
Itchy arms meaning

Common Questions and Answers about Itchy arms meaning


Avatar f tn I have suffered itchy arms on and off for ten years. Usually if I go out into the sunshine without barrier cream. It can last for a few weeks. It starts with burning sensation and I can feel the hairs on my arms standing up. Sometimes I get a stinging sensation which is unbearable, I haverer to dig my fingernails into the area to get relief This discussion is related to <a href=''>Severe Itching on arms</a>.
Avatar n tn Thanks for all of your advice on itchy arms - I have suffered this problem for 30 years -it is getting much worse now as I get older - calamine lotion used to help years ago when it was mild -then i started taking antitistimines and they helped for a few years, but now at 55 even they no longer work. It is much worse in the summer months.
Avatar f tn I have had itchy tingling arms for over 20 years. I have been to so many doctors, I've lost count. Some say it's allergys. Some say it's stress. Some creams work for a while. I've taken alot of allergy meds. Zyrtec seemed to help more than the others. I also take Doxipen. the Dr. just doubled my dose. I have a steriod cream that I use as well. It only helps during the day for a while.
Avatar n tn t know how itchy arms happens but I found something that made the super itchiness in my arms stop. A friend who's had a life-time of eczema told me about bleach baths. So I did as he advised, I took a cup of bleach (Clorox) and poured it in a bath tub of warm/hot water and got in it for 10 minutes. The first time I did this ended all of the itching. Four days later I did this bleach bath again because I thought I felt the itch returning and again it worked.
Avatar n tn i was reading the post that you guys sent in about itchy arms.
Avatar n tn This has also been a problem for me off and on since I had mono in 2001 and got the milk of the yarrow plant on my arms. Currently my doctor has sent me to the gastro to get my stomach and colon checked out. They are looking for Celiacs disease. For me, I do really believe it's related to both allergies and cervical spine misalignment, which I just learned could be the reason today as I googled... Good luck to you in finding the cure.
Avatar n tn Hello everyone! There used to be an 'itchy arm' forum started in 2000 on PiA, but was disbanned today. Anyway, I was a member there since 2008 and have had itchy arms for 8 years myself. Thank goodness I found out what was causing mine after 7 years. I did ALOT of research and found out about brachioradial pruritus and it's various causes. Many of the "Deep" itches talked about are actually nerve related which is why neurontin helps. It's also why ice helps...
Avatar f tn I have been suffering from itchy arms for about 20 years and nothing helps except ice packs. There is no rash, this seems to come on in the late summer to early fall or when I am particularly stressed. What might help? Someone suggested I may have a sulfer shortage in my body.
Avatar n tn I have been dealing with the itchy arms for the past 4 years. It starts in August and lasts a few months. Last night was by far the worst it has ever been! I live in the Cincinnati area. The itching is a deep prickly feeling with no visible signs on the skin. The more you scratch the worse it gets. It is so frustrating and No doctor seems to have a clue what it is!!! It is on my arms, from the wrist to my shoulders. but now it has been on my neck as well.
1040102 tn?1253004057 I have had itchy arms for 20 years. There is no rash, scaling, or anything. It can come on at any time of the year and usually lasts for 6 to 8 weeks. The more I scratch to more it stings and burns. It feels like someone is sticking me repeatedly with a needle. Its driving me crazy!!!! can anyone help. I have heard I could possibly need a neurologist.My arms will bleed I scratch so much. Ice gel packs help more anything Ive tried.
Avatar n tn Welcome to the site and to the community. You have come to a place where people are very supportive and have a lot of information. I would like to point out that as the information on your left says, this is only my personal advice and you should always consult a doctor with problems first. Also, while it is understandable to want information or advice about medication/s you should never alter or stop without speaking to the prescribing doctor first.
Avatar n tn ve been getting this red spots/itchy patches all over my legs, arms, back, chest and sometimes my neck. I try not to sctrach them but they are really itchy. I have longish nails so when I do i get red patchs like a rash all over! I've had this for the past 2/3 weeks and it just keeps getting worse. I don't want to go do the doctor as it's really embarrasing for me. I really don't know what to do to make it go away. Can anyone please help??
Avatar m tn itchy red rash on both hips, buttocks, and scrotum. The rash is red and extremely itchy and uncomfortable. Random small, blistery hive breakouts on wrists, arms, back of legs, stomach, and chest. Symptoms persisting for 10 months. 33 year old male. About 10 months ago, I got a red itchy rash on my right hip. It persisted for about a month and then went away for a while and I thought that was the end of it.
Avatar f tn I have been experiencing a problem with a recurrent itchy, stingy rash on my arms, legs and chest. I have also had acute pancreatitis with recurring problems with my pancreas. To top it all off, I believe my estrogen is very low, as I had a complete hysterectomy years ago. Could this recurring rash problem be due to my pancreas or my low estrogen?
Avatar m tn Hi, I have had an itchy rash over my legs for the last two weeks. I had mild bruises initially after coming off my bike, and then later itchy patches nearby. They were round patches that were red, darker on the outside of the patch, getting lighter inwards. I had a patch test for a hair dye on my right arm around that time, and my arms have had with raised areas that itch since around then However I did not get any skin changes or itching around the site of the patch test itself!
Avatar n tn I need an answer, last Monday morning, got many of my little red bumps all over my neck, back of neck, arms, shoulders, under my ears, where this coming from? Allergy reaction to my perfume Bella Belara?????? It has been a day and half now some show up on my chest...or is it from stress? There is no scalp, no lesion, no white spot only little red bumps all over.
Avatar n tn Last night, I noticed that my arms were rather itchy. As I was itching them, tiny bumps formed. I didn't think much of it, but when I was getting dressed to go to bed later on in the night, I noticed my back, face, and arms had slightly elevated bumps/patches of red. I took 2 tablets of Benadryl, went to sleep, and in the morning, I noticed they were still there and my back even had more rashes and it spread to my shoulders and arms.
Avatar m tn the other day i had these sudden skin color bumps on my arms very itchy and then after few hours they dispear again. do you have any idea what are these??? and why i have them?? i am a well build 29 male. i drink normally and i smoke.
Avatar m tn During the last months i have noticed that i get some pin point red dots on my arms. - They appear in a group of aprox. 10 dots. - The episode last 30 minutes aprox. - The location seems to change. - Always (or at least the great mayority of the time) is just ONE group per episode, so is very rare that at the same time i develope more than 1 group of dots. - There are 2-3 episodes per week (that i notice...
Avatar f tn They itched off and on (more on) throughout the day, and eventually my feet and knees started itching too. The next day my arms, elbows, legs, hairline around my neck, neck, ears, inside my ears, stomach and chest started to itch too. Today is the fourth day of the itching, but now I have a big lump on the bottom of my foot. It doesn't really hurt, but it feels like I am walking on a ball.
Avatar n tn Oatmeal baths, and liberal application of emollients containing glycerine should do.