
Internal medicine journal submission

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Avatar f tn If you go to my journal page 3 read the journal titled How to Naturally Avoid and Remove Dangerous Arterial Plaque
Avatar f tn I will.. but Is the abreva Ok? Since its not really medicine.
Avatar f tn Melatonin And YouAccording to research cited in both the Journal of General Internal Medicine and the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology, it appears that taking a low dose of melatonin is safe for a healthy person if taken for a short time period. i.e. less than three months. Melatonin is normally taken at night before bed for a variety of sleep disorders and jet lag. Doses vary between 0.3mg and 3.0mg or even higher but it seems that a smaller dose often works better than a larger one. .
Avatar f tn But I would not advise using herbal medicine right now. The vet needs to make a diagnosis, and recommend a course of treatment straight away, and herbs would interfere with this treatment. Also, depending on what is wrong, herbal medicine may or may not be appropriate. I wouldn't advise using them without advice from a herbal vet anyway, as some herbs safe for humans, can be toxic for dogs.
Avatar f tn Said and done quickly in an oral submission - followed up more thoroughly in a written submission and said written submission will not take away from that one hour time allotted to the public for oral submissions. If we see differently on that, fair enough. I would add the brief comment on the end and would follow up with a written submission, personally.
Avatar f tn The internal medicines doctor will see patients as their general patient, unless something has changed in the laws over the last three years. Before I moved from one state to another I use to see a doctor if internal medicine. They seem more interested in you overall condition. Sorry to say where I live now I have to drive 30 + miles if I want see internal medicines doctors.
Avatar n tn There are two causes for pigmentation problems I know of -- melanin problems and liver problems. It's unlikely anything topical would completely take care of the problem without also tending to the internal cause, and exfoliating just takes off dead skin, it doesn't do anything about pigmentation, the cause of which is presumably under the outer layer of the skin.
Avatar f tn Thanks for your comment. Best wishes for your son. I imagine that at his age it was hard to diagnose. I'm not sure I'll like the new Endo I see in Feb. I saw him before and he hardly walked in the room. My Internal medicine doc told me he would manage it his self. Wll, now I'm going to a teaching University and they were blown away at how undertreated I'd been. I'mstarting to get hopful again. That's pretty good for me.
Avatar f tn I have recently been diagnosed with migraines and started with Frova which cause numbness in my feet, legs, arms, and fingers so I stopped taking it. Mr. doctor switched me to Treximet. It works wonderfully! I relieves the awful throbbing pain within 30-40 minutes and I don't have ANY side effects.
Avatar f tn I have been dealing with medical issues for months now. It started with my left ear popping like I was in an airplane and I would try "Popping it" per say and then it would go back to feeling full again. Then I started gagging speratically and my throat would feel like I was sort of choking. The dr. did a scope of my noise and throat and my aidnoids, throat, epiglotis are all swollen and my white bloodcell count is way up and my lymph nodes are swollen under my tongue.
644974 tn?1312758070 Are you trying to write a journal through the Journal interface or through the Tracker interface? On My MedHelp, on the Journals panel, you should see a link that says, Write a new journal entry. If you click that, you should see a form that has text boxes for Title, Journal Entry and Tags. Do you see that?
976084 tn?1270872439 I don't want to copy and paste what I wrote in my journal but if someone thinks they might want to help me can you please read it. Thank you for anyone who actually does...
Avatar m tn anyone else doing a pregnancy journal for their child to read once they're older?:) I've been pretty loyal to mine.:) I hope my son will enjoy and appreciate it once he is older.
Avatar n tn PART 1 According to 2015 Cornell University research published in a Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine research letter, moviegoers who watched tearjerkers ate up to 55 percent more popcorn than those who watched funny films, both in a lab and in a mall movie theater. “Sad feelings make us feel lonely,” says Susan Albers, Psy.D. So if you do watch a film with a not-so-happy theme, she advises doing so with a friend or loved one.
535882 tn?1396576685 I get that internal shaking and anxiety too, aswell as muscle jerks and twitches. So it's really good to see I'm not alone. I just started a post about the muscle bit and forgot to add the trembling, so I'm going back to do it now as they go together. I suffer with Sjogren's too and I want to know if these symptoms belong to thyroid or sjogren's. I'll let you know if I find anything out.