
Laser liposuction florida

Common Questions and Answers about Laser liposuction florida


Avatar n tn Laser Assisted liposuction: Advance Laser Assisted Liposuction uses a powerful laser to melt the membranes of each fat cell, causing them to break down, so there will be fewer traumas, means faster recovery.
Avatar f tn Neither is liposuction surgery or laser liposuction. Women have died as a result of liposuction surgery which is major surgery. I wouldn't recommend liposuction sugery, laser or otherwise to any woman or man for that matter. Laser surgery is still surgery. Have you ever seen a video of a liposuction procedure. It's horrifying. The after effects can include infections, burst veins and other life threatening repercussions.
Avatar n tn You need to seek a surgeon who is highly experienced with liposuction and does not rely only on Smartlipo for your procedure. Revision of liposuction with additional liposuction and possible fat grafting may be required to improve your appearance. Redo procedures can be successful in the right hands.
224988 tn?1208104697 Smartlipo is almost always performed with liposuction. The laser only liquefies the fat which must then be resorbed by the body over a period of time or immediately be removed with liposuction.
Avatar n tn The first question I would ask is whether he/she is a board certified plastic surgeon or another kind of physiian who just happened to buy a Smartlipo laser. Liposuction is definitely skill and technique dependent and I personally find that treatment under general anesthesia with traditional liposuction (I use power assisted liposuction) gives consistently good result. Sometimes touchup procedures are appropriate.
Avatar n tn The use of a Smartlipo laser assocaited with traditional liposuction in the presence of a major hernia, could potentially injury bowel (a major catastrophe). Smartlipo machines are sold to any physician who is willing to shell out the funds for this equipment irregardless of training or specialty. Since I do not know the qualifications of your doctor or the true nature of your hernia, I cannot comment about the appropriateness of your treatment.
Avatar n tn But I really just want to lose the flab in my upper arms and stomach without losing my *** or breast. I know that liposuction and tummy tuck is an option for me but I cannot afford the cost and all the complications that come with it. My friend pointed me to this advertisement she saw on facebook for a home lipo laser machine called slimray because she found it funny and ridiculous but i am really curious about it cos i am quite desperate to get rid of the fatty tummy.
Avatar n tn hello. Eight months ago I had breast reduction and abdominal liposuction surgery. After which my surgeon told me 2 liters of fat had been removed. I am 54 yo and weighed around 170 lb. I was told post op that my stomach was swollen. 6 months later I questioned the dr. about what bump in abdomen was. She told me I had a hernia. Now my stomach is protruding worse than it did pre- liposuction. Is it possible my liposuction caused this to appear? What do you recommend I do next? Both my family Dr.
5576961 tn?1377881511 Hello tentbharat, You asked what the side effect of liposuction is ? Liposuction is major surgery and it is a very dangerous procedure. Many people have died as a result of complicaitons of liposuction surgery. I would not consider this type of surgery ever. It is a very dangerous and risky procedure as it can lead to death. Do yourself a favour. There are videos available showing how liposuction is performed. Look at one of these videos.
Avatar n tn I had liposuction on my thighs two years ago which left my body deformed. I asked not to have anything removed from my buttocks, and on both sides fat was removed. I now have gauges on both sides, and when I squeeze my buttocks together it looks like I have holes on both sides. Can this be fixed? I also have ropples all over my inner and outer thighs, and bulges on my inner knees. I cannot wear a bathing suit any longer, and need to know if this can be fixed???
Avatar n tn I had Smart Lipo on my inner and outer thighs last week. I have a Mirena IUD and haven't had a period in months. Since I had this procedure I've been bleeding. Could the laser have something to do with this? When my Dr was doing my inner thighs, he got really close to my pubic bone and it did hurt when he pushed toward the bone. If this is a reason for my sudden bleeding I need to know for how long should this continue. Would this be like a regular period now?
982526 tn?1248898065 Although laser liposuction has been shown to have some skin contracture characteritics, you will be able to judge the final results of your procedure in several more months.
20904314 tn?1607606988 Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms or neck. Liposuction also shapes (contours) these areas.
Avatar n tn I am having liposuction and possibly an excision of some tissue for pseudo gynecomastia. I was wondering what I can expect my results to be like, and especially if I can expect there to be any wrinkling/dimpling in my chest. If there will be, will it be permanent? Is liposuction generally unnoticeable after a few months? I am 16 years old and 145 lbs.
Avatar f tn but here my breast size is 32 and my waist is 30 and mmy hips are 48. Just imagine if i wear some nice outfits how it looks. I heard about liposuction and zerona treatment. which is gud to get out fat . or nything else is der . plz help me out and how much cost. i stay in hyderabad.
Avatar m tn Is it possible that I could have developed dermatographic urticaria and urtacaria pigmentosa after a cosmetic liposuction procedure? I was a healthy 42 year old woman before i had liposuction to my stamace and back thigh areas. 5 months after that procedure I have suffered with dermagrahic urticaria. Could the surgery have interfered with my connective tissues in some way and caused this disease?
Avatar m tn I have dry eye ( moderate to severe ) Occular Rosecea , chronic conjuntivitis, and after capsolotomy on both eyes-cataract surgery on both eyes- Vitrectomy-- buckle for torn retina- laser for lattice degeneration- I also suffer from light sensativity - It is tolerable with sealed sunglasses with rv and reflective coating , living in Pa.
Avatar n tn Similar to Hollywood starlets, most women in the adult industry undergo cosmetic surgery. They get nose jobs, breast implants, liposuction, and [their genital] extended inner lips are removed to achieve 'the clamshell look,' reminiscent of a pre-pubescent girl. Even the anus is bleached and dyed pink. Insecure and uniformed young women wanted a similar look so a booming new industry was born; laser vaginal plastic surgery.
Avatar f tn I would like to know how safe is liposuction? Do I need to worry about blood clots in my legs?(this was mentioned at the consult) and I have a 8 month old child that needs to be carried, will I able to do this post procedure, and will I be very sore? Also, is permanent numbness in the area unusual? Please let me know your thoughts and and professional opinion on the pros and cons of having this procedure done. Thank you. p.s how soon after can I resume running/weights etc?
Avatar m tn Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses laser energy to heat the skin's deeper layers. This heating effect is thought to stimulate collagen production and promote fat cell metabolism, which can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. While laser therapy is often marketed as a cellulite treatment, its effectiveness for this purpose is not well-established.
Avatar f tn I cannot seem to firm up or lose any weight since the removal of the omentum.I am wondering if I could be a candidate for liposuction or if a surgeon would do this due to omentum removal.Would the procedure be safe.
Avatar n tn Hi there, New to the boards! I have had Hashimoto's since 2006, and I'm sure other women will agree that having this disease sure does a number on the puffiness of the face and neck. I am on the evil and disgusting Synthroid+Liothyronine combo until I can get back on natural thyroid meds. I'm still searching for a new doctor to prescribe it to me.
Avatar f tn How can I get a shot in my belly to lose it.. liposuction shot for the belly?
Avatar f tn Do you know of any neuropthamoligists in the central Florida area? I have had cataract surgery, YAG laser, ptosis surgery, punctal plugs (I think they have come out) tried Restasis briefly, all kinds of sunglasses & anti-reflective lenses, some days I can hardly walk around house. My regular dr. is ordering tests for autoimmune diseases. All my eye Dr. would say is dry eye. I will find new eye dr. as soon as tests come back. I have good vision except for light problems.
Avatar n tn Hello, I have this condition, and I would like to find a medical facility preferably a in florida where can have pearly penile papule remove, I went to my local dermatologist he gave me wart remover but that did not do anything. So if know of a medical facility that handle this type of surgery please let me know thank you.
Avatar n tn Your best bet would be to call all the local ophthalmologists in your area to see if one may help you out. If you are in Florida, I would be glad to help if possible. You can leave a message at my office if you are totally out of options and need help.
Avatar m tn Wellthere is this Laser surgery institute in Tamapa florida they say they can do something about it can that be real?? or just trying to get another Client ..Thanks again..