Graves disease causes effects

Common Questions and Answers about Graves disease causes effects


Avatar f tn my son was a newly diagnosed "graves disease" pt. he was given tatazole tablet 5mg. to be taken after breakfast for one month, what are the side effect of tatazole, the things he have to avoid and if you can give me more/additional information about the disease. thanks!
Avatar n tn Has your doctor told you, you have Graves Disease? Yes, your TSH is extremely low and your FT4 is extremely high, indicating that you are hyper, but your antibody tests indicate Hashimoto's. TSI is the definitive test for Graves Disease and I don't see that listed. Have you been put on antithyroid med?
Avatar n tn The medical community seems to be happy with treating the symptoms and not looking for the causes - big pharma would lose money if many causes for disease were found. The leading thyroid association voice for Dr's is almost invisibly owned by the makers of Synthroid (hypo T4 med). So were srcewed from the start.
1576249 tn?1296087202 About a year ago I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism caused by graves disease(which causes metabolic problems, mood, anxiousness, insomnia, fast heart rate), in the last few months my thyroid is in remission so I was taken off anti-thyroid medications. Within the last month or so my depression has become unbearable but im still having maniac episodes, which can range from panic attacks to irrational behavior. Two weeks ago my family doctor said I am bipolar.
Avatar f tn Anxiety and irritability A fine tremor of the hands or fingers Heat sensitivity and an increase in perspiration or warm, moist skin Weight loss, despite normal eating habits Enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter) Change in menstrual cycles Erectile dysfunction or reduced libido Frequent bowel movements Bulging eyes (Graves' ophthalmopathy) Fatigue Thick, red skin usually on the shins or tops of the feet (Graves' dermopathy) Rapid or irregular heartbeat (palpitations) Sleep disturban
Avatar m tn The side effects it causes are reversable after birth. Untreated Graves side effects include death of fetus so no thinking, "I'll go off my meds to protect my baby". Exspect lots of ultrasounds and being treated as a high risk pregnancy. When you do conceive get a call into the OB mucho-pronto stressing that you are hyperthyroid. In most cases they will want you in there early to run labs and get a base line. The amount of PTU that crosses in breast milk is minimal. (about 0.
Avatar n tn Question if anyone knows- once Graves eye disease is done is it gone forever? Will the swelling and eye problems come back?
1947744 tn?1324328420 In answer to your question- One reason is that maybe you have Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroid disease. In this disease, your body develops antibodies which attack your thyroid gland. As the antibodies continually attack your thyroid, you will lose thyroid function over time, in which would cause you to need an increase in meds. It would be most helpful to see your most recent lab results. That is quite a jump in dosage for your Dr. to throw you on without doing it gradually.
Avatar f tn Something we did not expect was him having Aortic Stenosis. Graves Disease causes numerous symptoms so we thought it was the disease causing his heart problems. He just took the treatment for the Graves so it's going to be a month or so before the treatment starts to show some results. He has another test scheduled next week with an Interventional Cardiologist. I've read alot of material on Graves Disease and Aortic Stenosis, but I have not found any material on having both diseases.
Avatar f tn I have been on tamoxifen for almost a year now and still have hot flashes, vaginal dryness and itching, leg pain and swelling. I also take synthroid (after treatment of graves disease years ago). My OB/GYN suggested an antidepressant for the hot flashes and vaginal dryness, but I've since heard that it can reduce the effects of Tamoxifen. Is there anything I can do about the weight/swelling and/or the hot flashes.
Avatar n tn He was diagnosed with gastroparesis recently. He has a positive small bowel biopsy, intraepithial lymphocytosis. Graves disease runs in the family, paternal grandmother. Please help! He can't go to school and has to quit his beloved soccer. Thank you.
Avatar f tn My mother has graves disease and went through the RAI. It caused her to have the Graves Eye Disease, and left her open to other autoimmune diseases. She has lupus now and really bad arthritis. I know we are two different people, but she is only 50 and just had a hip replacement. I dont want to end up like my mother. I have been trying everything to get as healthy as I can. I started running 6 months ago, but they made me stop because of my heart rate.
Avatar n tn I believe the hallmark of Graves Disease or Hashi's is antibodies...however, an upatke scan also helps confirm the disease. My Paternal and Maternal Grandmother's had Graves Disease and my mother has Hashi's...I wound up with Graves Disease but mine showed up at 22...their's did not show until into their 40's...strange little process autoimune thyroid disease is...
110220 tn?1309306861 I was diagnosed with Graves disease and I have read everything regard the disease and what I find most fearful is the eye issues that can result with Graves Disease. many articles indicate only 30% of people with Graves disease have issues with their eyes. Is this correct? I am seeing an eye doctor in a couple of weeks? I do feel grit in one of my eyes from time to time. This is pretty nerve racking.
110220 tn?1309306861 I was recently diagnosed with Graves Disease. No one in my immediate family has had thyroid issues. I have experienced a tremendous amount of stress over the last year. I have read that stress could be a factor with hyperthyroid. While I wasn't thrilled when I learned of my disorder, I was relieved to know that I wasn't going crazy or I wasn't about to die. My resting heart rate 115, I couldn't write, I was nervous and jittery 24 hours a day.
Avatar f tn Similarly, sarcoidosis of the thyroid gland may develop in response to an established thyroid disorder including Gravesdisease, nodular goiter, and thyroid cancer. Patients with Gravesdisease may also have concomitant conditions of sarcoidosis affecting the lungs. Patients with systemic sarcoidosis may also develop sarcoid lesions in various organs including the thyroid gland.
Avatar f tn "Hypoechoic" means it appears darker on the ultrasound than the surrounding tissue. Hypoechoic when used to describe a single thyroid nodule compared to surrounding tissues has a higher probability of being malignant, however, when the entire thyroid gland is described as hypoechoicit often indicates an inflammatory thyroid disease such as Graves or Hashimoto's. Heterogeneous echotexture is usually found in patients with Graves or Hashimoto's as well.