
Cat allergies mold

Common Questions and Answers about Cat allergies mold


Avatar n tn Turned out it was a mold problem we had in the house. Prior to determining it was a mold problem, I installed an Ultra-Violet light in the return air duct of our heating system and set the furnace fan to run continuously, and her problem largely disappeared. I am in the heating, cooling, and ventilation business, and UV lights were a new concept. We found out that we had a bad mold problem behind our kitchen cabinets when we remodeled, and corrected it.
Avatar f tn Something I hadn’t done in 12 years. Then I started to get allergies to everything. Food, cat, dog. Everything I went near I had a reaction to. Then I couldn’t be around any perfume or smells or I would get a severe asthma attack. I couldn’t go into my apartment for more than 15 minutes without coughing and my eyes itching and just being miserable. I stopped eating all yeast and sugar and ate only vegetables and protein. Still….no help. The smallest little thing would set me off.
Avatar n tn A lot of people think you need to see mold, but in small amounts mold spors are translucent and odorless. You only see them when they get really bad, but once you see them that means they are everywhere, and contrary to popular belief you can not clean mold. You have to remove whatever it's on completely. Again i couldnt see mine, but i had to sell my house and it followed me, come to find out my furniture, shoes, clothes, even electronics, everything I owned was contaminated with mold.
Avatar f tn Does any who suffer from mold allergies know what molds are in Mold Mix 1 and Mold Mix 2? I noticed on my allergy test I’m a 3+ for Mold Mix 1 and a 2+ for Mold Mix 2, but it doesn’t specify what those molds are. I called my allergist and was told that I could come in to get the list, but it’s in another city. I really didn’t want to drive there if I didn’t have to. I asked if it could be emailed and I was told no.
Avatar n tn My mother suggested that her problem could be related to a mold allergy, since it started soon after our basement was severely flooded (this is the cat’s favorite place to sleep even now). The vets brushed this idea off because they said mold allergies are not an issue in our climate (we live in Central Massachusetts). I would really appreciate any advice or suggestions anyone might have on this—mold, allergy, asthma, or anything else! Thanks so much!
Avatar n tn any up dates I am interested in home insepection its not so expensive...I am betting they find something,,have there been changes in the home enviorment any remodeling that may of release trapped molds? also do you get carpets cleaned often ...there is a link between that and Kawasakis syndrome..
203342 tn?1328737207 I’ve been tested in the past for dogs and cats and did react, especially to cats, and I do have dogs and a cat but I’ve had them for several years and I don’t usually hold the cat because I’ve noticed I’ll get really congested around her and get a rash on my forearms. I’ve covered mattresses and pillows with zippered covers so I wouldn’t think it would be dust mites, either, and I live in a dry climate.
Avatar f tn Says his throat hurts, dr decided he had some sort of reflux then and allergies. Now he has always had allergies but I never knew allergies to cause all the rest of this stuff. So came home with more meds. A few days later we were back at the drs office, she sent us to the hospital for blood work this time to check for mono and pneumonia.
Avatar f tn Mold allergies can give you all of the above symptoms. I have snow mold allergies, mold allergies, and allergic to the worst mold of all...penicillin. lol I can't take allergy pills as they either make me sick or put me to sleep ( so much for non-drowzy ) so I take the baby liquid allergy medicine. No gluten in it. I really feel for you. Have your ears and eyes tested, just to make sure the dizziness isn't being caused by either of those. Keep us posted. And good luck.
Avatar m tn About five months ago, I also had problems with blurred vision and massive migraines that lasted two months- I got a cat scan and was tested for diabetes - everything was normal. The blurred vision and migraines have gone away, but I'm still having the vulva/anal irritation. One thing I never did tell the doctors I have been to was that I had taken massive amounts of psychedelic mushrooms over a three day period within a week of the onset of my symptoms.
1566037 tn?1304298609 s food is not stored in an airtight container it could contain extra moisture which could cause mold to grow on the food. She would then be ingesting mold, and thus defecating it later on. Not all molds are highly dangerous, however, but it can impact your cats gastrointestinal health adversely over time. If there is a chance that her food could be moldy, please change her food and discard the old food.
Avatar m tn Even if you do not have previous allergic reaction to the cat, the cat can still indirectly cause your allergies to flare up. Aside from possible reaction to the shampoo used by the animal, other allergen such as pollen, mold, and other allergens may be responsible and these can stick to the cat's fur.Antihistamine medication may help provide relief. If it persists, you may need to have this checked by your doctor for proper evaluation. Take care and do keep us posted.
203342 tn?1328737207 Actually, being allergic to cat hair of any length is quite rare. The more common cat allergy is to various proteins contained in cat saliva. These proteins can be deposited on hair and skin when the cat grooms itself and then become airborne when hair or dander (dead skins cells are shed. More likely the symptoms are from dust, mold, and other debris that get kicked out into the house when you first few times the central heating system kicks in.
Avatar f tn My boyfriend (23yr old male) has been experiencing nausea and vomiting (usually around 7am) and headaches for about a week now. His headaches are pretty constant, but come and go in regards to intensity. He says whenever he moves his head or bends over the pain intensifies. We've considered migraines and food allergies, but neither of these seem to fit. I, on the other hand (23 yr old female), have been having a lot of respiratory and allergy problems for the past few weeks.
Avatar n tn Having several allergies, including many outdoors one (trees, grass, mold, and oas resulting) as well as some food allergies, and also pet allergies, i finally went to see an allergist earlier this year. He prescribed veramist for my seasonal allergies and suggested that i take a combination of NASALCROM(nasal), PATADAY(eyes), and intol (chest), ten minutes before entering a home with cats. Initially i saw great results with no allergies for about 3 or 4 hours.
Avatar f tn Because too rain cleans allergens from the air it is better not worse. Well except for mold allergies for mold grows with wet air. But even that takes time. A wet spring will bring more mold spore in summer. I could be wrong. This is off the cuff. I had no prior knowledge of worse allergy when it's wet out.
Avatar f tn It could be mold, My husband and I lived in house infested with mold for a while without knowing it and my sister stayed with us often with her being allergic to mold and she and I had both have asthma. I stayed sick ALL the time with Respiratory problems I mean I was constantly staying at my doctors office.
Avatar f tn I realize that normally these do not come up suddenly. I know that I had allergies to 2 trees, some mold, and slight reaction to dogs when I was younger (would suffer from sinus headaches and sneezing at the most), but this is severe. On Jan. 4th I woke up one day to my face being swollen, my eyes were huge, and I couldn't breathe (short of breathe, and throat was swollen). I never before had had this severe of a reaction.
Avatar f tn Now that a lot more is known about second-hand smoke, I'm really curious if when I got married to a smoker if that didn't bring on my allergies. Within 1.5 years of being married and living with a smoker, I all of sudden developed severe allergies where I was waking up every 30 minutes because my nose was completely closed up. I became allergic to the world, there's no place I can move to alleviate it.