High protein foods other than meat

Common Questions and Answers about High protein foods other than meat


4776875 tn?1359048764 First, what are you eating? Lots of sugar? Or whole grains. Because carbohydrates give us energy, they just have to be the right ones. As for protein foods, keep in mind some people don't do well without meat, and B12 is hard to get without it. And that's important for energy. But beans of all kinds are wonderful sources of protein, as are nuts.
401095 tn?1351391770 Foods That Increase Your Dopamine And Norepinephrine Naturally! What we eat affects the formation of neurotransmitters, and some diet-related neurotransmitters have a significant affect on our mood, our appetite and our cravings. This in turn causes the brain to communicate in the form of an impulse (craving for certain foods) the need for certain neurotransmitters that it requires to restore balance.
Avatar f tn You can find out what percentage of protein is in the food that you are feeding and ask your vet if it is adequate or too high. Dogs are omnivores and do not need primarily meat diets and these high protein diets. I don't know that numbers off the top of my head, but you can probably find it online somewhere.
14652685 tn?1435693430 Some sources have more complete proteins than others, and some are more digestible than others, but protein is protein and protein is always made up of real amino acids -- that's what protein is. But supplements aren't cheaper than food. If you truly can't afford to buy basic food, it's time to look into government assistance. The only really inexpensive protein sources are beans.
3211536 tn?1359385569 Spinach and some other greens are high in iron, I think.
7177914 tn?1399518500 What are some foods that are high in protein besides chicken and beef? This pregnancy meat isnt sitting real well with me and I'm wondering if my lack of protein could be why I continuously keep getting sick... I've heard salmon, brussel sprouts, both I love, beans which I'm not a fan of... any other ideas lovlies?? I'm also hoping if I get more protein maybe I won't constantly feel like I haven't eaten in days... lol TIA!!!
568875 tn?1424397205 and i have severe swelling and the doc told me i need to be on high protein and low sodium diet. i have no idea where to begin looking for good snack ideas and easy meals. i cant seem to find really anything on google, so i was wondering if any of u ladies have this swelling problem and were put on this diet what did u do for snacks and meals...or if anyone just has any ideas i would greatly appreciate it.
Avatar f tn The types of food that you should be eating are those that are slow release, like porridge, brown rice, brown bread, chicken, fish, lean meat (not fried), vegetables and fruit, yogurt, eggs. Protein foods like meat, eggs, nuts and some pulses are slow release energy foods. Drinking water or herbal teas (without sugar and milk) will also help.
11988597 tn?1438629414 It's normal. My 1st I couldn't stand red meat. 2nd-was chicken, my husband couldn't even bring it in the house, the look, the smell, even the thought of it made my stomach turn. 3rd pregnancy (this 1) I couldn't eat much of anything the 1st trimester, other than saltines, ginger ale, and soup broth- due to morning sickness 24/7. It will get better, your still closer to the beginning of the pregnancy or just barely out of the first trimester.
Avatar n tn Sounds like you need extra protein, so maybe try adding to your diet eggs, cheese, chickpeas, other beans/legumes, some canned fish, fruit/veg smoothie with protein powder and plain yoghurt, nuts and seeds (I make up bliss balls to snack on as I don't like nuts and seeds by themselves, but once you add some dried fruit or a bit of honey, they are much more edible).
Avatar f tn m a vegetarian so I get my protein from tofu and other foods made from soy, beans, nuts, and dairy products. You don't know all the ingredients in the protein powder so I'd ask my doctor about it.
14616445 tn?1435501145 This is my 3rd and with my 1st 2 I went through stages of hating chicken and then beef. This time I had a short stage of hating all meat so I replaced it with nuts, legumes, and other foods with protein..even some tofu based "meat".
Avatar n tn If he likes pasta, then add meat or cream sauces to the pasta instead of plain tomato sauce or plain pasta. Add dry milk to oatmeal, mashed potatoes, gravies, creamed vegetables, and creamed soups (add additional meats to soups). Use all fat dairy products and no low fat foods so he gets the calories he needs. Mealtimes can be a battlefield when children do not have an interest to eating or eat very little. It becomes the battle of the wits between the child and the parents.
Avatar f tn I typically run high protein and have perfect uneventful pregnancies otherwise. (Just delivered Thurs). There can be many factors, but for me it was just my diet. In general I am a big meat, bean, all around protein eater and my body stores it longer, or digests it slower. So they will just watch and make sure it isnt something else causing it and if it levels out they'll make sure it isnt causing any other issues.
Avatar f tn Very very very normal in your first trimester and even Into your second. There are ways around it, I found protein shakes worked really good for me. Because the smell or thought of meat made me sick. Plus you can mix in veggies like spinach and other veggies the contain.protein and it doesn't taste like them. Try and eat protein rich foods, like beans! I couldn't stomach eggs until my third trimester. Read up on protein high foods.. it doesn't have to be just meat and dairy.
Avatar f tn t eat meat my entire 1st trimester.. i supplemented nuts and spinach and beans and other high protien foods. . I was able to eat meat again by the 2nd trimester..
Avatar n tn Also get your protein from lean whole foods like chicken breast, fish. Avoid protein sources that are high in saturated fat, such as fatty red meats and fried meats, as saturated fat raises your cholesterol and increases your risk for heart disease. If you go to my journal you will see a list of smoothies and protein bars.
Avatar m tn t need as much protein as many believe. All animal products have high protein, but also high fat, so you want to consider fat/protein ratio for health purposes. That makes fish a good source, since the fat in cold water wild fish is beneficial fat, while the fat in beef isn't. Lean meats such as venison or buffalo are much healthier than getting your protein from artificially fattened cows or chickens, so try to stick to naturally raised animals.
Avatar m tn Was advised by nutrtionist to eat three servings of red meat / week. I wonder why the need for red meet? Can I eat other forms of protein and get same effect?
Avatar n tn I differ with above in that I don't believe one size fits all. Some people are constitutionally suited to a high meat diet, others aren't. It's not the food as much as how well you digest the food that's the key. While simple carbs such as white flour turn to sugar quickly and then to fat if not burned quickly, whole carbs such as whole grains can be fine.
Avatar f tn m on a very strict nutritional program and typically eat two (6 ounce) servings of meat (chicken breast or eye of round) and 1-2 whey protein shakes per day. Different things I've read says that meat is to be limited to 5 ounces per day and no whey. Does anyone have any information on how our protein levels are reached with these limitations? I cannot eat nuts and one can only eat so many egg whites in a day.