
Colon cancer young

Common Questions and Answers about Colon cancer young


Avatar m tn I also am having problems finding info on polyps found in young adults. I am 31 and 2 years ago was having problems with some blood in my stool, ignored it for a couple of months then went and had a sigmoidoscopy done. They found 2 small polyps (benign) which is good. But I am not sure when to go back to get tested again.
Avatar m tn t go away so he went for a colon test and it came back that he had sigmo colon cancer and had a colon resection on 12/26/07 and now is going through CHIMO I have taken him to a cancer hospital in new york and they said the same they said here in Illinois.
280234 tn?1532986249 Hi Annie, thanks for your reply. I'm sorry that you had to deal with that at age 35. I hope you are doing well now. There isn't a family history in our family either that I know of, but my mom & dad are both in the early 50s, and haven't had colonoscopies. My GI doctor has told me that they need to have one very soon, since I have adenomas. I know colon cancer doesn't care what age you are.
Avatar m tn Family history when one presents with colon cancer this young is extremely important. We have FAP in our family, and it wasn't until my brother-in-law was diagnosed with colon cancer at 38 and died that we learned this. Back then this was known as Gardner's Syndrome, an orphan disease. Now they know it's part of FAP. My husband died 2 years later from colon cancer because they didn't know enough to check him.
1506428 tn?1290113504 People who develop colon cancer at a young age like yourself usually have an hereditary colon disease in the family like FAP ( Familial Adenomatous Polyposis). There are two forms, one is where thousands of polyps develop in the colon between the age of 8 and the teen years. With the attenuated form, polyps develop slowly and just a few at a time. With one cancer develops by their late 30's, the other by their 40's. It is very rare for one your age to develop polyps.
Avatar n tn I am told that polyps grow very slowly. No family history of colon cancer, my parents, aunts and uncles have all been screened and are clear. My grandmother did have several polyps removed but not until she was in her 50s or 60s and has never had them reoccur. I don't drink, smoke, eat relatively healthy and am not obese.
Avatar m tn I am a 42 year old male about 50lbs over weight and I have been working with my doctor since 2/09 to address Accelerated High Blood Pressure. I continued to have symptoms of Accelerated High Blood Pressure after being prescribed an aggressive medication regiment. I was then referred to a Internal Medicine Doctor who changed/reduced the proscribed medications. During a office visit we discussed abdominal discomfort I had been having.
Avatar f tn Looking at the most pessimistic side, there are (very rare) cases mentioned on Medhelp where colon cancer has been detected in patients as young as early 20's. With your family's history of colon cancer, my inclination would be to consult a G.I. specialist and request a colonoscopy - and then to ask at what intervals you should be re-examined. You may be accused of being over-anxious but you are the patient.
Avatar m tn At your age, unless you have a family history of Colon Cancer it would be quite rare. Stop reading about Colon Cancer online as it will only stress you out! Go to your doctor and get checked out. Could very well be hemorroids and IBS, or other non-life threatening diseases. Either way get it checked, but Colon Cancer would be quite rare.
Avatar f tn Thanks for your input I am for sure going to get this taken care of with a specialist but I do have close family ties with colon cancer a grandpa who died of colon cancer at 70 and a father with polops at 50 (sp) I know that this is a bit far fetched but it does have me worried. I will let you know what I find out. I pray that its indeed what you mentioned and not anything more. Thanks!!!
Avatar f tn My husband has just been diagnosed with Colon cancer on Wednesday, his surgeon wanted to admit him right away but stated he needed more testing before surgery. Is having a chest xray and CT scan normal testing before the surgery or should I prepare for news that the cancer has spread. I need to know because I don't want to be too upset when we meet the surgeon again this Wednesday. Any help I would greatly appreciate. Thank you in advance.
Avatar f tn This is still young for colon old is your mom?
Avatar m tn Whats the chance of me getting colon and anal cancer??I will be 30 September 20th 2011.Dont have any cancer in my family from what my mom says.I dont smoke.I drink rarley now.I workout once in a blue moon.
Avatar n tn You are very young for cancer and your symptoms sound more like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). This causes alternating diarrhea with constipation, stomach pain and the feeling that you need to "go" but can't. With the straining you have done, it's hard to believe you don't have hemorrhoids, I wouldn't rule this out just yet. It's always best to see a Gastroenterologist when you have any concerns about intestinal problems.
Avatar m tn At age 29 you are very young to have developed colon cancer although very occasionally it can be demonstrated below the usual age range 40/50+. You should seek medical advice preferably from a G.I. specialist and, unless the doctor can definitely assure you that the cause is minor (e.g. anal fissure, hamemorrhoids etc) I suggest that you request a colonoscopy - and maybe also at the same time - an endoscopy.
Avatar n tn Hi, even though it is rare for an young person to have colon cancer, it can happen. I am an 18-year female, and I noticed blood in my stool for about 6 months before I said anything to my parents and doctor. The first doctor I went to told me I just had hemorrhoids without doing an exam. This was obviously not the case, because I would have felt hemorrhoids. My dad took me then to a different doctor who performed an exam and ruled out hemorrhoids.
Avatar n tn My dad had colon cancer & Im wondering when I should begin to get check ups? Im 32 years old... Thanks...
Avatar m tn I suggest you also post your question on the gastrointerology forum to get more responses. You are quite young to have colon cancer. Do you have a family history of the disease? What is your diet like? Do you exercise? Try to include information like that.
Avatar n tn Well 16 is kind of young for colon cancer but it's not impossible! I have almost the same symptoms and they started when I was pregnant! I had bad indigestion, constipation, loose stools, thinner stools, I've even had blood on my stool a few times! The dr told me I had internal hemmroids but Im suppose to have a colonoscopy June 8th to be safe. I am very scared just like u that I have colon cancer! But I will let u know the results!
Avatar m tn s side was my grandmother and her colon cancer (there are five living children of grandma no cancer) and the only cancer that I can think of on my mom's side is my great grandmother had breast cancer in her 70s.
Avatar f tn Of course, you are kind of young to have colon cancer. Most people are 50 and older before they get this type of cancer.
Avatar m tn It's extremely rare to have colon cancer at such a young age, but you need to see a doctor about this to put your mind at ease. There are many non-serious things that can cause your symptoms and catching anything early is always best. At what age did your parents have colon cancer? You should see a Gastroenterologist for an evaluation as this is their specialty and go from there.