
Divorce laws of pa

Common Questions and Answers about Divorce laws of pa


Avatar f tn I'm not sure of the laws but I will give you my experience I live in Missouri and was honest with my doctor and told him I smoked but once I found out I was pregnant I stopped and to give me thirty days and I would be clean. He told me the doctors office doesn't Check that and I need to worry about the hospital that they will check at birth to just make sure I was clean when I delivered my baby. Which wasn't a big deal since I quit when I found out.
Avatar f tn m still legally married to someone else and he refusing to file for divorce. I served him paper two years ago but signed them to late. SHOULD I tell him about the baby in hopes that he will then file for divorce. Or just let him discover my growing baby.
10707428 tn?1415569790 id seek legal advice to confirm all this but i think as much as getting the hell out of there seems appealing it could back fire on once divorce proceedings start. and im assuming you have your dr. or midwife where you live now. i wouldn't interrupt your prenatal care now.
Avatar f tn I love him in a caring way but not an intimate way. Hes a type of person who gets hurt very easily, and I want to know how bad of an idea would it be if I told him I had been seeing someone for 7 months?.... Yeah I know that sounds like a STUPID question. But it may be the only way for him to let me leave him. But how would that work with custody for our child. My friends have told me that, that won't matter in divorce court.
Avatar f tn Luckily my x n I are n agreement over everything in our divorce and we are pushing the divorce before i start showing on the advice of a mutual attorney friend. Each state has different laws regarding the situation. Good luck.
Avatar n tn In the divorce paperwork they will set visitation. Idk what the laws are where you are but here in KY you can not file for divorce until the child is born. You can file for legal separation but that is it. I would go ahead and call a lawyers and see what the rules are in your area. You may be able to file but not go to court until after baby is here. In divorce papers they will set up child support, visitation, medical support for baby etc.
475300 tn?1312423126 Well I just found out that malpractice laws in Pa are this......A person has 7 years from when it happened (or) a patient SHOULD have been informed that they (me) were positive for hep C to file suite. My GP tested me in 1997 and never told me & that has really been bothering me that I could have done many things a lot differently. He treated me for everything under the sun, physical therapy, fibromyalgia, and I always had elevated liver enzymes, he even had an ultrasound done on my liver.
730826 tn?1317943334 She said she would sign over custodial rights to my and hubby but Im having difficulty finding the process of where to start. Everything I find when I google it, comes up with something regarding divorce if it was our child. Darn canadian laws. Any thoughts anyone?
11928406 tn?1431049111 That's horrible apparently she is caring as much as she should, I used to live in pa I'm now on the border of pa an conneaut I'll look up laws out there for you, I'll pm u details, your right that a basement is no place for you or the baby
Avatar f tn So i dont understand some of the things people say.. Theyll tell me " u need to sleep as much as u can b4 the baby comes" but when i take a nap, they tell my husband am lazy. Or my husbands dog. Shel get loose and leave. And they always expect me to go chase after her. Am due in 2days. Yeah i want to have my baby already but geeze am not going to chase after a dog.. Even so the dog comes back on her own.. Why does people have to be like this..
Avatar f tn Even though you guys have that understanding of not being together he can still use it to get whatever he wants out of the divorce because in the court of law you are still married.
82861 tn?1333453911 I showed the PA the cut half of the 50 mcg patch and explained how I tapered by trimming off bits of the patch every 3 days. He just about cracked himself up laughing. He said these office visits usually go the other way with patients wanting more and more and more drugs, and that I made his day asking for less. And there he was unable to change the scrip! So, we left it at 50 mcgs and I'll just continue to cut them. It's just as well this scrip will last two months.
Avatar n tn i havnt told him my pregnant because im fearing he will try to take the baby away from me because im poor. he doesnt even take care of his own son. im the one stuck taking care of him while hes at work all day. hes a truck driver. what should i do. part of me wants to leave him and not tell him anything but another knows its wrong.
3236191 tn?1451021479 How many of you have ever decided to not have any goals in life because you've been beaten down too much by life to have the energy to have any? Is this a sign I'm getting depressed? I haven't been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or depression or any mood disorder of the kind (except anxiety) but I thought it would be appropriate to ask people who experience depression regularly. I'm going to be going through a divorce so... yeah...
590110 tn?1367506741 I would ask your ob, cause some states do have certain laws for it. Like I'm in CA I'm 24 and this is my 3rd child. I'm having a tubal cause 1: we don't want anymore kids, 2: my body cannot handle more c sections or pregnancies.
Avatar f tn The problem is about EXPECTATIONS!! We expect too much from our in laws at the time of pregnancy. We want them to care us like our mother n father but we have to remember they are our in laws not our real parents. Our parents gave so much love to us so we expect same from others. I used to feel same when I am still 35 weeks pregnant but now I am used to it and expect less from my MIL..
Avatar f tn s like his mother is jealous that we are have our OWN family and we do not need her. She is type of that likes to be center of attention. And the "I know about that....I know how to do that......I know.....etc.
Avatar f tn I am in the process of filling for divorce we have been seperated a long time i have been with my bf the dad since jan. I am due end of dec and was wondering if my divorce isnt finalized by then will there be any issues?
Avatar f tn My hubby as always been a sweetheart and done everything for us. I have. 1 year old daughter with him. Ive been tellig him alot lately that all he does is be on his phone or chat with his old "female" friend that they just got in contact again i guess. And idk if is my hormones but am feeling extremly depress and can't stop crying. We just moved to PA last summer and i have noone to talk to and he decides to leave to ny this morning and been out all day.
Avatar f tn I've done a really stupid thing. See my father in law and mother in law are divorced but they are on good terms about it. My father in law has been dating this women for over a year, they have had a very rocky relationship. Despite that though when we go over there I talk with her a lot and were kinda close.
4528412 tn?1357069833 t like the tension between the two of you and would like to get to the bottom of it. Ask her to honestly tell you why she is so hard on you...tell her you want BOTH of you to work on making things better. That atmosphere is not healthy for anyone, most certainly not the young child. Don't be accusatory and finger point, just tell her you really want to sit down and talk.
Avatar f tn Everything was fine and my in-laws took extreme care of me and were happy. But in my 4th month of pregnancy, they all of a sudden asked me if I know the sex of the baby in my womb and they asked me to go to some small hospitals and check it. I didnt understand why they were saying so. But I didnt do it. Later in the fifth month, they insisted me to check and they said they will agree to let me stay at home only if I give birth to a boy baby.
Avatar f tn m going through a much needed divorce, it should be final in September when I get my divorce decree. The DF and I are living here in Iowa as of now, but as soon as my divorce is final I am wanting to move back home to Michigan. However moving costs a lot of money these days, especially when moving out of state. I don't know what would be best for my family at this point.
Avatar f tn Hi all! I have a fiance who is divorced with a 4 yr old son. Over the course of my time with my fiance, our relationship has remained strong and we have a great bond. His family, however, has done everything in their power to ruin what we have. I fault my fiance and his ex for providing the grandmother with too much time with the grandchild and now grandma can't seem to distinguish that she's just a grandmother and not the mother of this child.
Avatar m tn We live in SC and the divorce laws are sticky here. I am not sure how much a divorce will cost me or how I will deal with life being "single." The guy I am in a relationship with is in the army. It just gets more and more complicated. I am not sure what to do. I want to leave my husband to be with my boyfriend, but I am unsure of the unknown of what will happen once I tell my husband. I dont think I can tell him Im cheating on him bc my BF is in the army. Not sure how that works.
Avatar n tn I've not heard of this. But I'm from the states. Are there laws in your country that worry you?
Avatar f tn I appreciate your comments, specialmom. It has been hard for a long time and, as much as I know that it can't continue, I'm very afraid of losing my in-laws who are like my own family. I have no family close and just feel so alone in this situation. Thanks again.