
Gabapentin dosage anxiety

Common Questions and Answers about Gabapentin dosage anxiety


7827044 tn?1399391443 For a couple of months I have bad depression and anxiety. Last week I saw my psychiatric and she increased my gabapentin from 300 mg to 400 mg three times a day and my depression and anxiety attacks improved, was feeling like myself again. Well last night I was happy and energetic, playing with my children and dancing around. I sat at my computer and all the sudden felt very dizzy and light headed. Not the normal occasional light headed feeling, this was severe.
1740498 tn?1328962585 I'm going from 600 mg 1x day of gabapentin to 600 mg 3x day. I think that I can't just jump it like that. What has worked for you? My PCP did the increase not my [useless] neuro, and he didn't say I need to increase slowly. I'm just assuming that... since the guy who put me on 600 mg had me start with 300 for a few days then 600.
Avatar f tn I have tried multiple meds such as antidepressants and Gabapentin... always have had multiple side effects. Things like heart palpitation's, anziety and vision troubles. I can take xanax and Soma with no problems. My question is "could it be the Armour Thyroid that I take that causes the trouble?" I also have a movement disorder labeled as tremors/non-epileptic seizures which also gets worse with antidepressants.
Avatar m tn However, I seem to have unknowingly gotten myself in a different jam so to speak. My husband passed away February 2015. I handled the anxiety for almost 2 years til January 2017 when I finally asked my nurse practitioner for help. I was very adamant on "nothing narcotic or controlled." She understood and we agreed on low dose of gabapentin. I want to stress, I don't abuse it and only take what is prescribed.
Avatar f tn Has anyone expierence swelling of the face with gabapentin? I know it can be a side effect. My question is; Is this an allergic reaction or is the dosage too much? Actually my face feels stiff at times and cheeks get sore. If it is the gabapentin, what would be the alternative? Thank you med help family........
Avatar m tn For gabapentin, the person who fails to decrease dosage over time risks having seizures - even if they never had them before. The decreasing dosage should be prescribed by your doctor just as he was the one to determine your initial dosing schedule and any increases along the way.
Avatar f tn One, have they and ARE they helping to control your anxiety? Two, what is your alternate plan for addressing the anxiety? Are you in therapy? The only issue with stopping the meds is that we get into a sense of false security that we don't "need" them anymore, or we want to "tough it out" on our own...only to have some pretty awful rebound anxiety as a result. I've done this to myself a few times....
Avatar m tn Most of the individuals described in these reports had a history of poly-substance abuse or used Gabapentin to relieve symptoms of withdrawal from other substances. When prescribing Gabapentin carefully evaluate patients for a history of drug abuse and observe them for signs and symptoms of Gabapentin misuse or abuse (e.g. development of tolerance, self-dose escalation, and drug-seeking behavior).
Avatar f tn I had an episode of burning on my forhead and cheeks and pins and needle feelings in which I started Gabapentin for. Over a 4 week period I gradually increased the dosage to what I am on now, 300mg three times daily. This seems to help greatly with the nerve pain but I started after 2 weeks to develop a very itchy neck, ear lobe, and face. My face sometimes looked like it was burned. Im just wondering if anyone has had this while taking Gabapentin.
1168718 tn?1464983535 I'm on a low dosage of Gabapentin and I haven't experience weight gain. My sister and an aunt of mine, was on it, and did. They were at a high dosage right from the start. My aunt had to be taken off the drug because her weight gain was due to swelling she was experiencing from a side effect of taking Gabapentin. My sister had a similar situation. Once my sister was off the drug, the swelling went away.
6937315 tn?1386287618 Has anyone ever been put on gabapentin for severe anxiety/panic disorder? My doctor just prescribed it for me to help ween me off xanax that I've been on for 7 years. Was wondering if this has ever helped anyone?
620877 tn?1282764097 I think my vision changed slightly as the dosage of gabapentin was changed, so I had to update glasses a few times. Catching the vision change thing for me reduced the ongoing feeling of dizziness because it was just the need for different glasses. There's room for it to be a coincidental age thing, but eye exams showed changes matched dosage changes. Noticed certain fluorescent lights take time to adjust to, but can't say if it is connected to gaba.
Avatar f tn ve been having them for maybe 8 weeks now. I am on Gabapentin 900 mg x3 per day but found out that it was the Gabapentin causing the anxiety state, heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, as well as the zaps of anxiety that plunges my eyes open right when I am drifting into sleep. You situation may be that it was one of your medication causing this.
Avatar m tn I was prescribed gabapentin after surgery, for the nerve pain I was having in my legs. The dosage was gradually increased to 600 mg, three times a day. It really did the trick. The doctor told me i would be on the meds for about 6 mos. Over the last 10 days I have been gradually decreasing the dosage and am now on 1 600mg tablet at night. Has anybody had trouble getting to sleep at night and if yes, what did you do?
Avatar m tn I have never taken gabapentin. What is it that you don't like about it? There are other medications for sleep that you could try. I take klonopin for sleep but that is habit forming and I'm certain after all these years I'm hooked on it so I'm not advocating this drug in particular but just saying there may be other medications for sleep that may work better for you.
293157 tn?1285873439 Because I seem to be responding better to this latter drug, I am now slowly weaning off the gabapentin. I guess if the pain increases as I go off the gabapentin, this will tell me it was helping more than I realized. I have no side effects from the gabapentin, even at such a high dose. I do find the 50mg amitriptyline makes me very drowsy, and may need to scale it back to 40mg if this side effect continues.
1218873 tn?1300091216 My consultant asked my GP to over see the swap over to Lyrica. So this is the plan. This means to begin with lowering the gabapentin dose by 300mg every 3 days (I'm on 1800mg at the moment) and then when I'm down to 600mg of gabapentin a day I start to add the pregabalin 75mg to begin with then upping it every 3 days till I reach 300mg a day at the same time still reducing the gabapentin to zero. Hope that makes sense.
1983221 tn?1333506185 Gabapentin is a challenge to adapt to, requiring very small and widely spaced dosage increases, but it's worked pretty well for me for a.long time.
Avatar n tn I was taking Gabapentin 300 mg for extreme nerve pain in my foot, it worked like magic for approx. 3 months then stopped being effective. Any Thoughts - Reasons?
Avatar m tn Hello, I am new to this group. I have had more than 85 blood tests since I was diagnosed with Lyme in July of 2014. All have been negative. I have been on may drugs for pain and currently on Gabapentin for vocal cord/coughing issues and leg pain (knee, calf, left side back). I don't think it is helping much. Is anyone else on Gabapentin?
Avatar f tn Could gabapentin change up the sensation like this? Or can I figure that the gabapentin has done nothing, and my body is just switching it up? The gabapentin couldn't CAUSE the nerve pain, could it? I am totally thrilled to've gotten rid of the freaky patches. However, it'd be nice to see the pain go too now! My doctor increased my dose to 600 mg a day now, and so, I guess what I'm wondering is, does this dose sound large enough to be effective?
Avatar m tn Hey folks, I think the regulars here know my story. I had a very odd reaction to stopping Paxil over three and a half years ago, and I've never gotten over what happened. Basically, I was being treated for panic attacks, and ended up with constant anxiety, stifling depression, huge anticipatory anxiety, and worse phobia problems.