar f tn After 10-15 min (yesterday was after 30 min) of speed walking or light jogging, I get right upper chest pain. It feels slightly tight, with a sharp pain. So I slow down immediately, and after 2-5 min of slow walking I feel much better. Then I continue to speed walk/jog, and this time the pain doesn't come back again. I am thinking it might be the heat or the humidity causing me to feel short of breath and these chest pains.