
Heartburn causes damage

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn causes damage


Avatar f tn im going in for antireflux surgery next month and have suffered with severe heartburn for 6 yrs, my question is can it cause arm and hand pressure/pain as well as head pressure?
Avatar f tn do not lay down for an hr after eating n eat SMALL portion meals too much food sitting in ur stomach causes the acid in ur stomach to *** up which causes heartburn.. no spicy food nothin acidic!!
993545 tn?1249456679 This is an area where medication definitely makes the situation worse in the long run. And whether Buspar causes heartburn or not, anxiety can and often does cause digestive problems. Buspar more often causes nothing, including effects on anxiety, but hope you're one of the ones getting benefit from it. If not, it's the Buspar. Hasn't proven effective.
Avatar m tn i have damage to my heart from heart attacks w/o treatment, because i thought it was heartburn. now after 9 stents and 2 others needin cleaned out i,m wondering if there's any way to reverse the damage and prevent anymore attacks and stents. my last was placed 5 wks ago and been sick for last 3 wks. plus chest, neck, arm and stomach pains.
Avatar m tn what are other causes for the pancreas to become inflammed, to the point the pain sent me to the hospital, other than booze as I haven't drank heavily for years and now only have 1 or 2 drinks a month if that. the Doctors are persistant in saying that this is alcohol related but, I haven't had a drink in three weeks prior to this incodent. Please help me to understand!!! This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/522945'>pancreatitius</a>.
Avatar f tn I am ftm @ 15wks 3 days with twins. I have severe heartburn. Anything I eat or drink causes heartburn. I haven't ate since 6pm this evening and its now 1152 pm and my heartburn will not let me go to sleep. Do any of you suffer from this and what is recommended.
553878 tn?1226507294 I believe that current thought is that the virus may, to some degree, be cytopathic but the major damage to our liver is done by our immune system's response to the virus. If the virus was itself highly cytopathic we should see liver damage correspond closely to viral load - the more virus the more damage, if the virus, in and of itself, was highly cytopathic. We know that is not the case however.
Avatar f tn One cause of heartburn is celiac disease. This and lethargy were the ONLY symptoms my coworker was having. She's about 50 I guess. Her doctor checked her labs and she was positive for celiac disease. She had low levels of vitamin D and some other vitamins and minerals. No heartburn medicines were helping. Upper and lower endoscopy were done, and upper endoscopy showed the damage from the celiac disease. She went gluten-free.
535822 tn?1443976780 Marshmallow root is part of an herbal group called demulcents—soothing substances that quiet inflammation in mucous membranes, including those in your digestive tract and esophagus. Demulcents actually coat, soothe, protect, and repair your mucosal membranes, which heartburn can irritate and damage. 3 to 5 g of the Nature’s Way product, two to three times a day. Other good demulcents include aloe vera gel and deglycyrrhizinated licorice.
Avatar f tn Most of the time acid/heartburn is from the foods you eat plus baby pushes everything up and it causes it too I had heartburn every single day from 5 months till I had my daughter she had a head full of thick long black hair but doesn't mean it's true
Avatar f tn After taking some higher doses of ibuphofen for a back injury, I started to have heartburn where my whole abdominal area from stomach to intestines felt on fire and I began having yellow stools. This has been going on for 2 months and I have lost 17 pounds. I was put on omeprazole which helped with the burning for a little while and then seemed to stop working. They tried ranitidine and it didn't work at all. Now I am on protonix 40mg twice a day.
Avatar n tn ( Try bot to lay down right after a meal either, that can aggravate heartburn symptoms.
Avatar n tn Now its hurting her so much at times that it causes her to throw up and when she does throw up it follows with bleeding nose, What should I do?
Avatar m tn For myself, it causes depression, nervousness, and several other symptoms. In turn, this causes me to have "nervous stomach". I get heartburn everyday, unless I take Maximum Strength Pepcid. I have been scoped and I did not have acid reflux or any damage to my esophagus. Lately I have been frequently feeling light headed after I have eaten a meal and become very full.
1943416 tn?1324166761 I have been suffering 2days with heartburn I've had heart burn for some months now and I can burn non stop witch I find weird might b my gallbladder idk but I just got fed up rite now and I need help and support I made my self bomit earlyer to see if I can drow u0p the acid I did trow it up but I still have heart burn I need advice I've drank milk n it helps for half n hour I want this gone plz feel free to comment
11306955 tn?1417053458 can anyone tell me if heartburn can cause palpitation, sweating, anxiety and dizzy spell? please =( i'm so afraid and tired of this condition.
Avatar f tn Hi I am having spasms about at the point of my breastbone I can feel it starting it gets worse and worse I can feel the pain go straight thru to my back,,this happens mostly on a empty stomach and I drink water then bear down and try to burp real hard and that seems to stop it,,,it hurts bad what the hell isit? I don't have gerd or not that I know of No reflux or sour stomach heartburn,,,none..I have been on opiates for years for sever back issues,,maybe that is doing damage?
Avatar f tn m only curious to how taking it before sleep will affect my sleep / nighttime heartburn and my body overall. Not when it's advised to be taken. I plainly want to know about it's effects when taking it before sleep not before dinner. Just 10-15 minutes before laying down and trying to fall asleep.
Avatar f tn m 19 weeks pregnant and I have had a terrible head cold (coughing,sneezing, sore throat and a runny nose). But on top of it all I have had horrible heartburn does any one know.of.any home remedies to help.with this?
Avatar f tn Does anyone else here have just ridiculously unending heartburn? I mean everything gives me heartburn. Even water. And the most ridiculous thing about it is, it's when I'm sitting up. Not when I'm laying down! Someone told me my is hairy? Lol I'm almost 9 weeks.
Avatar m tn There are so many causes for acid reflex damage, there are no real internet cures. For example, I had a bowel obstruction that caused some very violent vomiting, which literally destroyed my LES valve, allowing acid to enter my stomach. In a very short period of time, the enamel of my teeth started dissolving, think a couple of weeks, and my vocal chords simply burned up.